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A collection of useful tips to know before plastic surgery

오징어환전소 2024-07-14 (일) 02:33 1 Months ago 38153 [CODE : 2E9F0]
Although my tone of voice is firm, it's all just my personal opinion, so I hope you pick only the things you need and refer to them, and if they don't suit you, please pass on... ^^
1. Do a lot of research on the original version of my face.
 If you blindly pick a celebrity and start changing yourself to become like that celebrity, it's a shortcut to ruin. There are limits to changes in the original version. But when I start to think that my face has limitations while looking at other originals that I cannot reach, I get mentally ill. It's like my career. I don't have any business skills and I don't have any capital, but if I envy Elon Musk and follow the path he took, my life will become very miserable.
 **The important thing is that I have unique beauty and I need to focus on how to maximize that unique beauty.
 Well, it’s not for the obvious reasons like “for your self-esteem,” but because realistically, that’s your limit.
 Defcon can't become Karina. (Sorry Defcon, I'm actually a huge fan!) Focus on the main game.
 For example, I have a U-shaped face with a thick nose bridge and a long mid-face, but I just thought Jenny's round face was pretty and asked for Jenny's nose. When I tried to reduce the bridge of my nose to make my nose smaller, I didn't think about the ratio of my nose bridge and ended up with a nose bridge, and when I raised the tip of my nose, the middle part of my face looked longer, and that's what happened. So I used Ryeowon’s face as a model.
 **The celebrity I choose as a plastic surgery model should not be the person I want to become, but someone whose skeleton resembles mine.
 The results after surgery should also be expected based on my facial standards. Always think about surgery as conservatively as possible and remember these two keywords: ✅Improvement and Harmony✅
 **“I am not trying to be reborn, but I am trying to improve certain parts while maintaining the harmony of my face.”
 If you do plastic surgery with that mindset, you can see that the probability of failure has already been greatly reduced.
 In any surgery, if you make a big change in one area, the harmony starts to break down and you have to fix the next thing and the thing after that. For example, let’s say I had fat grafting on my front cheek because I was worried about looking my age. But as you get older, your front cheeks will sag, right? Then, unexpectedly, the nasolabial folds deepen. Then, because the nasolabial folds are of concern, something else is put in, and the philtrum becomes longer, so philtrum surgery is done. It becomes impossible to escape the bondage like that...
 Another tip for harmony: Keep practicing looking at the entire face rather than focusing on the area to be plasticized.
 Isn't that the case? I really wanted to buy these clothes, but after a few months or a year, I wonder why I bought such tacky clothes. Or when it doesn't match the other clothes, bag or shoes I usually wear. I was so obsessed with that outfit that I couldn't think of anything else.
 But is plastic surgery the same?
 If I'm so obsessed with my ugly nose that I can only see the nose, I become obsessed with the nose itself without even thinking about whether the new nose I want matches my eyes, mouth, and face shape. I will have surgery on my nose, but this is not a nose problem. It's a matter of the face. You have to think about how your entire face will change with just this nose. You must always keep overall harmony in mind. Are you sticking your nose in the mirror?! No one looks at you that closely except yourself. Step back, look at it, and work on improving your overall image.
 So, the more you think about it, the more time you have to think about your face and body from a macro perspective. It's important to let go of your obsession during this time. I really want to get plastic surgery!!! Don't let it encroach on your mind.
 **If you know the importance of harmony, you know when to stop. However, in cases where plastic surgery is done without the purpose of harmony and improvement and it turns out well, it is easy to just become addicted to the plastic surgery itself. So, every time I succeed in something, I keep wanting to do something without any purpose. Since there was no design in the first place to improve the harmony of my face, I thought that if I just had plastic surgery, I would be successful. Then, in the end, it either falls apart, or before you know it, you look back and see that it has completely collapsed.
 **Ideal shape does not appear.
 The shape you expected, the shape the doctor suggested, it's all just an imagination. You have to come out to know about your flesh and bones. There are no side effects, so I recommend that you refrain from having a second surgery simply because it doesn't look the way you expected... I've seen too many cases where it completely fails. In particular, I rarely see cases where nose surgery is done only once.
 A good doctor will give you realistic expectations rather than telling you what's ideal. After hearing everything and having the surgery, I knew what to expect and I was very satisfied with the results.
2. You don’t just live for today, so think about your face and body after aging.
 When I was young, I had a lot of breasts on my face, so clowns were more annoying, so I played clowns. When you start to age in your late 30s, does your face get saggy faster than anyone else because the bone structure (cheekbones) that supports sagging skin has disappeared? Then we have to plan a big deal to repair it again.
 When I was in my 20s, I hated the fat on my face so much that I did it, but as I got older and started to lose facial fat, I looked older, so I started to get fat again, and because I got fat, I looked like an old lady... It can be a vicious cycle.
When I was in my 20s, I was very satisfied with getting a C cup because it was popular to enlarge my breasts, but the doctor didn't tell me that as I got older, my boobs got older and saggier, so I said hello to my belly button. I used to have a C cup, but I think my weight has dropped by 3 centimeters since my late 30s. They say this is because the upper chest muscles that hold the breasts are stretched. The heavier it is, the more it will stretch, right? Please remember that as you age, any part of you becomes saggy...
 They take the ear cartilage and put it in. I watched a documentary that tracked the aging of ear cartilage, and it grew by 0.22 millimeters per year. I also wondered if adding ear cartilage would not prevent sagging due to aging. Changes after aging, please remember…
 And there are characteristics that only apply when you are young. I have a lot of breast fat, a lot of fat, and I'm always swollen. Lymphatic circulation is always poor. I drink a lot, don't have money to take care of myself, and am busy having fun lol. Actually, as I get older, I take better care of my health and get massages often, so my swelling is less. You need to know some of those characteristics before making any decision.
3. There are side effects that come after 3, 5, and 10 years.
 The scary thing is that doctors don't know much about the side effects after a long period of time. Will you provide after-sales service after 5 years? There's no need to know in the first place. I really wanted to get fat grafting, so I searched for a year, but I saw so many reviews that the surface became uneven as the fat was lost. But it appears after 3-5 years. So, I found that in general, people tend to be very satisfied with fat grafting immediately after surgery and then regret it a few years later.
