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I'm the one who told you not to outline. Contour review that I edit every day.

1월8일윤곽예정성공… 2024-01-10 (수) 18:25 8 Months ago 7612 [CODE : 12C8B]
I had type 3 contour correction, chin tip advancement of 2mm, cheek depression correction.
 During the surgery process, the left impacted wisdom tooth was unintentionally irritating, so the director had it removed
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For those preparing for the outline, be sure to buy the reflux esophagitis pillow! I'm regretting buying Mirian ㅠ
 I have to sleep with my head higher than my chest, but stacking the pillows on top of each other is a bit difficult and uncomfortable ㅠㅠ
And what I really want to say
 is pain ㅏ As you all know, the side effects are Sabasa, right? The hospital said I was a special case, and it
 's been 6 days since I started, and the pain and swelling are going down a lot
 . But... even if I go back to before January 8th
 and the surgery is free and they make me look like a celebrity without any side effects, I won't go back.
 I will die because of my face shape as I live my life. I want to.. Trauma
 , side effects, pain, etc. Those who say they can take it all into account, I support them and hope it goes well..
 I fight with my boyfriend like this because I can't eat, so I'm super sensitive and
 change burgers. I searched for pork cutlet replacement, and while
 watching a mukbang that I had never seen before, I couldn't feel my chin and saw that drool was dripping.
 I was like, "Just refer to my post. There are reviews like this..."
 If you want to ask, leave a comment. I come in from time to time and reply. I'll give
 ------------------------------------------------- ------------
★Review taken only from the number of views before being discharged the same day★
 The surgery was completed at 6pm last night, but I still haven't been able to sleep.
 Never do this unless you have the face type that is really stressed out.
 I'm regretting it even now. It hurts so much ㅜㅜ
 I think I know why they say they recommend contouring to people who are really sick.
 If I had to describe the pain,
 it's 50 times the pain of
 a toothache . Did you have otitis media? This hurts 10 times as much, but
 the pain of having phlegm in the back of your throat is 10 times the pain.
 Fortunately, the pain in your throat doesn't hurt that much. It hurts so much.
 I can't feel my throat.
 I've been taking painkillers and painkillers, but I'm not sure if they're effective. For reference, I
 had a dental bridge done when I was young, and to save my nerves, the doctor
 performed the procedure without anesthesia and had my mouth open for 5 hours to remove my teeth. At
 that time, I was in tears. I almost passed out, but
 the pain at that time was a little glorified and felt like it lasted for 12 hours. They said
 it would get better, but I heard the second day
 was the hardest. I feel like I'm going to go crazy
 . I can't lie down. I'm hungry,
 dizzy, and upset. No, it's all okay.
 Please. The pain. A little ㅠㅠ Really, if I don't become pretty,
 the sky has fallen.
 My younger brother says that pain and beauty are proportional, but
 if that's the case, I should be a celebrity ㅡㅜ It hurts so much. If you can,
 don't do it at all
 They say it's disgusting to go through aches and pains...
 ------------ This is my review before being discharged on the same day ------------
 The next day, the first day after surgery. Yesterday, my
 boyfriend and I stayed at a hotel near the hospital. We checked in at 1 o'clock and
 rested. Around 6 p.m., I started crying and told the hospital staff that
 it was really painful and that I was going to die. I
 would take off the bandages and show the doctor, but there was nothing I could do for them right now, so I had to endure it and came back to the hotel. The pain
 was sore for 10 minutes, and I could endure it for 10 minutes, and this is why
 I ate less than half of New Care, and at night, when the pain subsided for a while,
 I ate some abalone porridge.
 Anyway, I'll copy and paste what I wrote down in the notepad.
 ---- -------------------------------------------------- -------
 ★1st day after surgery★
 The left side is fine, but
 the right side is really bad ㅜㅜ
 Otitis media 10 times the pain. From the right side
 to the right side of the general anesthesia intubation,
 the right side feels like it's being stabbed. Is it
 my right ear or my cheekbone?
 I feel like I'm popping when the air sickness goes away. Male
 When I swallow and when I try to lie down,
 there is an intermittent crackling sound. It feels like something is going behind my right nose.
 Prescription Tylenol painkillers are effective.
