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Dr. Choi Hang-seok
Health Clinic
Plastic surgery Specialist
Doctor's License Acquisition Date
Rhinoplasty 100%
Plastic Surgeon Graduated from Konkuk University College of Medicine
Chang Gung Craniofacial Center visitor fellow ship Former Director of Top Class Plastic Surgery Former Director of DA Plastic Surgery
Academic activity
Lifetime member of Korean Society of Plastic and Surgeons Full member of Korean Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Full member of Korean Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (IPRAS) Regular member Korean Ophthalmic Plastic Surgery Society Regular member Korean Rhinoplasty Research Society Regular member Korean Fat Plastic Surgery Research Society Full member Korean Craniofacial Plastic Surgery Society Regular member
Related Dr.
Dr. Jang Yujin
Dr. Soobin Do
Dr. 박성훈
Hospital Info
8th floor, Medi Tower, 107 Teheran-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul

In this menu, individual doctor's evaluations or reviews are not allowed as they may be defamatory. If you wish to register as a doctor, please contact us with sungyesacom@gmail.com
니니키 2024-07-15 (월) 09:21 18시간전 Address
상담비 만원내고 상담 했어요
대기는 정말 길고 직원들은 친절한 느낌이 없었어요
실장은 나이 많은 아줌마였는데 한번 웃어주지 않고 좀 상담 자체는 딱딱함
원장님 상담 잘함, 절골을 해도 효과가 안보일것 같다며 절골 하지말자고 말림 과잉진료 없었는데 실장이 너무 별루라 as 걱정되서 고민중
예뻐지르르우웅이 2024-07-14 (일) 14:19 1일전 Address
코상담 받고 왔는데 제가 원하는 방향 바로 캐치해 주시고 되게 전문적으로 알려주세요! 자려한 코, 화려한 코 하시는 분 추천합니다! 대신 대기시간 많이 길어요
꽁이임당 2024-07-12 (금) 12:38 3일전 Address
원래부터 재수 하려고 여러병원 후기들 찾아봤는데 최항석원장님이 뽑는 코라인 자려함이 제가 딱원하는 모양이라 다른병원안보고 바로 상담받고 예약했습니당 ㅎ ㅎ 상담대기시간 총3시간 기다린거같아요 하비만 너무 친절하시고 믿음이가는 상담이였어요
모두가돌아보는미인되… 2024-07-02 (화) 02:44 14일전 Address
상담은 후딱 후딱 포인트만 집어서 알려주셨고 한계점은 분명히 말씀해주심 최항석 원장님께 상담받았어요
대표원장님이라 가격은 좀 있는편이었고요
디테일하게 이렇다 저렇다 말씀은 없었고 요점만 말씀해주는 스탈이었고 포토는 촬영안하고 ct만 찍음
glutenfree… 2024-07-02 (화) 00:57 14일전 Address
의사쌤 친절하신데 원하는 방향이랑 추구미가 달라서 결국 다른곳에서 수술했어요 화려한코 원하는 사람은 추천
ㅍ클스 2024-07-01 (월) 23:41 14일전 Address
코수술 상담 10군데 넘게 다니고 마지막 병원이었습니다.
그때까지 딱히 여기다 싶은 원장님이 없었는데 최한석 원장님은 저 매부리코인거를 바로 알아채시고 이거를 안고치면 또 실리콘이 휜다고 하시더라고요.
그래서 바로 예약금 넣었어요
그리고 목소리 톤이 뭔가 안심이 되는 목속리십니다ㅎ
코수술하고 3년 지났는데 부작용도 없습니다
알러지 2024-06-30 (일) 20:25 15일전 Address
;;쿨하게 as 해주세요 그래서 as까지했지만 ㅎㅎㅎ 결국 다른곳에서 다시 합니다 그래도 의사쌤은 친절하세요 의사쌤만 ㅎㅎ 덕분에 2년동안 울면서 다녔습니다 :)
잘해보자구요 2024-06-30 (일) 09:39 15일전 Address
유툽보고 가서 상담했는데 고하지않게 추천해주시고 친절하게 상담해무셔서 신뢰가 갔어요 생각잘해보고 하게되면 이곳할려고요
이안0710 2024-06-30 (일) 03:59 15일전 Address
대기 시간 짧고 원장님께서 상담을 세세하게 해주셔서 좋았어요. 과한 권유보다는 조언해주시는데 솔직하게 말해주셔서 저도 더 생각해보게 되었습니다.
