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Dr. 윤정민
Health Clinic
Plastic surgery Specialist
Doctor's License Acquisition Date
Specialist Acquisition Date
성형외과 전문의
고려대학교 의과대학 졸업
고려대학교 성형외과 전문의
Academic activity
대한성형외과학회 회원
대한미용성형외과학회 회원
대한두개안면성형외과학회 회원
대한성형외과의사회 회원
국제미용성형외과학회 회원
대한성형외과학회 코성형 연구회 회원
대한성형외과학회 눈성형 연구회 회원
대한성형외과학회 항노화성형 연구회 회원
대한성형외과학회 지방성형 연구회 회원
대한성형외과학회 유방성형 연구회 회원
대한성형외과학회 안면윤곽성형 연구회 회원
Related Dr.
Dr. Lee Sang-kyun
Dr. 이승찬
Dr. 강민규
Dr. 양종필
Dr. 홍대원
Dr. 권유하
Dr. 김남엽
Hospital Info
12th and 13th floors, Rex Tower, 108, Dosan-daero, Gangnam-gu, Seoul

In this menu, individual doctor's evaluations or reviews are not allowed as they may be defamatory. If you wish to register as a doctor, please contact us with sungyesacom@gmail.com
려비니니니닌 2025-01-17 (금) 03:19 1일전 Address
상담 받으러 왔을때 안되는건 딱 잘라서 안된다고 하셔서 더 믿음이 갔고 전문적으로 제 눈을 봐주시고 캐치해주셔서 좋았어요
음2 2025-01-16 (목) 23:43 1일전 Address
다른 병원에 비해서 여러가지 경우를 구체적으로 잘 설명해 주시고 환자입장에서 맞는 시술도 추천해주십니다.
리이이스 2025-01-14 (화) 15:46 3일전 Address
분석적인 느낌 솔직히 말해서 쌍수계의 현우진 같은 분임… 정말 현우진 같은 느낌을 배제할 수 없음. 약간의 강요 같은 느낌도 있음. 솔직한 편. 안된다고 딱 잘라서 말씀해주심.
용재 2025-01-13 (월) 07:40 4일전 Address
되게 보수적으로 어떤 시술이 왜 필요한지에 대해서 봐주세요 대기시간은 길었지만 나쁘지 않았습니다. 결국 수술은 안하기로 했지만 도움은 많이 되었어요.
탁눌 2025-01-10 (금) 21:36 7일전 Address
지인한테 추천받아서 왔는데 상담을 너무 자세하게 잘해주시더라구요! 과한 권유없이 정말 딱 필요한부분만 얘기해주셔서 만족했어요.
구랬어 2025-01-05 (일) 19:55 12일전 Address
친절하시고 전문성이 느껴졌습니다 다만 대기시간이 좀 있어요 그래도 자세하게 상담해주셔서 지금 고민중에 있습니다
씽씽카 2025-01-05 (일) 19:24 12일전 Address
모든분들 친절하다시만 글쎄요.. 첨부터 지정아니여서 수술후 바로나오셔서 그런진 모르겠지만 친절보단 정확하단 느낌이였어요 분석적이시고 약간의 강요?도 있었던거같아요...하지만 후기사진보면 다 자연스럽고 재수술도 만족도 높게 하신만큼 자신감 있어보이셨습니다
Jejudojoa 2025-01-05 (일) 00:54 13일전 Address
제가 아닌 지인이 성형할때 동반 했는데 너무 이쁘게 잘 됐고 상담도 수술 직전까지 해주시더라고요 ! 지인도 만족하면서 지냐고 있습니다
웅냉냥 2025-01-01 (수) 14:14 16일전 Address
Please do not give excessive advice and consult me ​​exactly what you want. If you pursue naturalness, you will be 100% satisfied. I did two lines.
윰니니 2024-12-31 (화) 16:01 17일전 Address
I really liked the consultation. She was professional, and kept opening and closing her eyes to draw the line. Even though it was a revision surgery consultation, she pointed out the problems well! And she was very kind, friendly, and gave me a thorough consultation. I don't know if I'll get the surgery right away, but it was the best consultation I've ever had!
DODOS287 2024-12-23 (월) 14:04 25일전 Address
Even though I made a reservation, I had to wait a long time. However, the director gave me thorough and kind advice. He didn't make any unnecessary recommendations.
운사람 2024-12-23 (월) 01:51 26일전 Address
The consultation was really detailed and felt professional. They were kind and explained things really well. I didn't regret the consultation fee at all. And the manager was also very kind. However, if you do a review event, you have to upload photos for 5 years, so it was a bit burdensome.
고치지용 2024-12-18 (수) 20:26 30일전 Address
He seemed very proud of his surgery and was cheerful. He said that he couldn't leave the surgery room if his eyes weren't pretty, so he seemed confident and spoke so well that even my friend who went with him was worried about whether he should get another surgery. He gave me a long and detailed consultation, which was good, but I didn't think about incisions, so I was worried at the time.
코봉이투 2024-12-16 (월) 16:05 1개월전 Address
The counseling staff are very kind and pretty. The hospital is clean and well-maintained, so I am considering this hospital as well. I recommend it.
고니고니유 2024-12-15 (일) 12:44 1개월전 Address
I just had my first consultation.. You seem to have a charm that puts patients at ease. I'm worried because you don't seem to have much experience, but I'm still thinking about it and putting it on the priority list.
