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I'm posting this because I feel like I need to let you know. Please read carefully (Foreign substances secreted by patients)

성형은항상신중히 2024-08-10 (토) 01:00 1 Months ago 13471 [CODE : 2C0B2]
Please note that this post was written based on the 'consumer rights' that guarantee our Constitution and the Basic Consumer Act, and that there is no purpose to slander the medical institutions below other than to share information and provide help to other patients.
I hope that there will be no victims like me, and for the purpose of public interest, I will describe what happened at the hospital based on objective facts without falsehood in the hope that prospective patients will not suffer the same damage as me.)
Hello, I thought a lot before writing this article. I am writing this article in the hope that there will be no more victims like me. There is also no purpose of slander.
I had a septum extension transplant done at another hospital and went to a hospital in Seoul operated under the name of a doctor who advertises as a removal specialist. He said that the problem could be resolved by removing the septum extension graft and repositioning the cartilage, and that there were no side effects or problems other than the fact that my nose would be lower than it is now. He also said that if the nasal septum was too weak, they would remove it and reinforce the nasal septum with the remaining septal cartilage, but he said that in most cases, that would not happen and that he was just telling me in advance. Before removing everything, I asked the doctor if there was any need for a columellar support or something like that, and he said that all I had to do was remove everything and reposition the cartilage. After the surgery was over, the doctor told me that he had performed a reinforcement surgery on my right side by padding my septum with my own septal cartilage, and after paying the additional fee, I went home. After some time, the columella became shorter after the surgery and the nose began to curve to the right. I wondered if there was something wrong with the surgery, but since I wouldn't know until I opened my nose again, I thought I would just have to have the surgery again later somewhere else. The doctor said there was no problem, but after a while, the inside of my nose started to hurt and become inflamed, as if something was popping out, so I received a prescription for antibiotics from an ENT clinic near my home. From my perspective, there were more than one strange thing.
 1. Why is the nose crooked to the right when the pad is placed inside the right nasal septum?
 2. The inside of the nose hurts, but why is this also on the right side?
 3. Why is the right side the only place where an inflammatory reaction is felt?
So, in addition to this, the cost of reoperation is higher due to the crooked nose surgery. I went to the hospital with the mindset that I would at least request a refund. I literally thought, “Let’s just make a request.” However, while researching about the hospital before going to the hospital for consultation, two people each posted a post saying that a foreign substance called plga, which is not a pcl mesh but plays the same role, was inserted without the patient's consent. I was worried that it might have happened to my nose as well, so I requested a refund on the day of the consultation, but after being rejected, I asked if they had put any foreign substances in my nose other than the reused medial septal cartilage, and I was told that I had not. His doctor said, “Oh, but you have to put medical thread in there too.” “Don’t you know that it works?” and I said, “Yes, then you didn’t use any medical outdoor material to tie the swallow septum cartilage, right? “Can you take responsibility for those words?” he asked, and his manager said, “Oh, I’ll take responsibility for that.” And I asked for the chart to be taken off, and the doctor said no at first and told me to come later. The woman at the counter said it would take time to copy and stamp it, so I told her to come later. I could wait, so she asked if she could give it to me today. Then, I went into the room where the doctor was and closed the door, and the two of them talked.

I will briefly summarize the incident later.
1. In the end, they didn't give me the chart today, didn't set a date, and just told me to come back later.
2. The chart has to be taken off as soon as the patient wants it, so I looked up the information on the internet, so they didn't tell me when to come and wouldn't give it to me, so I reported it to the police.
3. The police came and the doctor suddenly changed his mind and said he would give it to me tomorrow morning.
4. I asked to take it today to prepare for the risk of unexpected manipulation.
5. The doctor should interpret the chart so that people can easily understand it and fill it out in a new Naver form. He said he would, so he said he could give it tomorrow. He put his 30 years of medical experience on the line.
6. This is the first time I have heard of such a case, so if I can't give it to you today, I will take a picture of the chart before interpreting it. If that doesn't work, I will at least check it with my eyes.
7. Doctor's position = No. absoluteness.
8. And eventually, the next morning, I went to get the chart, and there were three people in the room, my dad and the doctor
. 9. The doctor suddenly told me to leave and I said I would stay. The last question I asked before looking at the chart was whether I was sure it was true that I didn't use anything other than the medical thread used to tie the septum.
10. I don't know if he was mistaken for someone else or what, but he suddenly said that there was a melting plate called plga in my nose. Said it was safe. (If it is safe, I wonder why people bother to remove cartilage and use it)
11. I was surprised because I had never heard of a plga or a soluble plate before or after surgery. Then, he said that he had never written anything until yesterday, but today he said that he must have been mistaken, and then suddenly changed his words to say that he had notified me after the surgery (he did not notify me).
To explain briefly, this is what happened.
 Of course, there is more to say in between, but I wrote it as briefly as possible.
 Once again, why did you write this?
 I hope there will be no more victims in the future.
 Removal specialist? While advertising, I wanted to say that there may be damage caused by putting foreign substances in it. I hope you don't blindly believe in the advertisements posted on the Internet and avoid them like I did.
And just in case, brokers, please do not comment after seeing this.
You don't know it, but others can see it.
That's it.
 - A hospital that advertises as a removal specialist placed a foreign substance, such as an absorbable mesh called PLGA, into my nose without any notice.
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[공지] 브로커 구분위해 존칭 사용 금지
[공지] 본 게시판의 가입인사, 등업문의는 자동 삭제 및 패널티 부과
[공지] A병원 어때요? or A병원 VS B병원 추천 질의 글은 무조건 삭제 (소수병원의 개인적인 질문 금지)

쿠키귀신 28 Days ago 28 Days ago [CODE : 435B4] Address
잘 해결되기를 바라ㅜㅠㅠ
성형은항상신중히 Writer 28 Days ago 28 Days ago [CODE : 52C66] Address
[@쿠키귀신] 감사합니다~!!
또잉꼬잉 28 Days ago 28 Days ago [CODE : 312F6] Address
고생 많이했겠다ㅠ 잘해결되길바래ㅠ
성형은항상신중히 Writer 28 Days ago 28 Days ago [CODE : 52C66] Address
[@또잉꼬잉] 감사합니다!!
우유아묘 27 Days ago 27 Days ago [CODE : 27894] Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
별랑몽 27 Days ago 27 Days ago [CODE : 2C095] Address
예사 힘내ㅠㅠ
성형은항상신중히 Writer 24 Days ago 24 Days ago Address
[@별랑몽] 감사합니다!
트라조노 24 Days ago 24 Days ago Address
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성형하고새삶찾기 24 Days ago 24 Days ago Address
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성형은항상신중히 Writer 18 Days ago 18 Days ago Address
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코성형힝 24 Days ago 24 Days ago Address
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신후 10 Days ago 10 Days ago Address
마음 고생 많이 했겠다ㅠㅠ 힘내!
곰곰00 8 Days ago 8 Days ago Address
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