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Beware of brokers even at Seongyesa

이잉으잉 2021-12-10 (금) 13:28 2 Years ago 6496
At one time, I was crazy about rhinoplasty and worked hard for a year to sell my handmade products. Also, in the early days of approaching rhinoplasty through various cafes, open chat rooms, and apps such as Bobby Talk and Gangnam Unni, I got a lot of information from people around me who had plastic surgery on specific areas. If you don't have this, the only thing you can rely on is the internet. I completely understand the anxiety of searching various hospitals after being recommended by someone you don't know and wondering if this hospital is really good. I also went through that process and found out which hospitals had problems and which side effects were more or less common. I got to the point where I was able to find out about hospitals and other places where this happened.
I joined Seongyesa around September. Unlike other communities, there are many people who are really concerned about plastic surgery and have written reviews and side effects about hospitals. After deciding on a hospital, I did not log in to Seongyesa for two weeks. Then, I decided on a hospital, underwent surgery, and watched the progress. At the same time, I came back to Seongyesa to watch you guys. Currently, I have been recommended many hospitals, and I also read the post. There were many comments, but brokers are often noticed in each comment, so I really wanted to tell you to be careful and to use this cafe mainly for non-recommendations, not recommendations. If you collect and collect the hospitals that are not recommended, you will soon get black. We have reached a point where we know. Of course, there are some people who are recommended by brokers who are not brokers and will tell you about it, but in any case, I hope you know that it is dangerous to receive recommendations from the community. Even if it is a black hospital, the surgery may be successful depending on the person's luck
. However, if possible, I would like you to receive thorough follow-up care at a hospital that does not ruin the function as assured. If you have any questions, please ask me and I will answer as best as I can.
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[공지] A병원 어때요? or A병원 VS B병원 추천 질의 글은 무조건 삭제 (소수병원의 개인적인 질문 금지)

츠아 2 Years ago 2 Years ago Address
조언 정말 감사합니다. ㅜㅜㅜ 잘보면서 찾아봐야겠어요
민준11 2 Years ago 2 Years ago Address
저도 조심해야곘네요...
진이9981 2 Years ago 2 Years ago Address
저 쪽지 보냈습니다.바쁘실텐데 죄송합니다
가람01 2 Years ago 2 Years ago Address
여기도 조심 저기도 조심
좋은정보 주셔서 감사합니다 ~
로미롬 2 Years ago 2 Years ago Address
정말 성형은 정보 싸움이자 자신에게 또 맞을지 안맞을지가 걱정되는 도박같아요 ㅠ
박프로1123 2 Years ago 2 Years ago Address
여기도 브로커가 있다니요 ㅠㅠㅠ 진짜좋은 선생님 찾기 힘드네요
하늘별2 2 Years ago 2 Years ago Address
걸러내기넘 어렵네요 ㅜㅜ성예사가입한지얼마안되서그런지 검색패턴이 뭔가 불편해요 아직 손에안익어서그런지요 ㅎㅎ
으악 코가 2 Years ago 2 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
Naranara 2 Years ago 2 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
송사리리 2 Years ago 2 Years ago Address
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열리2 2 Years ago 2 Years ago Address
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바록 2 Years ago 2 Years ago Address
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행복할래 2 Years ago 2 Years ago Address
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코코볼랑 2 Years ago 2 Years ago Address
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