 In many cases, it takes several years for nose surgery to cause contractures. Be sure to find out any side effects that appear even after several years.
4. As I get older, not only my physical age but also my social status changes, and my taste for pursuits also changes.
 In my 20s, my body often became a commodity because I had not achieved anything socially, and my self-esteem was not strong, so I took care of my appearance to impress the opposite sex. So, revealing a sexual body often becomes the standard of beauty.
 On the other hand, as I get older, my status changes, and I tend to decorate my appearance to reveal my own satisfaction and social status, rather than to impress the opposite sex. So, we pursue neatness and elegance more, and we often hear people say that exposing our body is a shame. Even celebrities and models whose bodies are a commodity can see their tastes change as they age.
 It may seem like improving your appearance will end after your mid-30s, but that's definitely not the case. The beauty standards pursued by each age group are different. So, when you are young, a narrow nose looks ugly and a nose with plastic surgery marks looks flashy and pretty, but when you get older and have plastic surgery marks, you no longer have that elegance. When you're young, big breasts look sexy, but as you get older, they look foolish. I can't say which is the right answer, but just know that the young you you are now will pursue different standards of beauty in 10, 30, or 50 years.
 As someone who loved exposure and glamor when I was young, I would like to add my personal opinion hahaha. I think natural is the best. In fact, this is what practitioners here often say: “Be as conservative as possible when it comes to plastic surgery!” I would like to add one more vote to this statement.
 “Ah~~ It’s not too obvious now, is it? “Is there something missing?” Even so, I will be satisfied in 10 or 20 years.
 For similar reasons, if your parents are against it, I recommend holding off for now. There may be various reasons, but as we age, our aesthetic sense definitely becomes more conservative. It is also clear that the importance of appearance is decreasing. So, it may simply be due to the generation gap between you and your parents, but you may also develop a similar sense of beauty when you become your parents' age. I hope you make your decisions carefully, remembering that as you get older, your personal sense of beauty and society's standards of beauty will change.
 The more my self-esteem drops because of my appearance, the more I want to take a step back. The more obsessed you become with anything, the narrower your field of vision becomes. On the contrary, it can be a dangerous time to undergo plastic surgery. In my opinion, if the obsession with plastic surgery is too serious, I think it's time to stop. You may be in a state of ‘plastic surgery for plastic surgery’ rather than ‘plastic surgery for improvement and harmony.’ 
5. The human body is so mysterious that all parts are connected.
 Both health and aesthetics are connected. I feel bigger after getting this plastic surgery.
 **In terms of health - touching my eyes makes my dry eyes worse. (If dry eyes are severe, try drinking a decoction of motherwort. If you boil it long enough to make it thick and bitter and drink it for 2-3 days in a row, you will see immediate results.) I also saw a review saying that putting something in your nose affected your overall body immunity. The reason why fat transplantation under the eyes is difficult is because the skin and muscle layers are different and the size of the fat cells under the eyes and thighs are different. If you gain weight on your body, the fat in the fat grafted area will also gain and fall off at the same time. Therefore, thin people who actually need fat grafting are unlikely to see any results, and fat grafting is a procedure that requires extreme caution for those with a constitution that easily gains weight. The older I get, the more I lose facial fat, so I am personally opposed to facial fat removal/suction. (By the way, there are many hospitals that remove fat under the eyes under the name of fat relocation, so be very careful. Relocation is to evenly spread and organize the original fat. Fat removal is to remove fat. In some cases, they call it relocation and then recommend fat transplant after fat removal. There are many more details (see my other articles).
**Aesthetically - the nostril reduction makes the midface look longer, and the chin augmentation exposes the salivary glands, which is unsightly. If you hit your cheekbones, the support that supports your facial skin will disappear as you age, making you look like a peanut. I don't like the length of my midsection, so I get my front cheeks done, and my nasolabial folds get deeper. Everything is connected, so rather than just one thing improving, other aspects that I hadn't thought of were affected, for better or worse.
 All of these things can be found if you dig through the reviews diligently, so I recommend studying them diligently.
 **The problem of facial asymmetry is caused by body asymmetry, and body asymmetry is caused by lifestyle habits. So even if you get plastic surgery to correct facial asymmetry, it will come back if you don't change your lifestyle habits. Resting your chin on one side, chewing on one side, carrying a bag on one side, sleeping on one side, crossing your legs on one side, sitting with your legs crossed on one side, etc. All of these lead to facial asymmetry. If you do not completely change your lifestyle habits over the years, your face will continue to become asymmetrical.
 When I was a teenager, I majored in arts and physical education, so I inevitably suffered from severe body and facial asymmetry, but after almost 10 years of correcting them one by one, it really got better. Lymphatic circulation massage is very, very important.
 One of the things that makes you look older is your shoulder line, right? One trapezius muscle makes you look completely older. YouTube Lee Ji-eun Diet Cutting Trapezius Muscles It's very short and simple, but it's a must for students and office workers because even just doing it every morning and evening will refresh your turtle neck. The best plastic surgery is exercise.
6. Go to 7-8 or more places for counseling and find one where you don’t feel uncomfortable.
 This is the place where I will take responsibility for my one and only face for the rest of my life. How can you go to just two places and decide on the spot? Look at reviews and go to places that are known to provide good explanations for a long time. Then, as you go through consultations, your knowledge about surgery will gradually accumulate and you will have the ability to ask more detailed questions towards the end. Because you don't know at first, you don't ask questions.
 First of all, just go around a lot. Then this is the place! I'll find a place to do it. If you feel more confused the more you go, it's because you haven't found a place you completely like yet.
 The reasons why plastic surgery fails are 1) the doctor's surgical ability, 2) problems with my life, and 3) unlucky… I say that, but specifically, it's an unfortunate event that *I* didn't expect, but the likelihood of things like 1 and 3 can be significantly lowered if you put in a lot of effort.
7. In general, plastic surgery is not covered by health insurance, so
 if you only receive *consultation*, you do not need to fill out all your personal information. The resident registration number is not written down. Write down only the first part of the address. Even if you don’t write everything down, the counselor won’t say anything. I don't like taking pictures, so I don't even take pictures when I'm just giving a consultation. That put a bit of pressure on me, but I completely ignored it.^^
 They say that according to the recently revised law, I have to give my resident registration number when consulting at the hospital, but that's for health insurance, right? However, plastic surgery for cosmetic purposes is not covered by health insurance.