 And when I take a deep breath, the back of my neck crackles on the right side.
 I haven't been able to sleep at all since yesterday's surgery at 6 o'clock.
 I have panic attacks.
 Sleep 30 minutes for 30 hours from the day of surgery
 ------------------------------------------ -------------------
 ★2nd day after surgery, early in the morning★
 Clogged left nose,
 coughing, choking, sputum
 , itching on
 the chin (no feeling on the outside, it feels like itching on the inside)
 When I fell asleep, was it a dream or was it real? I hear a crackling sound in my chin and ears.

I woke up early in the morning, and the pain on the left side started to feel like it was going to break (until yesterday, it was worse on the right side).
 My throat hurts so much. There's something sticky that keeps getting stuck.
 It's very difficult to cough because of the pain in my throat. The
 swelling on the left side of my face is rapidly becoming excessive. The fan lady's
 mouth is wide open. (It's so hard to stick a syringe between the lips)
 The medication for panic disorder is very small, but I barely managed to squeeze it in horizontally.
 From my right temple to my ear and neck, I have 10 times the pain from severe otitis media (intermittent). The pain is more tolerable than that in normal times.
 Now, starting early this morning, I'm having pain on the left side. The pain came in the same way, and
 my temple felt like it was stabbing like a knife. It hurt so much that I started hyperventilating, but
 there was even a sticky thing stuck in my throat, so the hyperventilation got worse.
 I almost fell backwards, so I threw away all my luggage at the hotel and went to the hospital.
 Fortunately, I calmed down, so I took all my luggage and went to the hospital.
 I'm coughing because of the phlegm in my throat, but it hurts so much that I can't even cough. Yesterday morning, I coughed up blood several times.
 I couldn't sleep for nearly 30 hours and barely fell asleep, but of course I kept waking up while I was sleeping. But is my face so swollen from sleeping?
 Is it okay to not sleep? I can't sleep because I'm so sick, so
 should I just keep walking around in the cold wind?
 The biggest problem is hyperventilation due to the pain.
 Should I swallow the phlegm in my throat
 or spit it out? The pain in my throat is also very severe. When I take off the bandage, the flesh is distorted and my temples protrude more. Is it because of the swelling?
 They told me to wear it out for 8 hours and that the swelling gets worse when I sleep, but
 the post-surgery guide says to wear it 24 hours a day for 4 days if you have a correction of a pole indentation,

so I wrote down everything like this (the reason I wrote it down was because I couldn't say it at all). I tried to talk to the director after removing the bandage, but I was inarticulate...)
 I had a 4 o'clock appointment at the hospital because of hyperventilation, but I went there from 12 o'clock.
 When I got there, he took off the bandage, put tape on my sideburns,
 gave me shampoo, and gave me an IV for about 40 minutes. Then I met the director.
 The director is dying. I gave him real medicine and Tylenol. I can't hear it
 . Why are the sideburns sticking out? What should I do? When I asked,
 it was extremely rare for someone to complain of such extreme pain, but I said I was panicking. Is it because I have sensitive nerves?
 That part is definitely a problem, so
 go to the psychiatrist you go to and get a prescription for xxxx (name of drug). I was told
 it was a strong drug, so I looked it up on the Internet and it looked really strong, so
 I was prescribed something a little weaker than that.
 First of all, the pain used to come every 10 minutes and lasted for 30 minutes. I come here once every 40 minutes and I haven't taken the medicine yet. My mouth is so swollen... ㅠ
 It's sore and the director tells me not to even bother. I don't have to,
 but orders are different for each person. Anyway,
 I was curious about how it went, so I left a review...
 That's right, I was cutting my left chin . He said he had his wisdom tooth extracted because it bothered him.
 It's an ambush.. ㅠ ㅠ
 I should have gotten more money, but he said it was just a gift.. I said thank you.. Maybe
 that's why I get angry when I gargle or take New Care.
 I ate very little New Care and soup.. ㅠ
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★3rd day after surgery★
 The pain has been intermittent since last night, but it has been coming every 40 minutes, so it was manageable. I slept for 12 hours starting at midnight, but
 the pain was 4-50 in the middle of the night. I slept well except for waking up every minute,
 waking up when I had sleep apnea,
 and waking up startled when I felt my jaw turning or opening.