테레사33 2024-06-30 (일) 00:44 16일전 Address
최항석 원장님 친절하시고 심미안있으심ㅎㅎ
대학교에서 빡센 교수님들 사이에서
친절하고 편안하게 대해주는
한줄기 빛같은 교수님 느낌받음..
정말 좋습니당..
안넝안넝 2024-06-28 (금) 19:25 17일전 Address
원장님 되게 친절하시고 디자인적으로도 뭔가 잘할실거같은 느낌이였음 상담실장은 솔짇히 ㅂㄹ였음 뭔가 영업하는 느낌과 진심을 다해 상담해주는 느낌보다 그러는 척 느낌이였음
마크리리 2024-06-28 (금) 14:08 17일전 Address
수술 끝난 직후에 봬서 그런지 많이 힘들어 보이셔서ㅠㅠ 뭘 더 여쭤보기가 죄송했음.. 그래도 친절하셨고 설명할 건 다 해주셔서 괜찮았어요. 첫 수술이어도 기증늑 쓰는 걸 선호하시는 편인 것 같습니다.
웅냠얌 2024-06-28 (금) 01:50 18일전 Address
첫 수술이었는데 망해서 재수술 합니다 코쳐짐+메부리..의사선생님, 상담쌤은 친절하시고 좋으세요 그치만 첫수술이었던지라 실망스럽긴 합니다
히흐히히 2024-06-25 (화) 21:15 20일전 Address
2019년에 코수술하고 벌써 5년 지났는데 아직까지 재수술도 생각 안해봤습니다! 부작용 없이 예쁜 코로 성형해주셨습니다. 되는 건 된다 안되는 건 안된다고 정확하게 진단해주십니다
페이슈 2024-06-24 (월) 11:30 21일전 Address
대기 시간이 길지 않았고 정확하고 자세하게 상담해주셨고 필요한 부분만 딱 딱 짚어주셔서 신뢰가갔었습니다!
랜느 2024-06-23 (일) 22:41 22일전 Address
우연히 유큐브 보고 찾아갔는데 성격이 실제로도 똑같으셨어요 ☺️ 꼭 여기소  코수술 당장 하구싶어요!!!
somuch 2024-06-20 (목) 02:57 26일전 Address
지인 소개 그리고 유툽 보고 상담 갔었는데 제 니즈랑 달라서 패스 했어요
원장님은 친절하시고 그래도 꼼꼼하게 봐 주시고 원장님이 하시는 수술 하시는 스타일 원하는 사람 있으면 추천!
두식언니 2024-06-18 (화) 15:04 27일전 Address
I went there after being introduced to it by an acquaintance, and the consultation was long, but the director was kind. The content of the consultation was similar. I thought the shape didn't suit me, so I passed.
jash 2024-06-16 (일) 15:27 29일전 Address
I like it. It's friendly and thorough. I recommend it. The interior is clean and nice. I was satisfied overall. The treatment review is from Seongyesa.
노란천사 2024-06-14 (금) 18:33 1개월전 Address
I came for a consultation, and he carefully checked the nose surgery method, materials, and time. He gave me a design that suited me and told me exactly not to be greedy. The manager was also kind and nice.
뷰뷰븅 2024-06-13 (목) 12:24 1개월전 Address
I went to three hospitals for reoperation, and the director said that Director Choi Hang-seok is very good at handling the columella, so I'm worried. However, I'm looking for a natural round nose tip rather than flashiness, so I'm thinking about it with Lala. For reference, he also recommended osteotomy, but he didn't do it. Please tell me honestly that it will be less natural than before.
추추트레인1 2024-06-05 (수) 15:54 1개월전 Address
I made a reservation, but the waiting time was a bit long, so I think I'll have to accommodate it. And although the consultation was not long, it seems like I had a lot of experience. Other than the waiting time, the manager was friendly and nice.
우화라 2024-06-02 (일) 09:26 1개월전 Address
The director was kind, but the counseling director was very unfriendly. From the day of the surgery, they were unfriendly and didn't give me any explanations since I couldn't even see their faces, but when I went to the hospital due to the side effects, they suddenly became kinder.