 However, *if you decide to have surgery*, you will need your resident registration number. If you are under sedation, you must report it to the Narcotics Integrated Management System.
 Let’s be aware and protect our personal information well!
8. Even if it takes time, be sure to read the plastic surgery contract carefully, ask any questions you have, and take a picture of the contract after signing.
 Reading any contract carefully is fundamental. Have you seen many people who signed a contract incorrectly and ended up making a mistake? These are people who signed with the mindset that everything is there. If you are a doctor or manager who puts pressure on you because it takes time to read it, run away immediately.
 And after signing, take pictures of each and every one. Since this is a contract with your signature, of course you have the right to keep a copy. Are you giving me notice for taking pictures of that? Run away now.
9. Things to keep in mind when choosing a hospital:
 1) The personality of the counseling director. Are you selling or forcing anything? (There are many cases where my life is ruined because I am pushed to do a procedure I don't know much about.) Are you being truthful and not changing your words? (If this happens even before the surgery, it will be terrible if the surgery is ruined.)
 2) The doctor's personality. Are you stubborn or coercive about what you think is right? Do you accept my opinion well? It's friendly, but doesn't it feel too commercial? Don’t you feel like you’re spending too much money? Do they explain things thoroughly or do they ignore the patient? The reason for looking into these things is that if the surgery goes wrong, they will definitely be unfriendly compared to the consultation, so if they have already shown an unfriendly, coercive, or dismissive attitude during the consultation, it is understandable if the surgery goes wrong. Instead of being commercially friendly, find a doctor who is good at communication. They are kind, but they are not the type that responds to my questions in an evasive manner, but they answer them sincerely.
 3) Private hospitals and factory types have pros and cons. The factory type has many reviews, but it is a place that many new doctors pass through, so there may be no one to take responsibility if you experience side effects. If you are anxious, it is safe to choose the director, but ironically, there are cases where the director is the worst at performing surgeries, so be careful.
 As a one-person hospital is a hospital run by one person, there is less chance of having a shadow doctor (I didn't say there is none) and the will to take responsibility is high, but it would be a shame if there was no anesthesiologist. And once the side effects occur, either side has to fight.
 There is an opinion that a hospital with 3-4 people is best, but you really have to go there and receive consultation to get a feel for this. Even though there were only 3-4 people, there were places where it felt like a factory. So, I recommend that you make your own decision and see a doctor.
4) Remember, this is a once-in-a-lifetime surgery that will change your face and body for the rest of your life, and you are the customer! Why do you feel pressure from the director and doctor? You have the right to be respected as a customer! It's shocking and even sad that there are so many people being dragged away because they feel pressured because they can't even get their basic rights. As I get older, I realize that there is more pressure when it comes to young female customers. Please be confident and ask for whatever you want. If you have to fight and look around, it's definitely not a good hospital. Run away now.
 5) It's a personal preference, but I've only had surgery at hospitals that specialize in only one type of surgery.
 Let's think about it with common sense. A doctor who does eyes, nose, and breasts, or a doctor who only focuses on eyes, who is better at eye surgery?
 6) When did you get your medical license, when did you get your specialty, whether you are the director (since newly licensed doctors often move around before opening their practice), etc… Don't forget to check the very basics.
 7) I usually make a list of black hospitals. Sometimes, when a big incident occurs and a post is posted... After a while, all of that is erased and disappears. So, even if you don't plan on getting plastic surgery right away, visit often, update the hospital list, and write it down in a notepad.
 8) Each doctor is accustomed to the style he or she is good at, so even though it doesn't suit me, he recommends that style of surgery. For that reason, I think it is important to visit as many hospitals as possible and meet a doctor who suits my style and needs well (rather than a doctor who tailors the surgery he is good at).
10. Do a CT scan only once and burn it to CD or take a picture with your cell phone.
 I was so shocked to see an article saying that they took pictures seven times while going from hospital to hospital. What are you going to do after being exposed to so much radiation? There are many research results showing that having many CT scans increases the possibility of causing cancer, so be careful. It is said that if a teenager gets a CT scan even once, the chance of causing cancer increases by 1.5 times, so teenagers should be absolutely careful. Ask them to burn it to a CD or film it with your cell phone and take it to another hospital.
11. Think carefully before deciding on a review discount.
 How much will it be exposed, how long will it be used for promotional purposes, is it a system where the manager photoshops and posts the text just by handing over the photo, or is it a system where I write and upload the post, and how honest I can be.
 The authority given to me may be more limited than I thought, and my face or personal information may be exposed or continue to be promoted beyond the scope or time I expected.
 Personally, I have never received a review discount because I absolutely hate seeing my new products sold, but looking at other reviews, there are many cases where people suffer over and over again in exchange for getting a few hundred thousand won cheaper.
12. Take a shower right before the surgery, wear a mask and a hat, and block out as much fine dust from the street as possible. I won't be able to shower for a few days...
13. If you have surgery that requires hemostasis on your face, prepare a large cushion or pillow so you can sit and sleep before the surgery.
 If you sleep with just a cushion, you will soon slip down and sleep, so place a round latex neck pillow between your neck and sleep on a double cushion. For latex round neck pillows, we recommend 9-10 cm or less (unless you have a big back). I bought the 11cm size and it was too high, so I slept with a regular pillow behind the neck pillow and it fit perfectly. Right now I'm using a knife and cutting out the center.
 It's a regular latex pillow with a groove in the middle. What's unfortunate is that while I was sleeping, I ended up sleeping on my side on a high surface without realizing it. But the circular shape doesn't work like that, so I recommend the circular shape.
14. When the time comes to just sleep, as mentioned above, if you sleep with a regular pillow behind the round neck pillow, you will not sleep on your side and will not put pressure on your face.
 Sleeping on your side is really bad because it raises your intraocular pressure a lot and forces your face to focus on one side. If you sleep like that on a regular basis, you will develop cataracts and glaucoma. Be sure to sleep lying flat on your back.
15. Before surgery, prepare a cleansing pad, toner pad, enzyme peel (powder type), foundationa pore cleansing brush, and toner fine spray type.
