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What do you do when the manager is so rude?

버버리 2021-07-26 (월) 14:38 3 Years ago 3814
under. . I chose this place after seeing the cafe, but
 my first impression was not good, but the more I got there, the worse it got.
I thought it would be fine as long as the surgery goes well, so I just chose it, but
 I had to retake it, so I contacted the doctor again, but he
 just sighed and
 canceled the reservation he had made.
I said I wanted to have revision surgery this year, but
 they said no one would be there for a long time. crazy.
I went there because it's so famous for the under eye area, but
 I'm annoyed that the surgery didn't work properly. What's the point of spending my own money and feeling bad about it?
My friend didn't have time to show off, so
 he asked me to tell him
 about a place , and he went there and asked why it was a market.
The manager said that this was his first time at a place where his standards were higher than that of a doctor, and
 when I asked him to write down the price, he said that he told me about it earlier and
 stayed silent as if it was annoying.
It's my first time in a place like that.
What kind of customer are you looking at?

There was a renewal opening there, but
 it looks like they need to change the staff first.
It seems like the image is being cut down.
There are other unpleasant things besides this, but
 I didn't write them down in detail.
When I looked at the cafe, I saw that the manager here was not cheap
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