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80th day of semi-out incision double-handling, please look at the sausage

88913 2024-03-24 (일) 04:53 6 Months ago 1909 [CODE : 389D2]

In 1/3, the eyes and the tip of the nose were done together, and
 there was bleeding in the eyes during the surgery (I had bleeding before when I got filler, so maybe it's because my face has a lot of blood vessels...)
In the beginning, my eyes opened on the third day, and
 my entire face, Even my neck was bruised and swollen like a person with bad teeth.
The distance between my eyebrows and my eyes was too far, and there was no fat in my eyes (so much so that the doctor told me twice that I should definitely think about fat grafting in the future). I also had double eyelids, which were originally thin, but one side was a really thin semi-out sausage. I didn't even think it would work, so I chose the biggest line that the director caught first among the semi-outs and made an incision. I saw too many cases where the line came down and the double was released and people had to retake the treatment, so I wanted to finish it all at once.
I expected some swelling, but it's been 80 days, and no one is like this. I really don't think I've seen it... It's not a small amount of swelling, but it looks like it's been a week since I
 had a double eyelid. When I went for a check-up a little less than two months ago, the doctor said that the swelling would go down completely.
 But when I measured it with a line ruler, it seemed to be about 10 mm high and it was firmly fixed. I don't know if it was done that way, but the scar is deep and the sausage is plump when viewed from the side. I think the line was set too high. I wonder
if it would be okay to do it at a place like Lucky (it's a large hospital). It's my first incision, so should I lower the line and pick two lines? Is it possible through natural adhesion?
 I paid double the sunk price to make an incision, so a partial refund for this part would be impossible, right? ㅠ
 Will it be effective if I take anti-swelling medicine now?
 I wonder if the swelling will last longer if I re-sleep. It hurts so much that I think I put too much force on my eyes.
 The swelling won't go down like the four pictures below, right?
 It’s right to take the exam again, right? Haha..
Everyone, go to several counseling places…

[공지] 브로커 구분위해 존칭 사용 금지
[공지] 본 게시판의 가입인사, 등업문의는 자동 삭제 및 패널티 부과
[공지] A병원 어때요? or A병원 VS B병원 추천 질의 글은 무조건 삭제 (소수병원의 개인적인 질문 금지)

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88913 Writer 6 Months ago 6 Months ago [CODE : 389D2] Address
joo5 6 Months ago 6 Months ago [CODE : 495DB] Address
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