 It will be useful when you can't wash at all for the first two days, but can gradually wash over the next few days.
 Cleanse by placing the cleansing pad on for a few minutes and then removing it. While washing, apply Enzyme Peel powder with a foundation brush and gently wash off areas that are difficult to touch with your hands without pressure. It's the best for getting rid of whiteheads and blackheads.
 Try using the Enzyme Peel Powder + Brush combination with the idea of ​​applying gently several times without applying pressure.
 After that, if you put a toner pad on it and spray a spray toner every now and then, it will be bearable.
 The brush has fine and strong bristles, so I recommend a brush that allows you to apply less force to the area you want to clean. Pore cleansing brushes are usually short, so hand force is transmitted more quickly, but foundation brushes can be held at a distance and used in a grazing motion, so if possible, I recommend a foundation brush. I think soaking it in water and wringing it out before use will prevent the cream from being absorbed into the brush.
16. If you have had eye surgery, I highly recommend drinking motherwort decoction.
 Drinking a thick decoction of motherwort is the best for dry eyes. If you are a person whose eyes are bulging due to high intraocular pressure due to inflammation, after drinking motherwort, the inflammation in the muscles behind the eye will be reduced and your eyes will also puff up a bit. This is a solid review that I took before and after photos. Although it is used a lot, the effect is certain, so drink it as if you are taking herbal medicine! I didn't really feel any side effects, but I still looked it up and drank it.
This isn't an eye surgery tip, just a small experience, but I slept wearing glasses because I was scared that I would unconsciously rub my eyes while sleeping.
 Gather the nose bridge as close to the center as possible so it doesn't touch your eyes... If you have the habit of rubbing your eyes when you sleep or when you wake up and feel dizzy, it will be very helpful.
17. Do not schedule the surgery before the hospital holiday.
 For example, if the hospital is closed on Wednesday and Sunday, avoid Tuesday or Saturday. The day after surgery, you may have questions or it may be an emergency, but if it's a day off at the hospital, you'll have a mental breakdown.
18. One surgery at a time. By deciding the order.
 As I said before, harmony is really important. Among celebrities, there are people who look ugly when you separate their eyes, nose, and mouth, but are very pretty when you put them together. That's why harmony is so important.
 So, if you have multiple surgeries planned, try one, then the next, and proceed step by step. If you hold your nose up, your eyes will be drawn and to some extent, they will be crowded. Then I guess I'll have to design new eyes again. Even if you have the same nose, try raising your nose and then have your nose bridge reduced. Just by raising the nose, the bridge of the nose rises and shrinks, right? Then you might not have to make a fuss. But if you do both at the same time, you may end up regretting it because you end up spending as much money as you can and end up spending 11 characters.
 And you have to decide the order well. Let’s use the nose axis as an example again. I narrowed my nose, but I want to raise my nose after that. But I've already made my nose too big, so if I raise my nose in this state, it could be 11 inches tall. So, if you are planning both rhinoplasty and alar reduction, the correct order is to decide whether to have nose augmentation after the rhinoplasty.
19. How to find reviews:
 Search for side effects here, in the chat window for each hospital, and in the ㄱㅇㅅ cafe. Especially the side effects after a few years. You can easily find it by searching with keywords such as “failure”, “disadvantage”, or “regret” of any surgery.
 You should not think of side effects as “unlucky situations.” This does not mean that you should feel helpless and fearful, but why do these side effects occur, what should you do to reduce the risk, what doctor should you go to, when should you do it, and can you handle it? This means thinking from a proactive perspective.
 And if you read a lot of reviews, you can create your own statistics. Once you understand that these are the side effects you worry about the most, you will have a better idea of ​​what to do. I am also interested in other surgeries due to Plan B.
20. It’s not just doctors who perform plastic surgery. You too are a participant in your own plastic surgery.
 Don't drink alcohol before surgery. If you haven't eaten a few hours ago, don't eat it. Don't smoke after surgery. Don't do strenuous exercise. If you don't want to do it, don't do it. Do you want to live with a face that has had plastic surgery?
 Surgery is not the beginning and end of plastic surgery. The doctor's job is done. Plastic surgery was started by you before the surgery and continues after the surgery through your management. Don’t overlook this part and ruin it by saying, “Oh, plastic surgery is luck.” Until the management is over, strictly follow what the hospital tells you to do and what not to do. Take care of your immunity before and after surgery. It will all affect it.
21. Mental management is essential for plastic surgery.
 Why is it important to find a hospital that provides good follow-up treatment? Among the many people who post here about their surgery being a failure, there is probably not a single one who had the surgery thinking that their surgery would be a failure. However, someone always fails the surgery. How much legal responsibility do you think will fall on the doctor then? Even if I apply for medical dispute mediation, the most I can get is a full refund on the condition that I never bring up this issue again. That's it. A broken appearance is one thing, but how much can my mentality be ruined?
 In times like this (even if you don't get reoperation at that hospital again), you should at least see a more conscientious doctor doing his best to feel less mentally broken (but don't get reoperation at the same hospital. There are many cases where you fail again after failing).
 That's why I try to understand the doctor's personality as much as possible. Are they good at communicating, aren't they too commercial, aren't they annoyed or annoyed by difficult questions, aren't they being pushy when it doesn't match their opinion, aren't they trying to sell various things, and are they just saying that everything will be fine and covering up cases where things go wrong? Does he try not to let me know, doesn't he show off his skills too much, does he tell me in detail about the possibility of things coming out differently than my expectations, and does he provide any kind of post-processing?
22. Why do you keep mentioning cases of failure?
 Let me emphasize once again - plastic surgery is an act of changing one's appearance, but it is essentially done for my mental health, and my mental health is very, very important.
 Plastic surgery doesn’t just change my appearance. I'm risking my mental health to change my appearance.
 'I did it at a black hospital and I was okay? It was a huge success?' Don't be fooled by this article. Of course, if a hospital can operate well, it won't always fail! But isn’t there a reason why everything is black? If a hospital makes an effort to take responsibility even if the surgery goes wrong, they are less likely to lose their mentality.
 Aren’t you trying to change your appearance to be happy? In the end, be sure to remember that this entire process is an action to improve your mental health (self-esteem, happiness, etc.).