 Compared to not being able to sleep for 30 hours on the first day and not being able to sleep on the second day because of the pain, is it really too much to live with...? Phew, it took me 1 hour and 30 minutes to wake up around
 12 and take the New Care,
 but it actually makes me eat it faster.
 The reason it took so long is because if you eat food that is too liquid,
 there are those tight spots. It gets stuck in there and it hurts so bad. The area where the wisdom teeth are removed is also sore and the front teeth? My insides are also coldㅠㅠ But I need to take New Care to take care of my healthㅠ I forced myself to eat everything, take a shower, go for a 20-minute walk, and then come home. As I was
 walking, I got dizzy from being hungry... I could only walk for 20 minutesㅠㅠ Current weight dropped to 43ㅜ Before surgery 45.6 ㅠ
 I really like eating, but I'm so upset that there's nothing I can eat..
 I came home and ate the ground abalone porridge.
 Even after taking the tranquilizer, I was still hungry, so
 I ate the cream soup I had pre-ordered with a syringe. I ordered pumpkin porridge and porridge in advance, but I ended up eating pumpkin porridge. They say the pumpkin porridge was so hot that it burned my throat and I am leaving a review while waiting for it to cool down.
 Fortunately, the pain only came about 3 times today from 12 noon until 6 o'clock ㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜ It really seems to be worth living from the 3rd day
 , but I won't do this even if I go back ^^ It was so shocking. Oh...
 Oh, and it was only today that I found out why I didn't get the painkillers.
 The pain was less and I was able to live well, so I looked at the medicine prescribed by the hospital.
 My surgery was over at 6pm and the hospital nurse prescribed it before the pharmacy closed, right? There were some painkillers
 in the first part... There were a total of 5 days' worth of medicines.
There were only 2 days' worth of painkillers starting from the first part..
 I didn't have time to check that. You didn't tell me,
 so I took the medicine from the last part because I knew it would have all the painkillers
 . Check the medicine carefully before taking it..
 When I was crying and going to the hospital, etc.,
 I think the 1-2 hours I didn't feel any pain was probably because of the Tylenol.. Whew,
 my face is swollen, my eyes are pendulum, it's
 more swollen on the left side and
 on the right side. It's distorted like a cheek pit, the chin right below the lip
 is distorted like a dimple, and the jaw line itself is also distorted,
 so it's because it's thinner.. haha. I wish I didn't have side effects.. I even had cheek depressions corrected. If it doesn't get corrected, I'll have a second surgery. I'm not confident that I can do it.... ㅠ
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 I will write a review of the 4th day tomorrow
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 The one above was posted in the evening, but
 since 12 o'clock at night, I have had a left-side headache+ The left eyeball pain and the left nostril pain were so painful that I tossed and turned until 6 a.m.
 The pillow was so uncomfortable that I could barely fall asleep at 6 a.m. and
 woke up at 12 noon.
 Wow, it was more swollen than yesterday and I was even in pain again...
 I roughly rinsed my mouth, ate some pumpkin porridge, took some medicine,
 washed up, and left the house. I thought I was going to go
 crazy. I took some panic medicine with me, got on the bus, and went to a cat cafe
 , but my heart started pounding, I felt anxious, and I was in pain.
 So I took some panic medicine and came back home..
 As soon as I got home, there was leftover pumpkin porridge . I was hungry even after eating, so
 I ate soup, washed, and lay down, but I couldn't sleep at all, so I fell asleep quickly.
 Do you know why I woke up after 30 minutes? I'm hungryㅡㅡ
 I'm on the skinny side, but I'm a very picky eater, and
 it's painful because my digestion is so fast after not eating much for a day.
 So today, when I came home from the cat cafe, I really wanted chocolate cake, so I stopped by Twosome and bought it. When I get home from the hospital tomorrow, I'm thinking of putting a little bit in my mouth..?
 As soon as I woke up, I cut the chocolate cake into pieces the size of mouse poop, but it wouldn't fit in my mouth, so I put it in with my hand like a pill, but
 the bread was soggy and my lips and hands were all covered in chocolate, so I gave up.