음음짜스고 2024-05-26 (일) 15:05 1개월전 Address
I had surgery on the donor rib about 5 years ago, but it was saggy, so I had to re-operate somewhere else. It was my first surgery, so I went without knowing what was going on, but I got an osteotomy and all the additional costs, and the nose was, well, the same.
woona 2024-05-26 (일) 07:19 1개월전 Address
I went for a consultation for nose revision surgery, and the wait was over an hour and a half. The director said that it would be difficult to see much benefit from reoperation, and the consultation ended in almost 2 minutes. It was so vain after the long wait, but it would be right to say that he was being conscientious, right? I came out after the consultation, and the director also talked about a same-day reservation fee, so I told him about the details of the consultation and he said that he didn't say it was a nose that couldn't be operated on. How do I make an appointment when I am so skeptical about the doctor treating me?
동글짧코 2024-05-18 (토) 13:43 1개월전 Address
몽몽임 2024-05-15 (수) 23:45 1개월전 Address
Thank you very much for your kind advice. I was very worried about the surgery, but I felt reassured and was able to have the surgery comfortably. It seems like a place you can trust because they take care of their care as well. I think it would be a good idea for those who see it to go and get consultation.
올비띠 2024-05-14 (화) 12:36 2개월전 Address
하늘이잉 2024-05-07 (화) 21:40 2개월전 Address
The director here is kind and personable. Above all, I thought he was a good doctor who listened to his patients. If there is a problem, he is a doctor who does not ignore it but solves it ❣️
뀨찌 2024-05-07 (화) 11:33 2개월전 Address
I had Dr. Choi's surgery here, and the swelling bothered me a lot at first, but he kindly reassured me by saying that the swelling would go down to some extent and that he would remove it if I didn't like it afterward. Now, two months later, my nose is in good shape. A lot of people ask me about the hospital. Haha. My friend also had surgery here. It turned out beautifully.
복슈아 2024-05-05 (일) 01:54 2개월전 Address
He looked at the shape of my nose and knew all the problems. He was kind and gave me accurate advice, and the consultation itself seemed to be over quickly.
매죠 2024-05-01 (수) 00:47 2개월전 Address
The bathroom is clean and the two managers sitting at the counter are friendly... . The consultation was thorough as the wait was long, but it seemed to end rather quickly. Still, overall I'm satisfied
예쀠 2024-04-30 (화) 12:29 2개월전 Address
I went in for a consultation and it seemed like there wasn't much waiting time, but the director told me that the person checking my post-surgery progress had been waiting for a long time and would come right away. He came about 30 minutes later and told me that the consultation would tell me exactly what I needed and that I wouldn't be able to do anything that wasn't working.
Djjdjd 2024-04-29 (월) 00:36 2개월전 Address
I was told I would have to wait for a few hours because I was having surgery, so I came after eating and had a consultation. I went in and saw exactly what I needed to do and it was done quickly. You seem kind but blunt? Haha anyway, you should consider waiting a bit.
현또먹 2024-04-28 (일) 12:11 2개월전 Address
Consultation is 5 minutes and waiting time is 1.5 hours. Even though it is said to be off-season, what the heck is this during peak season.. I placed a deposit, but the real reputation reviews were a mess, so they took the deposit away..
꾸르르수술성공 2024-04-20 (토) 01:39 2개월전 Address
The surgery consultation seemed a bit urgent. He looked very busy because there were a lot of surgery patients. The hospital was the most crowded among the hospitals I've been to, and the waiting time for consultation was long.
뽕뷰라 2024-04-19 (금) 23:10 2개월전 Address
I really liked the design, the doctor's pride, etc., but even though the manager asked me to send him the quote and other consultation information, he didn't send it to me, so he didn't even call me and cut off contact. I don’t remember exactly what I discussed with the doctor. So I gave up on Premiere.
애옹애아옹 2024-04-18 (목) 10:11 2개월전 Address
My cousin had nose surgery by Dr. Lee and it looked so pretty that I came for a consultation too!! I was able to trust him because he explained things in a calm and detailed manner and provided detailed information on the results of city photos.