Don't be deceived by sayings like, 'Plastic surgery is a matter of luck.' If you look at it that way, we are lucky to be alive and traffic accidents are also lucky. Anyone who gets hit by a car gets hit. Still, to avoid getting hit, you have to cross the crosswalk, look left and right, and obey the traffic lights. Don't be fooled by helpless words. Do your best to protect yourself!
 Think about the worst moves (side effects, black hospitals, outputs that are not side effects but you don't like) before deciding.
 Do you really dig this much? Don't even have this doubt. Of course, the more you travel, the better.
 The more you travel, the more confused you become? That's proof that you haven't studied enough about the surgery you're about to have, so you're swayed by what the doctors say without prior knowledge. So, study more intensely about the surgery you want to do. These days, YouTube is full of information from doctors.
 Do we have to go this far? Of course you have to do it like this. Once you ruin your face, your social life, your love and marriage, your self-esteem, and even your life will all be seriously affected.
 “I’ve been to a lot of places, but I’ve only found a hospital that I like about 80% of the time. Should I just do it here?” no. Find a place you like until the end. There are so many plastic surgery clinics in Korea. There are so many that you might think this is a crazy country. So look hard again.
 It's your face, your body, and your life, not anyone else's. If it goes well, I'm so glad, but if it fails, it's the beginning of an endless hell of scars. I hope that by studying persistently and paying attention, I will reduce the chances of failing. I believe that is the path to success in plastic surgery. Fighting everyone!
Lastly, my personal impressions after reading the reviews of Seongyesa:
 1) Rhinoplasty is rarely completed in one go.
 2) I have seen many, many cases of bone-touching surgery and fat grafting/liposuction being regretted years later.
 3) The best form of plastic surgery is exercise. In addition, you can reduce the feeling of age by taking good care of hair loss and trapezius muscles.
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완전 꿀팁이다 고마워!!
예사예상성공은나야 1 Months ago 1 Months ago [CODE : 534C2] Address
꿀팁 고마워!! 나도 광대  관리 자신없어서 그냥 안할려구 ㅠㅠ
오징어환전소 Writer 1 Months ago 1 Months ago [CODE : 71A2C] Address
[@예사예상성공은나야] 광대는 진짜 하지마 잘생각했어 내가 절대 반대하는 몇가지 수술이 있어 그 중 하나가 광대야
파루바시스 1 Months ago 1 Months ago [CODE : E92F6] Address
글 잘 읽었어 뭐든 신중ㅎ!!
완두콩가루 1 Months ago 1 Months ago [CODE : 1B8B2] Address
코성형 하루전에 읽는 글,,다 맞말이다ㅠㅠ
성공ㅇ기원 1 Months ago 1 Months ago [CODE : 2C03F] Address
진짜 너무 꿀팁이다 ㅠㅠ 고마워!!!
Ahsuskp 1 Months ago 1 Months ago [CODE : 414EB] Address
진짜 고마워 수술 고민할 때 늘 명심해야겠다 ㅠㅠ 스크랩할게
FM 1 Months ago 1 Months ago [CODE : 4AEA4] Address
알아보는입장에 너무 도움되는 글이다ㅠㅠ 고마워 특히 7,8,9 기억해야지..
zxc1234 1 Months ago 1 Months ago [CODE : 51482] Address
우와 진짜 나한테 필요한 말들뿐이네 잘 읽었어 고마워
59015623 1 Months ago 1 Months ago [CODE : 2C04E] Address
잘정리한 글 잘읽엇어요!
말랑콩떠기 1 Months ago 1 Months ago [CODE : 852EF] Address
너무 꿀팁이다.. 고마워 ㅜㅜㅜ!
마마마마마무무무무뭄… 1 Months ago 1 Months ago [CODE : 56C62] Address
연어냠냐미 1 Months ago 1 Months ago [CODE : 27819] Address
진짜 꿀티부ㅜㅜ 스크랩 해놓고 봐야겠댜
두부땅콩 1 Months ago 1 Months ago [CODE : 533B5] Address
고마워!! 참고해서 잘 알아볼게!!
hprngd 1 Months ago 1 Months ago [CODE : 4AE01] Address
긴글 고마워!!!
실행의쾌변 1 Months ago 1 Months ago [CODE : 4EC57] Address
꿀팁 감사합니다
낑깡밭감귤 1 Months ago 1 Months ago [CODE : 4EBAB] Address
와 진짜 꿀팁 ㅠㅠ 고마워!
E222 1 Months ago 1 Months ago [CODE : 29C93] Address
저장해놓고 읽고싶은 글이다 ㅠㅠ 고마워
이후힌항훈 1 Months ago 1 Months ago [CODE : 3126B] Address
정성글 고마워. 나도 성형 꽤 해본 입장으로, 공감가는 부분도 많았고, 또 많이 배워간당
승유ㄴl 1 Months ago 1 Months ago [CODE : D3DE6] Address
오 진짜 꿀팁이다 두고두고 봐야지 고마워
쑥탱탱 1 Months ago 1 Months ago [CODE : A1ED3] Address
예사 글을 성형하기전에 봤어야했는데.. 그게 좀 아쉽긴하지만 진심이 느껴지는 글이다! 요거 계속 오픈되게 걸어 두는건 어때? 예사 관리자 보고 있지?
푸이 1 Months ago 1 Months ago [CODE : 4E53F] Address
너무 잘읽었어 정성글 고마워
상큼한 1 Months ago 1 Months ago [CODE : 2C0F4] Address
너무 고마워 성예사가  존칭금지가 되었넹
이렇게 열심히 쓴글은 첨 읽어봐
두고두고 읽어볼겡
낭낭니니 1 Months ago 1 Months ago [CODE : 278A6] Address
진짜 꼭 정독하고 해야겠어 고마워 ㅠㅠ
브래들롱 1 Months ago 1 Months ago [CODE : 7DFA1] Address
와 진짜 정성스럽고 기억할 거 많은 내용이네. 고마워!
쵠지야 1 Months ago 1 Months ago [CODE : 49A24] Address
진짜 정성글에 도움되는 내용이 많네!! 고마워 예사
zenlov 1 Months ago 1 Months ago [CODE : 41F35] Address
우와 정독했어!! 고마워!