 I couldn't be this sad... ㅜㅜ Then,
 I went to a convenience store and bought some Chapagetti bowl noodles and finished the noodles. I'm waiting for it to break after I've cleaned it... I'm really in pain, and
 not being able to eat what I want is so stressful that I feel like I'm going to die.
 Fortunately, the pain is only in my temples right now, but I'm scared that I'll start hurting again from 12 o'clock. I wonder if I can eat Chapagetti... phew. I really want to die ㅜㅜ

Chapagetti... I put it in a bag of noodles and stepped on it with my foot and broke it into small pieces, but the water got in there and I blew it and couldn't eat it..... Ha... I put a strand of noodles in it and swallowed it raw, but it's not chewy, so it's individual. But still. It's better because I can feel the taste of processed food on my tongue... I need to sleep now. I took another Tylenol

------------------------------ -----------------------------
 On the 5th day
 , I had pain until the morning, but it gradually got better during the day.
 I woke up, ate porridge, went to the hospital, had the stitches removed from my sideburns, and managed the swelling. I got it and picked it up. It doesn't hurt to pull out the stitches, but when I take the sticker off, it feels like waxing, so it hurts.
 The swelling is gradually getting better, and the bruise is also yellow. My
 jaw keeps feeling itchy, whether it's my jaw or my teeth
 . I want to bite my dog's gum..
 Intermittently from around 2 PM, is it in my jaw under my teeth?
 I don't know the exact location, but I felt it. I
 came home, washed this and that,
 ate vegetable porridge,
 put warmed milk in the castella, crushed it, and ate it with a syringe..... ㅠ My boyfriend cooked me a meal, and
 I ate some mesh potatoes
 , but now I'm hungry. It's so painful
 , it's like a side effect of medicine. It says it's about stomach disorders.
 I've pooped once in 10 days, including before the surgery....
 Is it constipation? Ha, my stomach hurts so much. I can't straighten my back. ㅠ
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 Day 6
 Draining I was so hungry that I drooled while watching a food show that I didn't normally watch. I barely fell asleep and woke up.
 As soon as I opened my eyes, I was so depressed.
 The pain has decreased a lot.. The swelling is better than yesterday when I wake up, but
 I feel so bad. I
 feel like I'm starving to death.
 I'm always hungry and my stomach hurts..
 And when I wash it, it goes behind my nose and spits it out, and it bleeds.
 This is a normal phenomenon, so I'm nervous. I don't use it.
 I fight with my boyfriend. Why are you so irritated?
 The quality of life is so bad
 that I went through so much trouble and had to have surgery.
I'm more annoyed because I think I don't have an ugly face in the past that I should have to deal with, and
 this period is really hard, I want it back,
 I'm depressed, I hate myself so much...
 I guess I can write a review here now,
 because the pain has decreased^^.. There's a lot of stitches in my mouth. If something
 goes wrong, I'll write a review

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 The pain has improved a lot since the 7th day, and
 today, on the 10th day, I checked the condition of the mouth while managing the final swelling and
 that if it was okay, they would pull out the stitches. They said it was okay, so I pulled out the stitches.
 They said it hurts to pull out the stitches.
 I didn't have any pain at all, except for a couple of discomforts on my front chin.
 It would be nice if there were only patients like me who treated the doctor. The
 swelling wasn't as much compared to other people...
 I think it was worth the effort of gargling.
 Anyway, it's a little more comfortable after removing the stitches,
 but it's still there. Chewing food seems difficult... ㅠ
 It's already been 2 weeks and I want to chew some food ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
 And when I take a picture and look at my face, it looks like the lines have really been straightened out.
 The asymmetry seems to have been corrected by about 75%,
 and I have to wait for all the swelling to go away before I can see it. I guess... haha... please... I hope you succeed...!

[공지] 브로커 구분위해 존칭 사용 금지
[공지] 본 게시판의 가입인사, 등업문의는 자동 삭제 및 패널티 부과
[공지] A병원 어때요? or A병원 VS B병원 추천 질의 글은 무조건 삭제 (소수병원의 개인적인 질문 금지)

윤곽각 7 Months ago 7 Months ago Address
윤곽 3종 생각중이다가 이글보고 무서워져서 2종이나 1종으로 바꿔야 겠다 지금은 상태 좀 어때??