덕경 2024-04-15 (월) 22:04 2개월전 Address
I consulted with the representative director. He seemed confident about the surgery and gave me advice on what to do. The hospital was clean and had a nice feel.
ㄹㅎ18 2024-04-01 (월) 23:21 3개월전 Address
Zhzhzhfkfk… 2024-03-26 (화) 20:14 3개월전 Address
I went to get a consultation because it was a hospital famous for its sophisticated treatment. I don't know if it was because they were busy all over the place, but they just told me the same thing and looked tired.
예뻐진내눈코 2024-03-26 (화) 11:23 3개월전 Address
During the consultation, he explained clearly and clearly while shaping the nose to fit the image. Also, when I went to consultations, I thought it was important to explain things in an easy-to-understand way rather than using technical terms, and I thought that aspect was very good during the consultation.
사앙큼 2024-03-25 (월) 10:35 3개월전 Address
They're friendly, but they're very busy, so I recommend coming prepared with all the questionnaires. It was nice to be able to consult in a comfortable atmosphere.
상쾌한채끝살 2024-03-22 (금) 00:08 3개월전 Address
I finished the 2nd week of nose surgery. When I saw it yesterday, the lobby was full of people. Director Choi Hang-seok, it seems like he is in the 1st tier of nose surgery, but it is that expensive. I am only in my 2nd week, but I am satisfied with the nose design that came out well.
웜뱃주인 2024-03-18 (월) 12:03 3개월전 Address
The consultation was so short that it would be difficult to decide on surgery after only hearing that much of the explanation. It didn't feel like they looked at each patient thoroughly.
누코티 2024-03-09 (토) 14:06 4개월전 Address
I went for a consultation, but the consultation time was too short compared to the long waiting time. The cost is a bit more expensive than other hospitals.
얌얌25 2024-03-05 (화) 08:27 4개월전 Address
Well, I liked it because you spoke in a friendly and easy-to-understand way, so I'm planning on doing it again haha. I hope everyone has a good time. If this is good, it's good!!
운동하는사람 2024-02-26 (월) 07:56 4개월전 Address
I had a nose consultation before, and you explained in detail what errors I originally knew about?? You even helped me understand the misconceptions I had! Thank you
쿼카1020 2024-02-20 (화) 22:32 4개월전 Address
I was surprised to see that the director recognized the right nose for me as soon as I saw him, without even being recommended an oversized nose that didn't suit me. I felt more trusted than at other hospitals, so the director made it possible for me to make a decision on the same day!!
스티치뀨뀨 2024-02-19 (월) 23:13 4개월전 Address
The waiting time for consultation was 2 hours, but the consultation lasted less than 5 minutes. I wanted to ask in-depth questions because it seemed so busy, but I was disappointed.
다메요박리다메요 2024-02-18 (일) 04:46 4개월전 Address
The surgery fee was relatively expensive, but it was the most professional consultation and there were a lot of patients who visited the hospital. However, the waiting time was long and it was hectic. Disadvantages
김지영2 2024-02-16 (금) 22:39 4개월전 Address
Please kindly provide good advice to the director. Although the waiting time was very long, he explained things comfortably without giving too much advice haha!!
궁금증ㅇ 2024-02-16 (금) 22:33 4개월전 Address
The waiting time was a bit long and there were a lot of people. I guess that's why he's so popular. I really felt like he was an expert because he answered every question I asked and figured it out right away.
콬찝어 2024-02-02 (금) 17:02 5개월전 Address
The waiting time for the consultation was very long, about an hour? The director's consultation lasted only 5 minutes, but he seemed professional and wasn't unfriendly or anything.
라헬이 2024-02-02 (금) 01:20 5개월전 Address
You gave a good explanation with the reasons regarding non-implants and implants. He provided detailed information on possible shapes and did not make any excessive recommendations.
코코빙 2024-01-30 (화) 23:12 5개월전 Address
The director spoke very softly and kindly, and as soon as I saw him, it felt like he was only recommending necessary surgeries and telling me that he couldn't do anything that couldn't be done.
moazzi 2024-01-30 (화) 03:32 5개월전 Address
The waiting time was actually long, and as I was getting into the consultation, there was a staff member standing next to me, urging me to finish quickly, which was a bit disappointing. But for the nose, it was perfect because he pinpointed the parts I wanted corrected and told me only what I needed. I hope the surgery goes well.
