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Dr. 이한별
Health Clinic
Plastic surgery Specialist
Doctor's License Acquisition Date
Specialist Acquisition Date
성형외과 전문의
The Royal London Hospital Plastic Surgery Department 연수
일산백병원 성형외과 외래교수
아몬드성형외과 원장
Academic activity
대한성형외과학회 정회원
대한미용성형외과학회 정회원
국제미용성형외과학회 정회원
대한성형외과의사회 정회원
Smile for children 회원
미얀마 안면 기형 봉사 단체 회원
Hospital Info
2F, Royal Building, 6, Nonhyeon-ro 175-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul

In this menu, individual doctor's evaluations or reviews are not allowed as they may be defamatory. If you wish to register as a doctor, please contact us with sungyesacom@gmail.com
야홍홍 2025-01-20 (월) 11:38 14시간전 Address
너무 편안한 분위기에서 상담도 전문적으로 해주셔서 아주 만족합니다! 수술 당일에도 붓기가 별로 없어서 놀랐어요 지금도 아주 자연스러워서 만족해용
쌀새우깡 2025-01-17 (금) 17:40 3일전 Address
Please recommend an eye shape that suits my face after looking at it. I originally have big, double eyelids, but I tend to open my eyes through my forehead, so my eyebrows are high. Please capture that part and design it well. I was recommended an inline rather than an excessive outline.
도로시아넬 2025-01-16 (목) 19:27 4일전 Address
When I went for a consultation, it was my first consultation, and I trusted them so much because they were so detailed and told me exactly what I should do and what I didn't have to do. On the day of the surgery, they checked my lines several times and kept checking to see if it suited me well, and they finished the surgery quickly and successfully.
디이레 2025-01-16 (목) 14:46 4일전 Address
I liked that they were honest and didn't over-treat to fit the image, and that the consultation wasn't mechanical. They were calm and seemed to be good at identifying problems. I recommend the consultation!
qetu159 2025-01-15 (수) 01:27 6일전 Address
He is very kind and professionally explains the parts I am curious about. He does not make excessive suggestions at all! I felt that he was kind because he kept asking if I had any questions and explained things to me before I asked.
만듀우우우우 2025-01-11 (토) 15:56 9일전 Address
The director gives detailed consultations and, above all, is kind. Also, she does not recommend excessive procedures and makes sure that everything matches naturally!
쪼꼬엄마 2025-01-11 (토) 15:49 9일전 Address
My daughter has natural adhesion, and I had a forehead lift! The consultation was detailed, and the director is kind and skilled, so I am satisfied. I did not ask for too much, but he was very attentive!
프룻프룻 2025-01-07 (화) 16:26 13일전 Address
It felt like they were giving sincere advice to each and every person, not just mechanical advice. It felt like they were confident and enjoying their work! Also, when they were giving me advice, their hands smelled nice while they were drawing my line, so I thought it must be hygienic! They reflected my needs well and they were the best!!!
코코스ah 2025-01-07 (화) 11:37 13일전 Address
He is young and gentle. I consulted and had surgery for male eye correction, and he recommended it well according to my overall face shape and mood. I also asked about front chin augmentation, but he said he did not necessarily recommend it and did not recommend excessive procedures or surgeries. The best
리아크 2025-01-03 (금) 21:36 17일전 Address
In areas where I have many concerns, you give me great answers, are kind, and only catch my shortcomings and treat me!! You also teach me how to manage it in a simple and friendly way.
응수야 2025-01-03 (금) 21:33 17일전 Address
Please give me a really detailed consultation. During the consultation, you recommended only what I really needed, and when I said I was being greedy and wanted to do more trimming, you even tried to stop me. You explained the structure of the eye bones, and I liked that you were kind and gave me a long consultation. So I made a surgery appointment right away and had the surgery. I was surprised that you looked at the design for a long time right before the surgery.
stella2397 2024-12-31 (화) 15:48 20일전 Address
I got double eyelid surgery and double eyelid surgery from this person. He did such a great job. No one could tell that I had surgery. Every single person was very satisfied. The director is really kind and the best.
예에엑 2024-12-31 (화) 10:26 20일전 Address
I liked the fact that they gave me kind advice and said they would do it in a way that would minimize swelling and make it look natural. I also liked that they kindly answered my questions.
DOBBY0311 2024-12-19 (목) 16:40 1개월전 Address
Among the hospitals I consulted with, this one was the most kind and explained things in detail. After carefully checking the line several times, they recommended the line that was right for me. They firmly said that they would not overtreat and would not recommend unnecessary parts, so I trusted them.
