It's been 22 days since the surgery, and lately, I've been laughing so hard that I don't know if I should call it the columella or the philtrum line, but there were times when it pulled to the point where I felt like it was hurting (please refer to the front photo!) Oh, I just couldn't hold back my laughter. There were a lot of times when I ended up laughing.
Maybe that's why I was fine until the morning, but when I got home from my part-time job, the right side of my nose felt weird. Is this inflammation? Or is it a symptom caused by hitting the nasal septum?
Has anyone else been like this besides me? Oh, and I was worried that the shape might spread when I smiled, so I lightly touched the bridge of my nose and nose line, just to check if it was in good shape...?
For your information, the bruise on the silicone side hasn't gone away yet! Because I kept laughing, my nose got saggy and the bruises started to go away, but they ended up doing that ㅠ