자둥이 2024-01-29 (월) 14:44 5개월전 Address
The waiting time was about 2 hours, but there was no excessive treatment and he only pointed out what I needed. The director was very calm and kind.
우각 2024-01-15 (월) 02:09 5개월전 Address
I went for a consultation, but getting a consultation itself was difficult and the waiting time was long! Maybe it was because I was a little young, but the counseling director made me feel comfortable and it was nice that the director looked at my nose well.
챠빵빵 2024-01-12 (금) 12:22 5개월전 Address
The hospital atmosphere seemed very busy and hectic, but they seemed to be holding the line very well. They were friendly and natural.
주22 2024-01-11 (목) 08:39 6개월전 Address
The wait was very long, but they were friendly. The consultation was short, but they looked very busy. They seemed to prefer flashy noses, and it felt professional.
잉잉이ㅋ 2024-01-10 (수) 18:54 6개월전 Address
He told me the important details clearly and showed me what he wanted, but he told me honestly that it would be difficult. The consultation time was short.
Xcvf 2023-12-29 (금) 16:57 6개월전 Address
I felt like the counseling was friendly and trustworthy. I felt like I was trying to understand and accommodate the patient’s needs as much as possible. It seems like you prefer the costal cartilage over the nasal septum and ears.
눈눈누눈난나 2023-12-10 (일) 01:14 7개월전 Address
When I read plastic surgery reviews, I liked the design, so when I went in, I always saw Dr. Lee, so I made a reservation for a consultation. It's difficult because I've been to various consultations, but I really hope we get along well here.
러브류 2023-11-11 (토) 01:16 8개월전 Address
It was nice that they gave me the kind of consultation I wanted, and they pinpointed my complex, so I was more impressed and impressed than at any other hospital.
무유무유 2023-11-09 (목) 22:51 8개월전 Address
It was difficult because the waiting time was so long ㅜㅜ But rather than asking questions, they explained to me how the surgery would be performed! I think there might be a difference of opinion.
dfgsxe 2023-11-06 (월) 21:39 8개월전 Address
The counselor has a pretty nose and it seems like he only focuses on the parts that are needed. I feel like I can trust him a little because he explains exactly what I want.
닝깅 2023-09-16 (토) 05:45 9개월전 Address
I had surgery because my nose was stressed, but the swelling went down and it became very thin. I was very satisfied with the line that was made to stand beautifully with the straight tabi that I wanted.
구리광 2023-09-13 (수) 01:45 9개월전 Address
He's so kind! Maybe it's because he's the most popular director at a hot hospital, or maybe it's because I went on a Friday evening, but even after making a reservation, the waiting time was very long. Still, I'm very satisfied with the consultation.
하모니f 2023-09-11 (월) 18:08 9개월전 Address
I feel like the counselor is friendly and doesn't say too much, so it feels honest. I was very dissatisfied with the previous one, but I think things will work out this time.
네수 2023-09-10 (일) 23:14 9개월전 Address
The waiting time is almost two hours.. Haha, the magic that builds trust the moment you receive a consultation. It is inevitable that waiting will be a very popular hospital, so I think it would be better to take that into account and go. Since you will be in a daze while waiting and you will end up dazed during the consultation, it is better to take out all the questionnaires and go. It would be nice ^^
jjon 2023-07-21 (금) 21:21 11개월전 Address
The consultation time was short, but the waiting time was long. However, the director told me only what was necessary, so trust was built up. I'm worried because of the counselor..
김포포3 2023-07-12 (수) 22:43 1년전 Address
When I visited, the consultation was too long.. I waited for almost an hour. It was a pity that it ended so quickly, but the director seemed calm, so that's good
레샤정 2023-06-20 (화) 19:20 1년전 Address
การรอนั้นนาน แต่ผู้กำกับก็ใจเย็นและใจดีมาก ดูเหมือนว่าเขากำลังมีจมูกที่สวยงาม ดังนั้นฉันจึงคิดที่จะศัลยกรรม
Roseberry 2023-05-02 (화) 18:51 1년전 Address
The director clearly said that the surgery effect was not good. Overall, he was a gentle and straightforward counselor.