핑돌핑 2024-12-13 (금) 19:11 1개월전 Address
I went to this hospital for my first consultation, and all the hospital staff were friendly. However, the waiting area and the desk were close, so I could hear and see the staff chatting and laughing, so it felt a bit noisy. However, the teacher's consultation was very professional, and she gave me clear methods not only from an aesthetic perspective, but also from a therapeutic perspective, so I felt that she was very skilled and professional. She also took care of many lines and explained everything well.
아약 2024-12-12 (목) 20:11 1개월전 Address
The waiting time was very long, but the consultation was very thorough! He understood what I wanted and did not recommend unnecessary surgeries! He told me how to operate on my current eye problems, so I could tell that he was definitely a specialist in reoperations!
sidjeuckk 2024-11-25 (월) 01:54 1개월전 Address
아주 세세하게 봐주시고 설명도 잘해주세요 라인 맞추기에 굉장히 진심이셔서 좋았어요 내눈 상태가 어떤지 알게돼요
쿄로로롱 2024-11-13 (수) 19:28 2개월전 Address
상담받으러갔는데 원장님이 친절하고 자세하게 상담을 잘해주셔서 신뢰가 갔습니다 사후 관리나 얼굴에 맞는 방향 설명도 너무 좋았어요
은굴님 2024-11-12 (화) 22:56 2개월전 Address
자연스러운 라인을 추구 하시는지 내가 원하는 라인보다 쪼~금 보수적으로 잡아주심. 그러나 보수적인 만큼 소세지는 절대 안 만들어 주실거 같았고 안되는건 안된다고 말씀해주심. 엄청 바빠보였는데 말투 나긋나긋 하시고 친절함이 몸에 베어있으셔서 첫 상담인데도 떨지 않고 편하게 받음
lililiilil 2024-11-04 (월) 13:48 2개월전 Address
예전에 상담 갔었는데 친절하시구 필요한 것만 추천햐주셔요 시간문제로 수술은 못받았지만 믿음가는 의사쌤입니다
아니어니아니 2024-11-02 (토) 12:37 2개월전 Address
상담 받았는데 전문적이고 설명 완전 자세히 해주셨습니다. 상담 실장님은 기싸움을 하시려는게 좀 보여서 아쉬웠네요
눈재마지막 2024-11-02 (토) 09:39 2개월전 Address
요즘 카페에서 원장님 후기가 많이보이고 마음에 들어 상담을 감. 자로 눈길이 및 쌍커풀 라인 꼼꼼히 재주시고 9mm 정도라고 얘기해주시며 원하는 눈사진 들고가니 할 수 있다고 하셔서 좋았음. 현재 살짝 세미아웃라인인데 인아웃~세미아웃 사이로 라인 낮추고 뒷밑트임 하고 싶다고 하니까 자연스럽게 조금만 트자고 라인잡아주시는데 만족!
양쪽 비대칭도 잘 잡아주시고 라인 다시 잡아달라고 하면 불만없이 계속 잡아주셔서 친절하셨고 궁금한거 다 물어보시라고 해주셔서 좋았음!
두리링 2024-11-02 (토) 04:45 2개월전 Address
상담 받으러 갔는데 친절하셨고, 차분하게 설명 해주시는데
되게 꼼꼼하게 알려주셔서 신뢰가 가더라고요^^
쿨융 2024-09-05 (목) 16:11 4개월전 Address
I went to get a consultation and it was nice that they answered my questions kindly! I was able to understand what kind of eyes I have and they clearly told me how to proceed~
bxdxnxs 2024-09-04 (수) 00:38 4개월전 Address
I made an appointment for a consultation right away after seeing Gangnam Unnie's review, and although it was a pity that I had to pay a specific consultation fee, it was a consultation that I didn't regret spending 10,000 won on. I was considering other hospitals, but I'm still considering the director because she's a good match for my style.
잇힛힝 2024-08-16 (금) 18:49 4개월전 Address
I went to get a consultation and it was nice that they answered my questions kindly! I was able to understand what kind of eyes I have and they clearly told me how to proceed~
소라카나 2024-07-17 (수) 09:59 5개월전 Address
I was worried about my eyes and came here once^^ The consultation was kind and they didn't recommend too much, but they gave good advice on the direction of surgery that would suit me^^ I highly recommend it
wkfehlfrjd… 2024-07-15 (월) 17:00 6개월전 Address
The director's consultation was incredibly kind, detailed, and calm. Since it was my first time getting my eyes done, I had a lot of questions I didn't know and was worried, so I didn't know what to ask, but he explained everything to me one by one in detail. If you're looking into getting your eyes done, I highly recommend him!
콩나물덮밥 2024-07-13 (토) 16:02 6개월전 Address
트임 흉터 걱정이 있었는데 이때까지 트임 하시면서 흉이 거의 남지 않았다고 하시더라고요. 후기 사진 보니까 믿음이 가서 원장님께 받을까 고민중이에요.
룰루79 2024-05-22 (수) 19:36 7개월전 Address
I went to get a consultation for natural adhesion, and all the other hospitals recommended natural adhesion + eye correction, but they said that only natural adhesion was possible here. We provide honest advice without excessive recommendations.

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