셩예사 2024-12-16 (월) 16:57 1개월전 Address
Among the places I went to, he was the kindest and didn't recommend a team, but recommended the surgery that was perfect for my eyes. Above all, I liked that he was so kind.
깜빛 2024-12-14 (토) 13:32 1개월전 Address
They were so kind and explained things in detail, and they kept meticulously holding the line and giving me advice, so I trusted them and made my decision.
채소여이 2024-12-14 (토) 09:43 1개월전 Address
엄청 친절하게 상담해주셨고 자연스럽고 예쁜라인 잡아주십니다. 그리고 수술방법에 대해 자세하게 설명해주셨습니아
쾌히 2024-12-14 (토) 01:53 1개월전 Address
편안하게 제 눈에 맞는 예쁜라인으로 잡아주시고 과한권유가 없으시고 자세히 상담해줍니다 신뢰가 갑니다!
thanksh 2024-12-11 (수) 08:27 1개월전 Address
상담을 받아봤는데 꼼꼼하게 진찰해주십니다.
어떤 수술이 가능한지, 가능하지 않은지 얼굴 전체를 보고 설명해주십니다.
쭌눈이 2024-12-10 (화) 00:41 1개월전 Address
설명을 너무 잘해주십니다. 이것저것 과한 권유 없이 딱 필요한것만 추천해주시고 친절하심. 그냥 똑같은 수술을 하는 것이 아닌 제 얼굴 , 제 눈 구조에 맞게 고려해주셨어요~. 라인을 계속 잡아주시면서 제 얼굴에는 어떻게 하면 좋을지 너무 잘봐주셔서 믿음이 가 수술 결정까지 했습니다
디귿리을 2024-11-30 (토) 23:46 1개월전 Address
굉장히 친절하게 설명해주셨고, 원장님이 윗트임 밑트임도 추천해주셨는데 제가 머뭇대니까 과한 권유도 없으셨고 디자인도 잘 잡아주셨어요
니유융 2024-11-24 (일) 13:59 1개월전 Address
상담받은 많은 병원 중에
가장 자세히 친절하게 설명해주셨어요
그래서인지 질문을 편하게 하게됐는데 끝까지 친절하셨습니다^
Michellesh… 2024-11-15 (금) 22:29 2개월전 Address
조곤조곤 아주 꼼꼼하게 설명해주시고 제 뼈구조까지 봐주셔 가면서 쌍꺼풀 수술 방법을 알려주셨어요. 꼼꼼하신 분인거 같아요
sidjeuckk 2024-11-14 (목) 12:23 2개월전 Address
원장님 굉장히 친절하세요.. 발품 꽤 다녔는데 가장 친절하고, 설명도 세세하게 잘해주셨어요 안되면 안되는 이유까지 다 말해주셔서 좋았습니다.
성돌11 2024-11-14 (목) 04:58 2개월전 Address
몇일 전에 원장님께 상담 받고 수술 받고 왔습니다. 수술 과정이나 자세한 방법도 다 설명해주셔서 꼼꼼하시고 신뢰가 가는 분이셨어요! 저한테 맞는 라인으로 잡아주셔서 좋았습니다
리하하하 2024-10-29 (화) 15:57 2개월전 Address
후기가 별로 없으실 때 눈 수술받았었는데 진짜 붓기없이 잘됐다, 쌍수 티 안나게 잘됐다는 얘기 수십번 들었고 제가봐도 정말 티안나게 자연스럽게 해주셨어요
디자인 해주실 때도 본인 주장보다는 최대한 제가 선택할 수 있게 꼼꼼히 해주셨습니다
두루빛나리 2024-10-18 (금) 17:31 3개월전 Address
재가 원하는개 뭔지 파악을 하시고
거기에 맞는 수술법을 추천해주셨어요
그림도 그리고 거울보면서 계속 봐주셨습니다
콛더 2024-09-28 (토) 22:29 3개월전 Address
원장님이 전문적이시고 그림까지 그려주시며 설명해주셔서 좋았어요. 필요한 것만 딱 추천해주셔서 믿음이 갔어요.
꼬맹이이 2024-09-12 (목) 10:31 4개월전 Address
상담 받고 왔고 내일 수술 예정이에요! 상담 받을 때 완전 친절하시고 필요한 수술만 딱 말씀해주셔서 결정하기 좋았어요! 당연히 전문적인 부분도 쉽게 설명해주시구요!

본 컨텐츠 영역은 성예사의 추천 또는 보증의 의미를 가지지 않습니다.