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A post written for the public interest based on what I felt after selling it carefully

이넨넹 2024-06-23 (일) 20:15 3 Months ago 48532 [CODE : 7669B]
1. It is best to be safe, even if it is a little disappointing, rather than worrying about the side effects of overdoing it. Of course, facial deformation due to aging is inevitable as you get older. Naturalness and glamor are not the problem, it should be done to fit your face without being excessive. You will not stay young for the rest of your life.
2. When checking the progress after surgery, I have dense chickenpox that the doctor can't see. If you go for a consultation, be sure to ask... Sebum management, swelling laser, and giving pumpkin juice are not aftercare, but the doctor who performed the surgery checks me personally. That's the real aftercare. They also filter out places that don't show CCTV. This kind of minor discomfort later turns into a huge anxiety and causes mental illness.
3. There are a few hospitals that offer 20-30 minute consultations with the director. You should definitely go to this place as your first visit, so you can avoid going to other hospitals for consultations and being overtreated.
4. Surgery is performed by the director. So the director is the most important thing, but the director is also important. All contact before and after the surgery is with the director, but don't think of him fighting and being rude every time. There are many directors who are responsible and kind and don't force a deposit. It's a plastic surgery procedure that costs a lot of money, but every time I contact you, I get noticed. How annoying would it be if you looked and felt bad?
5. Study a lot, make a list of all the questions, and go. Communicate exactly where and how you want to change. Take several photos.
 Ask so many questions that you feel like it will be bothersome. What can you say to a director who is bothered by questions? If you don't study and just go for a consultation. It's perfect to be a fanatic. Ask several questions and filter out anything that's even a little strong. The strong ones are big data created over nn years of living.
6. There are many places that offer discounts if you make a reservation on the same day, but don't pay a deposit. If you pretend to worry about it later, they'll give it to you at that price.
 As the manager, Please don't believe me saying I'll make it cheaper or give you a discount. Haha, what qualifications does the manager have? Every time I hear something like this, I want to lose. You know that if you get plastic surgery, the manager in charge will get a raise. It's all business.
 If there are people who say they have to do it cheaply because they don't have money, I tried to save hundreds or hundreds by saving more money. You may end up looking worse than your mother's face, and you may end up losing a lot of money due to bad luck. Don't live with regrets and anxiety for the rest of your life. Let's do it in the right place.
 The director will give you detailed advice on why it doesn't work, why you have to do it this way, side effects, limitations, etc. The manager will take care of it even if it's not in business. I wish the directors who really had a conscience for paying a reservation fee would reflect a bit haha
​​7. No matter how good the director's manual skills are, the director's unique taste that has been created over a long period of time will never change
 Ex) You can ask him to do it naturally in a flashy place -> No. Haha, please
 do it in a natural place and do it flashy. You should -> No ^^
8. Whether you are the director or manager, you will definitely become prettier. I am confident that you can do whatever you want. Don't fall for the nonsense if they only say this and don't explain the limitations or side effects. You will be able to roughly understand your limitations. Be self-objective first, and then you will not be able to change the shape you want 100% through plastic surgery. You need to know your limitations and know how to compromise appropriately.
9. The factory type, except for large-scale factories, feels like a mask. The reason is proper follow-up care. No. If the surgery goes wrong and the director quits, my head hurts a lot. It's a human job, but if you keep a tight schedule like a factory, how can the director be in good condition? I think managing the director's condition is very important.
10. If you work hard, this is it! There is a place I want to use,
 the surgery method I want, and a doctor who has the same aesthetic and is trustworthy.
 Let's work diligently. It's a face that will last a lifetime, so I want you to be careful. One choice can affect your whole life. We live for several years after getting plastic surgery. It's not like you're going to die. There are so many people who don't look into the first move and then regret it and then sell their handmade items. Please don't do that to celebrities ㅠㅠ There are times when I'm extremely safe and extremely naturalistic, but once again, it's better to be satisfied even if it's a little disappointing than to overdo it. Hyung Seong-han I'm the one who tells my friends to come to their senses and be satisfied after looking at pre-surgery photos, saying it's disappointing, they should have done it a little more extravagantly, and they say you're full because there are no side effects. Haha. Even if it's a change that only I know about, I think it's best to do it to the extent of correcting complexes, because plastic surgery is for self-satisfaction anyway. ! Let’s all stay safe and be pretty!!!!
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7번 ㄹㅇ… 내가 원하는 추구미가 있듯이 병원마다 원장마다 추구하는 상이 있음. 서로 안맞우몉 결과에 대한 기대치도 달라서 불만족이 높아질수밖에..
느끼끼 1 Months ago 1 Months ago Address
고마워ㅠㅠㅠ 성예사 들어와서 도움 진짜 많이 받거간다
발레리나퓨 1 Months ago 1 Months ago Address
휴....... 마자 나듀 유튜브하고 유명해서 한달 기다려서 갔는데 수술 이것저것 추천을 너무 하더라
나나w 22 Days ago 22 Days ago Address
와.. 진짜 넘 중요한 정보야ㅠ 두고두고 읽으려고 스크랩 했어 고마어
냥냥펀치사이다 7 Days ago 7 Days ago Address
이 글을 먼저 봤어야 했는데 예약금부터 걸고 와버렸네 ㅜㅜ
어떻게할까고민중 4 Days ago 4 Days ago Address
교과서네~!! 고마워~
공장은 진짜 느낌 오긴하더라ㅎㅎ
다 읽어보고 고민 한던 곳 들 중에서 확신이 좀 생겼어~
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