1학년1반 1 Months ago 1 Months ago [CODE : 76F04] Address
세상에서 내가 제일 못생겼다고 생각하는거 아니면 수술은 안하는게 최곤것같아여
오징어환전소 Writer 1 Months ago 1 Months ago [CODE : 71A2C] Address
[@1학년1반] 공감..
금동현 1 Months ago 1 Months ago [CODE : 6BC58] Address
진짜 구구절절 맞는말ㅜ
모찌모찌치즈볼 1 Months ago 1 Months ago [CODE : D0509] Address
와 일목요연하게 하나하나 다 짚어주네 너무 잘 읽었어!
쪈쨩 1 Months ago 1 Months ago [CODE : 28CC0] Address
너무 유익한 글이다 ㅠㅠㅠㅠ 지우지 말아줘 두고두고 읽을게 고마워!!!
소연222 1 Months ago 1 Months ago [CODE : 3AFEC] Address
유용해 ㅠㅠ 긴 글 써줘서 고마워 !
미니마니모01 1 Months ago 1 Months ago [CODE : 25EC8] Address
스크랩해놓고 상담 다닐때마다 되새겨야지... 고마워!
inainaina 1 Months ago 1 Months ago [CODE : 45625] Address
진짜 맞말 천지다 ㅠㅠㅠㅠ 고마워
파란하늘으은하수 1 Months ago 1 Months ago [CODE : 526D7] Address
정신건강 걸고 외모 바꾼다는말...진짜 공감..
203004 1 Months ago 1 Months ago [CODE : 15EB3] Address
진짜 공감이야 성형 쉽게 봐서는 절대 안돼,,
pubaoi0101 1 Months ago 1 Months ago [CODE : 2D2DE] Address
너무 도움이 되는 글인거 같아 최고!!
qwer223 1 Months ago 1 Months ago [CODE : 3E201] Address
꿀팁 고마워 !!!!!!!!
마마마마마무무무무뭄… 1 Months ago 1 Months ago [CODE : 56C62] Address
너무잘읽엇어 고마우ㅏㅓ
밍젠 1 Months ago 1 Months ago [CODE : 8ABB0] Address
정성이 담긴 긴 글 잘 읽었어 ㅜㅜㅜㅜ고마워
명멍 1 Months ago 1 Months ago [CODE : 31216] Address
좋은글 써줘서 고마워 너무 잘 읽었다ㅠㅠ!!
웅유니 1 Months ago 1 Months ago [CODE : 1755D] Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
오징어환전소 Writer 1 Months ago 1 Months ago [CODE : 71A2C] Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
웅유니 1 Months ago 1 Months ago [CODE : 7DED9] Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
Lovee 1 Months ago 1 Months ago [CODE : 2D29D] Address
너무 좋은글.. 고마워요
유솔 1 Months ago 1 Months ago [CODE : 4EB12] Address
끝까지 다 읽어봤어 너무 고마워!!!
그루크만 1 Months ago 1 Months ago [CODE : 2D24B] Address
정말 놓쳤던 것들이 많다 ㅜㅜ 다시한번 상기하게 되네 고마워
유하짱 1 Months ago 1 Months ago [CODE : 15B5F] Address
유익한 꿀팁 너무 고마워ㅠㅠ
태퉤 1 Months ago 1 Months ago [CODE : 2E98D] Address
정말 유용한 정보다. 돌다리 열번 이상 두드려야 할 만큼 좋은 정보 고마워!
뽁뽁쓰 1 Months ago 1 Months ago [CODE : 8244F] Address
두고두고 정독할게 너무 고마워
모짜킴 1 Months ago 1 Months ago [CODE : 37A28] Address
긴글 고마워ㅠㅠ 코 수술 고민중이였는데 조금 더 고민해봐야겠다
soㅎㅎㄷㄷ 1 Months ago 1 Months ago [CODE : 533F2] Address
좋은 글 고마워. 완전 공감해ㅠ.ㅠ
베리문 1 Months ago 1 Months ago [CODE : 29CAC] Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
gogoo 1 Months ago 1 Months ago [CODE : 51A30] Address
양질의 글이다ㅠㅠ 고마워!
존나길어 1 Months ago 1 Months ago [CODE : 854D0] Address
다 읽기 힘들었는데 뼈 박힌 말들이 대부분이라서 인정.
근데 읽기 개힘듦.......요즘 숏츠나 짧은 영상에 도파민 중독 되버려서 하지만 하나씩 생각나는거 쓴 너가 최곡ㅋㅋㅋㅋ칭찬해
오징어환전소 Writer 1 Months ago 1 Months ago [CODE : 71A2C] Address
[@] 어 맞앜ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 나도 몇달에 걸쳐 생각나는대로 메모장에 써둔 거라 올릴 때쯤 되니 숏츠에 물든 사람들이 이 장문을 읽어줄까 싶었는데 너도 나랑 똑같은 생각했다는 게 웃기닼ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 나도 다른 장문은 잘 못 읽어 진짜 문제야 ㅠㅠ 이래서 요즘 adhd가 많나봐 (급 사회문제 토론
소울메이트 1 Months ago 1 Months ago [CODE : 53490] Address
[@오징어환전소] 어쩔수 없는 사회 흐름에 물들수 밖에........ㅋㅋㅋ 사상이 비슷해서 잠시나마 반가웠다ㅋㅋ
우쭈우우우주 1 Months ago 1 Months ago [CODE : 33B16] Address
아래로 갈수록 더 진국이네요 ㅎㅎ 1번 완전 공감해요! 쌍꺼풀 수술을 충동적으로 가능한 가장 빠른 날로 예약 했는데 너무 만족해요!