와뵹 2023-04-07 (금) 02:15 1년전 Address
Director Choi is so good... You must be really busy, but you're always kind and you can trust and entrust everything from the patient's point of view. I'm not anxious, I trust you, and of course, your skills are really good, and I was surprised that you pointed out my complex before I even spoke. And tell me how to improve, so honestly, I already decided there, ah, I want to get surgery from this person unconditionally . You're really good. I want to recommend you. Director Choi is the best.
딸기마마님 2023-01-06 (금) 10:47 1년전 Address
A friend underwent nose surgery, and he was so pretty. Really pretty with the nose top I saw
알프스소녀하이디 2023-01-04 (수) 11:58 1년전 Address
Waiting time was not as long as expected. About 20-30 minutes? You looked tired, but you still consulted with sincerity. When I asked about the side effects, he explained in detail.
진짜할거야 2023-01-03 (화) 14:32 1년전 Address
The consultation fee was 10,000 won, and he seemed very busy. I think you should leave plenty of time. It took a total of a little over 2 hours for me to consult with the director after the CT scan, then to the director, and again to discuss the cost with the director. Compared to other hospitals, it felt like they gave a rough explanation rather than a detailed explanation. So, I think you should ask a lot of questions about the details.
왕창뿌셔 2022-12-16 (금) 12:06 1년전 Address
I haven't been consulted at many hospitals, but Director Choi's detailed explanation was different in certain parts. The details, such as how difficult it is to completely remove even if the hook is shaved or the nose is too long and the nostrils are too visible when slightly raised, are different from other places. Other hospitals just point out that the long nose should be shortened, the beak should be shaved, and that it is simply cosmetic? I think it was good because the director predicted this part after the surgery and explained that it could happen like this.
햄보끔 2022-08-09 (화) 11:56 1년전 Address
Whether it's because he's the most popular director in a hot hospital, or because he went on a Friday evening, the waiting time was very long even after making a reservation. Still, I am very satisfied with the consultation. The consultation time felt shorter than the waiting time, but it was rather nice to share only the necessary conversations. The more I read the reviews, the more my greed grew, so I wanted to raise it to the point that it was overkill, but it was good that the director protected me with a nose that suits me perfectly!
성예사체고11157 2022-08-05 (금) 16:46 1년전 Address
It’s been about 5 years since my surgery!! I'm satisfied with my life, but I'm actually worried because the tip of my nose is falling out... But I live with the fact that my nose is always like that ㅜㅜ
주머니 2022-06-22 (수) 14:38 2년전 Address
I had my first nose surgery at the end of last year by Dr. Choi. So far I'm really happy with it! I hoped to get it here sooner.
한번쯤은 2022-06-19 (일) 00:48 2년전 Address
Although it took a long time to receive counseling, he is kind and professional. Recommended if you want a gorgeous nose
bounteous9 2022-03-30 (수) 14:24 2년전 Address
I went to get a consultation and waited for over 2 hours. Originally, I made a reservation for 4:30, but it didnt start until 6:30. All I had to do was say that I just had surgery and I think Ill have to wait for about an hour. box
리틀박수진 2022-03-20 (일) 03:31 2년전 Address
No, I was recommended because I was good here. But as soon as I entered, I remember how many people were there, waiting to see if it was a real talent, and I was afraid it might be a factory type, so I just came out. Still, I have seen a male Hoppa player here.
하마튜튜튜 2022-03-11 (금) 21:28 2년전 Address
The director is nice and kind, but the hospital is very factory-type.
잠봉뵈르 2022-01-25 (화) 07:15 2년전 Address
Consultation fee 10,000 won Waiting time for consultation 3 hours… I talked with the manager for two minutes and came out after consulting really, and the manager seems to induce payment right away
젠또 2022-01-16 (일) 01:31 2년전 Address
The director is very calm and kind.. I was consulted for a functional nose (revision surgery), but in the cosmetic part, there will not be much difference before and after..
예슷제 2021-12-14 (화) 20:21 2년전 Address
The fact that you continued to recommend costal cartilage was different from what I received from other consultations. The wait was almost an hour and the consultation took about 5 minutes, so it felt too short.
구축코재수술 2021-12-11 (토) 19:47 2년전 Address
It took two hours to get a consultation, and in the end, I only met the head of the office.