아픈거 빨리 나아서 이쁜얼굴로 살아갈 그 날까지!!! 응원합니다
진진진진찐 4 Months ago 4 Months ago Address
이런글 보몈 윤곽하기 싫어진다 ㅠㅠㅜㅜㅜㅜ
gocks 3 Months ago 3 Months ago Address
이런 글 너무 도움되는거같애 고마워ㅠㅜ
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1 Hours ago
Eyelid job - 에스엠성형외과의원 Cmt 0 View 88 Like 0
안녕하세용ㅎㅎㅎ 6월에 자연유착 쌍수했는데 벌써 4개월차에 접어들었어용! 병원 예약 전에 발품도 여러곳 다녔는데 저는 공장형X, 예약강요X, 원장님 경력 이 부분을 가장 중요시 생각했거든요! 결론은 에스엠 이무영 원장님으로 결정했는데 완전 만족하고있어요! 상담할때 잡아주신 라인도 자연스럽게 나와서 만족했었고 결과로 딱 제가 원하는 스타일로 나왔거든용 쌍수전에는 답답한 눈매라서 너무 스트레스였는데 지금은 너무 만족스러워요^^ 제가 원래 …
2 Hours ago
Bomb job - 넥스트성형외과의원 Cmt 0 View 251 Like 0
* 이 글은 저에게 새로운 인생을 살게 해주신 이재수 원장님과, 하나 하나 세심하게 신경써주신 넥스트 성형외과 분들께 조금이나마 도움이 되고자 글을 씁니다. 그리고 저는 수술 후 극심한 두드러기(혹 알러지)가 올라왔는데요. 이 부분에 대해선 하고 싶은 이야기가 많아 저처럼 가슴 수술을 오랜 시간 고민하신 분들이라면 꼭 내용이 길더라도 차근차근 읽고 도움이 되길 바랍니다. [수술계기] 어릴 때부터 가슴이 너무 작아서 수영장, 사우나도 제대로 가본 …
2 Hours ago
Nose job - 니트성형외과의원 Cmt 0 View 119 Like 0
나이들수록 더 펑퍼짐하게 낮아지는 콧등과 인중이 튀어나와 옆모습에 자신없었는데 니트성형외과 국경훈 원장님이 납작했던 콧등을 아담하고 봉긋하게 세워주고 콧날도 자연스럽게 높여줘서 1주일만에 감쪽같은 자연미인이 되어 넘 감동입니다. 붓기가 있는데도 너무 자연스럽고 멍도 별로 없어서 너무 만족하고 행복합니다.
3 Hours ago
Nose job - 가미성형외과 Cmt 2 View 73 Like 0
학생때 부모님 졸라서 해봄 우선 실장님 완전 친절쓰했음 지금은 바꼈을지도? 장점 내 친구들은 코하고 부작용 꽤 오던데 난 우선 너무 완벽했음, 부작용이딴건 없음. 원장님 본인 실력에 자부심 엄청남 단점 여긴 화려코 추구병원이라 자연코추구는 추천안함 흉터에대한 설명이 부족했음… 주의해야할 점이라던가 이런 설명이 부족해서 콧볼 흉터가 좀 남음 평생 안 없어질듯 원장님 딱 2번 봄
5 Hours ago
Facialbone job - 옥건헤어라인 모발이식센터 Cmt 0 View 105 Like 0
1. 헤어라인 수술 이유 이마축소 흉터 때문입니다. 학생때 넓은 이마가 스트레스였어서 이마축소술을 했었는데, 1cm가 넘는 큰 흉터가 남게 되었습니다 (사진에 보이는 것보다 훨씬 더 큽니다) 그러다가 한 살이라도 젊을 때 모발이식으로 가려버리자 하는 마음으로 헤어라인 수술을 결정하게 되었습니다. 그 동안 스트레스도 많이 받고 흉터 가린다고 돈도 많이 쓰고.. 차라리 돈 모았다가 모발이식을 바로 할걸 후회중입니다. 2. 병원 선택 기준 딱 하나…
6 Hours ago