도쟁재어 1 Months ago 1 Months ago [CODE : 3F308] Address
참고할게 고마워...!!!
ilovecoffe… 1 Months ago 1 Months ago [CODE : 44383] Address
짱이다 고마워 ㅠㅠ 진짜 추구미도 좋지만 조화가 짱인것같아.. 내 얼굴을 객관적으로 보고 싶지만 거기까지 너무 큰 용기가 필요한것같음다들 파이팅이야
혀니이이이 1 Months ago 1 Months ago [CODE : 66AA1] Address
정성글 정독했어 고마워 ㅜㅜ
박하야로 1 Months ago 1 Months ago [CODE : 4EBC7] Address
유용한 글 너무 고마어,,❤️
noseup 1 Months ago 1 Months ago [CODE : 4EB11] Address
정성글.. 추천박고간다 후 ㅜㅠ고민이많아지네
체리베리메리 1 Months ago 1 Months ago [CODE : 15F73] Address
진짜 경험에서 우러나는 좋은 글이다ㅜㅜ 고마워 계약서랑 씨티 꼭 사진찍을게!
모두우릴처다부왕 1 Months ago 1 Months ago [CODE : 82A58] Address
우와 글 잘쓴다..성형후기들 보면 다 잘됬다고 해서 쉽게 생각했는데 다시 생각해 봐야겠다..
갓생루피 1 Months ago 1 Months ago [CODE : BDBCC] Address
우와 다 도움 되는 말이다 고마워
bom0281 1 Months ago 1 Months ago [CODE : 7CE68] Address
와 진짜 정성글 ㅠㅠ 하나하나 끄덕이면서 봤다
랄랄라욱 1 Months ago 1 Months ago [CODE : 3F3B6] Address
완전 좋은 정보글 읽고 갑니다! 어쩐지 저 쌍수하고나서 뉸이 너무 건조했는데 익모초를 달여먹어야겠어요!!!!!
귀엄동이 1 Months ago 1 Months ago [CODE : 4671B] Address
글 너무 잘썼다. 정리가 너무 잘되서 머리에 쏙쏙 박히네!
익명 1 Months ago 1 Months ago [CODE : 467E6] Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
오징어환전소 Writer 1 Months ago 1 Months ago [CODE : 71A2C] Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
어림없는사랑 1 Months ago 1 Months ago [CODE : B77DC] Address
긴글 고마워 도움 많이 된다ㅠㅠ
mildness77… 1 Months ago 1 Months ago [CODE : 27934] Address
광대는 진짜 하지 말라고 하는 말이 많네 진짜 여러모로 고민이 된다
서항 1 Months ago 1 Months ago [CODE : D50E4] Address
꿀팁 고마어ㅠㅠㅠ
dedd 1 Months ago 1 Months ago [CODE : 2C19F] Address
거의 논문급이다 정성스러운글 너무고마워 많이도움됐어
일랑일 1 Months ago 1 Months ago [CODE : 3797F] Address
긴 글 고마워ㅠㅠ
신리저니 1 Months ago 1 Months ago [CODE : 2D2D7] Address
진짜 다 맞는말이다.. 고마워 ?
빨간새 1 Months ago 1 Months ago [CODE : 839F8] Address
대박이다.. 이렇게 자세한 꿀팁과 조언은 처음봐ㅠ 예사 최고
알랑가몰라 1 Months ago 1 Months ago [CODE : D501C] Address
꿀팁 인정한다 고마웡ㅇ
잔망루피 1 Months ago 1 Months ago [CODE : 467AE] Address
정말 알아두면 좋을 조언과 팁이 가득하네 고마워
유여름 1 Months ago 1 Months ago [CODE : 4EA1D] Address
글 지우지 말아줘 ㅜㅜㅜ 주기적으로 와서 마인드셋 해야지..넘 고마워
suee 1 Months ago 1 Months ago [CODE : 2D2CD] Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
suee 1 Months ago 1 Months ago [CODE : 2D2CD] Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
오징어환전소 Writer 1 Months ago 1 Months ago [CODE : 71A2C] Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
xbluey 1 Months ago 1 Months ago [CODE : 1056C] Address
이런 정성글 너무너무 고마워! 두고두고 읽으면서 예사글 기억할게! 이글 삭제하지말아죠
우울한물고기 1 Months ago 1 Months ago [CODE : 2C054] Address
가독성이 좋아서 술술 읽었어! 글 정말 잘 쓴다 정성스럽고 좋은 글 써줘서 고마워
둘리꼬 1 Months ago 1 Months ago [CODE : 852E1] Address
이번달 말에 수술인데 도움될것 같아!!
bepa 1 Months ago 1 Months ago [CODE : 170E5] Address
하,,,,코는 역시 한번으로는 끝나는경우가없다는 말이 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ너무 고민된다,,,하
프로조 1 Months ago 1 Months ago [CODE : 42D7C] Address
긴 글 잘 읽었어 고마워!!
피크닉떠나고파 1 Months ago 1 Months ago [CODE : 29FAB] Address
진짜 꿀팁 너무 고마워 병원 가서 잘 해보고 올게
leebuja 1 Months ago 1 Months ago [CODE : 18BAA] Address
너무 좋은말들이 많다ㅠ
하지만 이미 병들어버려서ㅜㅜ 슬프네
성형짱좋아 1 Months ago 1 Months ago [CODE : 4A02B] Address
와 완전 정성스러운 글이야ㅠㅠ 고마워!