쿠마쿠코 2021-11-13 (토) 18:34 2년전 Address
Even though I had made a reservation, I waited an additional hour or so. And it was a bit strange to have to pay 100,000 won unconditionally by putting a deposit on the consultation fee. Even if they say they will return it later, it is the first hospital that does this, so I was a little embarrassed. The manager looked at the ct and gave a rough overview, met the director and consulted with the ct again for the second time. The manager was calm and kind and gave good advice.
잇힝2 2021-11-08 (월) 05:29 2년전 Address
I consulted with Dr. Hangseok Choi. First of all, there were a lot of people waiting, and even if I made a reservation, the waiting time was long. The director seemed to have had a lot of surgeries. Because of the next surgery, the consultation ended short and I think I spent a long time with the counselor, and the consultation fee was 100,000 won, and if I told it within the deadline, I would refund 90,000 won. Its the first time Ive seen such a system.
얼그레이2 2021-10-27 (수) 20:35 2년전 Address
If you want a gorgeous nose, Choi Hang-seok recommends it. I wanted something natural rather than flashy, so I tried again at another hospital, but he said that the inside of the nose is well organized as seen in the textbook.
으아안 2021-10-02 (토) 23:26 2년전 Address
I received a revision surgery for my nose at the beginning of this year. I liked my nose, but I wanted to raise it a little. It fits naturally as I wanted and I am satisfied with it so far.
악툼 2021-09-25 (토) 18:05 2년전 Address
I waited two hours for a consultation.
르펠 2021-08-10 (화) 18:16 2년전 Address
성공하자아ㅎ 2021-08-06 (금) 21:15 2년전 Address
Wjdqhqhqh 2021-07-23 (금) 19:12 2년전 Address
이다eda 2021-07-06 (화) 22:49 3년전 Address
밍짜루 2021-06-19 (토) 21:14 3년전 Address
감구마 2021-06-16 (수) 00:14 3년전 Address
납닥코 2021-06-04 (금) 09:36 3년전 Address
믐메 2021-06-03 (목) 11:50 3년전 Address
성얘사원 2021-06-03 (목) 09:29 3년전 Address
꾸꾸까악악 2021-05-22 (토) 09:22 3년전 Address
yummyyum 2021-05-13 (목) 01:38 3년전 Address
s128s 2021-05-09 (일) 11:24 3년전 Address
쿠쿠쿠캬 2021-04-22 (목) 23:14 3년전 Address
opopu 2021-03-28 (일) 01:45 3년전 Address
크로버야 2021-01-22 (금) 21:30 3년전 Address
코로롱코롱 2021-01-17 (일) 13:30 3년전 Address
Bokyboky 2021-01-06 (수) 19:51 3년전 Address
코코0622 2020-12-30 (수) 00:31 3년전 Address
롱박 2020-11-19 (목) 05:44 3년전 Address
Djskjdjscj… 2020-11-06 (금) 23:09 3년전 Address
momoa 2020-09-16 (수) 07:24 3년전 Address
지니쥔 2020-09-08 (화) 22:15 3년전 Address
이뽀질끄얀 2020-08-08 (토) 19:04 3년전 Address
olbyull 2020-08-05 (수) 00:37 3년전 Address
꼬복칩 2020-07-23 (목) 00:52 3년전 Address
름름구구 2020-06-27 (토) 17:36 4년전 Address
고졸백수 2020-06-18 (목) 07:49 4년전 Address
오메나 2020-06-14 (일) 18:32 4년전 Address
콩이코이 2020-06-09 (화) 22:32 4년전 Address
applej**** 2020-05-01 (금) 11:37 4년전 Address
주부100단 2020-03-21 (토) 14:55 4년전 Address
이오오이 2020-03-19 (목) 18:23 4년전 Address
댕댕수댕 2020-03-19 (목) 11:57 4년전 Address
미뮤뮤 2020-03-10 (화) 21:16 4년전 Address
효니쓰 2020-02-24 (월) 11:25 4년전 Address
엠파잉 2020-02-19 (수) 16:38 4년전 Address
구리연 2020-02-17 (월) 18:36 4년전 Address
레드라인119 2020-02-17 (월) 15:03 4년전 Address
aquacash1 2020-02-13 (목) 21:03 4년전 Address

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