When I had it done through a non-incision, the swelling really went away right away, so I thought it would be like that with an incision as well, a month before the start of school? I had it done? I made a double incision and it just came out, but there was swelling. It's really no joke. But the line is pretty, so it'll be okay. I was told that if I move it like I did with the non-incision, the swelling will go down, but wow... The swelling hasn't gone away at all. I've been sitting up all the time, sleeping, and doing all sorts of things ㅜㅜ And I'm the type of person who hit the jackpot with my first double-handed style, so I'm the type of person known for being pretty at school, but as soon as school starts, the kids look at me pitifully. My self-esteem was so bad that I wore a hat for 3 months straight and didn't even come home during vacation lol. It was too much