Sueicjwji 1 Months ago 1 Months ago [CODE : 278B0] Address
진짜 정성들여 조언해줘서 고마워 성형 더 생각해보고 신중하게 결정해야될 것 같아
냥냥밍밍펀치 1 Months ago 1 Months ago [CODE : 45112] Address
완전 고마워 ㅠㅠ
할룽2 1 Months ago 1 Months ago [CODE : 52398] Address
정독했어 ㅠㅠ 2주뒤 첫코 예정인데...너무너무 고민되네 잘 생각하고 해야겠어
킹새우 1 Months ago 1 Months ago [CODE : 7DD9E] Address
좋은꿀팁이야 정보너무 고마워
먀미모메모 1 Months ago 1 Months ago [CODE : 41335] Address
좋은 글 고마워…
아아앙궁금해미챠 1 Months ago 1 Months ago [CODE : 33792] Address
잘하는 병원 찾는거보다 나랑비슷한 케이스 찾는게
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Eyelid job - 차이성형외과 Cmt 0 View 16 Like 0
앞트임 과하면 망하고 복원하는 경우도 흔하다고 해서 지인짜 고민 많이 했는데 아무래도 거울 볼때마다 몽고주름이 신경쓰이는거야.. 이거 한 번 신경쓰이면 계속 보이는거 알지?ㅜㅜ 할까말까 고민 엄청하다가 결국 지르고 왔는데 만족해서 후기 남교 쿄쿄쿄쿄 듀얼앞트임이라고 앞&윗트임 같이 하는거 했는데 예사들 보기엔 어때? 몽고주름 없어진 것 같아? 성형은 진짜 1mm 미인이라더니 다들 욕심 안부리고 과하지 않게만 하면 만족스러운 결과 얻을…
5 Minutes ago
Nose job - 쁠리성형외과 Cmt 0 View 26 Like 0
심한 복코였고, 기능코를 고민하고 있었는데 하는 김에 미용도 같이 하란 권유 많더라 하는 김에 해라. 기능 수술하면 담에 재수다 그래서 병원을 여러 곳 돌았음. 이비인후과부터 성형외과까지요. (병원 적진 않겟으나 과한 권유 잇엇던 곳도 잇음) 원했던 건 과하지 않은 선에서 코 모양을 다듬는 거였고, 기능코 시술 문제 없이 할 수 있는 원장님을 찾다보니 김지훈 원장님이 상담 젤 맘에 들어서 결정. 지금 한 달 정도 지난 상태고, 복코는 정…
19 Minutes ago
Bodyshaping job - 로블에비뉴의원 Cmt 0 View 21 Like 0
팔360 + 부유방 + 겨드랑이 + 뒷볼록 + 견갑+ 브라라인 다했습니다 ㅎㅎ 승모근보톡스 삼각근?보톡스도 같이 맞았어요 지방 순수 2200cc 뽑았다고 하시더라구요 다들 친절하고 잘해주셔서 편안한 마음으로 수술받고 왔어요 팔지방흡입 강추 입니다
23 Minutes ago
Facialbone job - 노트성형외과의원 Cmt 0 View 40 Like 0
예사들 안녕!!!!!!! 일단 3개월이 지나고 제일 만족스러운건 광대 + 턱라인이 자연스러워졌다는거ㅎㅎㅎㅎ 큰 불편함은 없고 아직 턱 쪽에 붓기랑 뭉침이 느껴지지만 일상생활엔 지장이 없음. 턱 쪽에 느낌도 80% 돌아왔고 아픈건 하나도 없어. 더불어 주위에서 다 이뻐졌다고 말해줘서 만족스러움!!! ㅎㅎ 여기서 붓기가 점점 빠지는게 너무 기대된다
31 Minutes ago
Eyelid job - 온에어성형외과의원 Cmt 0 View 91 Like 0
오래 전 매몰로 쌍수랑 눈교했는데 내 살성이랑 안맞아서 그런건지는 몰라도 시간 지나니까 풀렸어 할 땐 예쁘다 생각해도 오래 못가니까 뭔가 돈도 날리고 아쉬운 느낌인겨.. 특히 눈교가 풀리면 게슴츠레해지고 항상 피곤해보이는 느낌이라 생활할 때 불편한 것도 한가득임 …ㅠ.ㅜ 그래서 이번에는 내 두터운 살성 고려해서 절개로 눈재받았어 ㅎㅎ 눈꼬리쪽도 막힌 느낌이 있었는데 뒤밑트하면 자려한 라인이랑 더 잘 어우러질거라고 하셔서 같이 했오! 전후 차이가…
1 Hours ago
Bomb job - 아이디병원 ID Hospital Cmt 0 View 115 Like 0
진짜 B컵이었어..살빼기 전까지.. 이번에 빡세게 다이어트를 했는데 초반에 가슴이 좀 많이 빠져서 ^^ 아닐거야...아닐...거..야.. 하고 무시했는데 15키로 빼고 보니 가슴 어딨니..?..;; 원래 살 빼기 전에 속옷 입었을 때 꽉은 아니더라도 딱 맞았는데 근데 살빼고 입었더니 훌-렁 훌-렁 옷태도 안살고 그래서 가슴수술받음 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 상담받을 때 너무 큰 가슴은 ㄴㄴ.... C가 딱 잘 맞을 거라고 해주셔서 나는 이 사이즈…
1 Hours ago
Jawline job - 서울페이스21치과병원 Cmt 2 View 450 Like 0
수술하게된계기는 음식을 씹는데 교합이안맞아서 치아가 쪼끔씩 깨져서 이건안되겠다싶었고 영화보러가면 친구가 옆테 볼때마다 내턱만보는느낌… 거울보고 속상할땐 죽더라도 주걱턱좀넣고싶다 이런생각까지 들정도ㅠㅠ스트레스었다는 그래서 수술은 10년은 넘게 고민해왔지만! 결정은 생각보다 빨랐고 ㅎ 상담안다녀본것도 아니었고 손발품 팔아봤는데 생각보다 게을러서 양악병원 교정치과 뭐 이런걸 따로알아보고뭐할 부지런함은 없어서 양악 치과 협진…
4 Hours ago
눈뒤에 벌어져있어서 셩형티가 엄청나 ……. 만나는사람마다 눈뒤에 왜그러냐고 물어봐 이거 벌어져있어서 매끄럽지못하고ㅠㅠ 너무스트레스야 옆으로누우면 눈물이 계속 흘러 안슬픈데 눈물이계속나 숭먹으면 눈건조와서 눈이 엄청뻑뻑해 물들어간상태에서 렌즈낀것처럼 ㅠㅠㅠㅠ 하
6 Hours ago
Nose job - 청담여신성형외과(전다우성형외과) Cmt 2 View 190 Like 0
수술전 제 모습이에요! 미용목적으로 수술했고, 이전의 모습도 만족하고 예쁘다 생각하며 지냈어요 근데 코끝 콧볼이 좀 얇쌍하게 되면 더 예쁘겠단 생각이 자꾸 들어서 상담도 많이 받아보고, 고민하던 끝에 수술 받았어요!! 지난 토요일에 받았으니까 이제 4일정도 지났네요 ㅎㅎ 솜 제거하고, 테이핑 새로하면서 유심히 봤는데 아직 경과를 더 살펴봐야겠지만!! 콧대부터 오똑하고 얇쌍하게 라인 예쁘게 내려오는거같아서 너무 좋아요 ㅎㅎㅎ 붓기관리 …
7 Hours ago