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Please give me your opinion, it's a long post, but please read it ㅠㅠ

오롱이잉 2023-03-10 (금) 14:10 1 Years ago 2786 [CODE : 48DA3]
이게 내가 바라는 정도(지금 코에서 손으로 코끝 바침)

<이게 내가 바라는 정도(지금 코에서 손으로 코끝 바침)>

이건 지금 모습..

<이건 지금 모습..>

이건 한달 좀 안됐을때 45도

<이건 한달 좀 안됐을때 45도>

<This is how much I want (now moving from nose to hand to the tip of the nose)><This is what it looks like now..><This is 45 degrees less than a month ago>Last December, I had 3 types of functional implant-free nose correction and nasal bridge reduction surgery on the tip of my nose using the nasal septum and ear cartilage. My original nose was a very long arrow nose and a great box nose, and it was just a wide nose and a witch's nose. The hospital said the eyebrows were on the low side. They recommended silicone, but I didn't do it because I absolutely wanted to go without implants...
  But I had a complex about my profile looking like a witch's nose, so I really wanted to improve it. But after taking the splints off, it was perfect for a month, and now it's sagging so much that it feels like a witch's nose again. It's done (although not as much as before). I'm satisfied with the frontal nose correction, nose reduction, and functional aspects, but the side view is ㅠㅠ When I went to the
  hospital to check on the progress, the director said that it was possible for just an anesthetic fee because the tip of the nose was saggy. However, I try not to use new materials as much as possible, and in case there is a shortage, I get it done. They said I could use it, but I wonder if they only reinforce the support and how they can be sure it won't come back again... But I don't have the heart or the time to look for another hospital and pay hundreds of hundred for reoperation, so I have a really bad nose, so cartilage alone is all I need
  . I wonder if the line I want (direct ~ direct) is difficult... I'm wondering if I should just live like this. What do you guys think? Would it be okay to get as from the same director?

+Added a photo
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Evaluation Cnt 29
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It's a hospital famous for its breasts, but after seeing people who were satisfied with their breast contours, I went for a consultation without any expectations, but it exceeded my expectations. The city machine is also up to date and I took pictures three times. The counseling director is very kind, and the director provides thorough consultation using city photos and face-to-face consultations. However, my face was a bit difficult, but I felt it was conscientious to be honest about the parts I was not good at. The price was reasonable, there was no reservation fee required, and the consultation was comfortable. If you want surgery in a flashy style at a reasonable price, this seems like a good place. If you are thinking about contouring surgery, I recommend going to a consultation at least once.
Photo Reviews
Nose job - 바나나성형외과의원 Cmt 0 View 4 Like 0
안녕하세요 여기서 상담도 많이받고 했는데 결국 앞트임은 안하고 코만했고 제가 약간 화려함을 추구해서 결국 기증늑 사용해서 350 +100해서 450 나왔는데 아픈건 없고 끝나자마자 팥죽 먹고있어요 숨쉬는게 힘들긴하네요 ㅋㅋ
3 Minutes ago
Eyelid job - 마블성형외과 Cmt 0 View 18 Like 0
인아웃 라인으로 자연유착 시술한지 4년 지났는데요~ 원래 몽고주름과 쳐짐이 있는 눈이라 앞트임도 같이 진행했어요. 라인은 정말 마음에 들었고 문제없이 지내오다가 4년 정도 지난 요즘 점점 풀리는게 보이네요ㅠ 그 때도 선생님이 풀리기 쉬운 눈이라고 하셨는데 왼쪽눈은 겹주름이 잡히기 시작했고 화장으로 만들지 않는 이상 라인이 끝까지 접히지가 않네요..그래도 라인은 정말 만족스러웠던 수술이였습니다
36 Minutes ago
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1 Hours ago
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약 10년 전 매몰한 눈이 라인이 점점 낮아져 인라인으로 되어 고민하다 매몰 재수술 하는 김에 앞트임, 눈밑지도 같이 하게 되었어 내 글 보면 알겠지만 상담 많이 가고 받았는데 눈밑지가 가장 고난도 수술이라 잘하는 병원을 선택하고 싶었고, 눈 결과물도 좋으면서 그 중에 상담 실장님과 원장님 소통이 가장 좋았던 여기로 결정하고 수술까지 2주 안걸렸던 것 같아 수술 당일은 세가지 수술 동시에 해서 두시간 정도 걸렸던 것 같고, CCTV도 있고 수…
1 Hours ago
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1 Hours ago
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2 Hours ago
Eyelid job Cmt 0 View 93 Like 0
눈밑이 어두컴컴하고 늙어보이는 느낌때문에 약간 스트레스 있었는데 수술하고나서 애굣살만 보이고 눈밑은 환해진 느낌이라 진짜 대만족하는중! 근데 눈밑지 수술하고 2주까지는 멍이랑 붓기땜에 스트레스 진짜 많이 받았었음.. 그래도 지금은 대만족이라 행복그자체임
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