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Total Posts 25,325, Recent Posts 7
Dr. Siwoo Lee
Health Clinic
Plastic surgery Specialist
Doctor's License Acquisition Date
Specialist Acquisition Date
Plastic Surgery Specialist Graduated from Seoul National University College of Medicine Graduated from Seoul National University College of Medicine Graduate School of Medicine Seoul National University Hospital Specialist in plastic surgery Seoul National University Hospital Trainee
Former Director of Woori Hospital Plastic Surgery Apgujeong Seoul Plastic Surgery Clinic Former Director of Gangnam Samsung Plastic Surgery Clinic I Love Representative director
Academic activity
of plastic surgery Lifetime member of the Korean Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Full member of the Korean Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Full member of the Korean Society of Craniomaxillary and Maxillofacial Surgery
Hospital Info
8th floor, Glaston Building, 108, Bongeunsa-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul

In this menu, individual doctor's evaluations or reviews are not allowed as they may be defamatory. If you wish to register as a doctor, please contact us with sungyesacom@gmail.com
tvxqkys 2025-01-10 (금) 09:10 1일전 Address
저번주 상담받았습미다 일단 상담 엄청 꼼꼼하고 아시는거 만ㄹ으세요 근데 이제 본인이 원하시는 코가 딱 있는느낌..
공공돌 2025-01-10 (금) 00:35 1일전 Address
저번에 상담했는데 너무 친절하시고 자세하게 설명해주셔서 좋았어요!! 여기서 할지말지 엄청 고민했네요 추천합니다
인아ㅂㄷㄱ 2025-01-09 (목) 16:44 2일전 Address
일주일 전에 상담했는데 친절하시고 요즘 트랜드에 맞춰서 디자인을 잘 해주시는 분 같았어요!! 문의도 많이 드렸는데 친절하십니다
Llllhh 2025-01-09 (목) 01:09 2일전 Address
친절하고 자세하게 상담해주셨습니다. 제가 원하는 니즈가 무엇인지 파악하려 노력하셨고 신뢰가 가는 분이었습니다.
코만할꺼에용 2025-01-08 (수) 13:18 3일전 Address
작년에 상담갔었는데 친절하셨어요
젊으신 선생님이라 더 잘하실꺼같아요
여기서할껄 후회하고있습니다.ㅜㅜ
sk00314 2025-01-03 (금) 23:26 7일전 Address
상담때 많이 친절하시지 않다는 글이 많지만 미리 궁금한거 다 적어가서 여쭤보면 진짜 하나하나 다 말씀해주셔서 전 너무 좋았습니다. 오히려 더더 물어보라고도 하실만큼 전 상담때 너무 좋았어요! 과한 권유도 없고 진짜 솔직하게 말씀해주십니다.
실장님도 너무 친절하세요!
매진매진 2025-01-02 (목) 16:33 9일전 Address
친절하고 자세하게 상담해주시는거 같더라고요
재수술인데 아주 현실적으로 얘기해주셨어요
결국 여기서 받진 않았지만 실력자이신거 같았음
kjs7016 2024-12-30 (월) 18:05 12일전 Address
코수술 때문에 방문했는데 친절하고 갠찮았어요 아직 이곳저곳 둘러보고 있어서 결정되면 또 후기 작성하러 오겠습니다
봉봉잉잉 2024-12-27 (금) 05:48 15일전 Address
엄청 친절하거나 하진 않지만 자세히 설명도 해주시고 자신감이 있어 보이셨어요. 상담실장님도 자세하게 설명 해주셨는데 첫수술인데도 가격이 너무 비싸 포기했어요.
오징어뜡 2024-12-26 (목) 21:50 15일전 Address
원장님의 상담은 전문성이 많이 느껴져서 좋았어요 제가 문제로 생각했던 점들을 잘 공감해주시고 해결책을 제시해줌
mehermehes 2024-12-23 (월) 00:08 19일전 Address
솔직히 내가 어디까지 가능한지 말씀해주시고, 꼼꼼히 촬영까지 해 가며 봐주십니다.
다른 분들이 말한 것 처럼 말투가 조금 딱딱하시고 상담도 빨리 끝났는데, 이건 그냥 성격적인 측면이지 수술에 영향을 끼치진 않을 것 같네요.
수술하고 다시 후기 쓰러 오겠습니다.
늄냠뇸이 2024-12-19 (목) 00:21 23일전 Address
코 미용적으로 엄청 자신이 있으신듯보였고 자세히 말씀해주셔수 신뢰가 갔어요! 실장님도 엄청 친절하셨습니다
얍삐dl 2024-12-16 (월) 19:35 25일전 Address
15년도에 라미노 수술받고 만족도 높았음
4-5년뒤에 한쪽 풀려서 다른 곳 가서 재수술 받았음
매몰은 어쩔 수 없는거 같아요 ㅜㅜ
qwerty333 2024-12-16 (월) 12:28 26일전 Address
개인병원이라 믿을만하구 상담 엄청 엄청 자세히 헤주세요 개인적으로 엄청 만족스런 병원입니낭 여기서할듯
날아라닭 2024-12-14 (토) 09:26 28일전 Address
기능코를 더 중점적으로 봤어수 선택을 안하긴함
미적으로는 진짜 뛰어나고 자신이 있으심
친절하고 환자본인이 원해야한다고 생각함 그게 가장 믿음이 갔고 근데 비쌈…
Oieee 2024-12-14 (토) 01:28 28일전 Address
상담을 정말 자세하게 해주십니다 말을 너무 잘하시고 코수술에 대한 설명을 잘 들어서 첫 상담이었는데 너무 좋았습니다!
교코 2024-12-13 (금) 23:03 28일전 Address
상담다녀왔습니다 친절하셨고 꼼꼼하셨어요 전문성이 느껴졌어요
원장님, 실장님 모두 친절하셨습니다 과한 권유 없었어요
윥이 2024-12-12 (목) 09:52 30일전 Address
과잉진료 안하시고 친절하게 상담 해주셨습니다. 대기시간이 오래걸렸지만 친절해서 좋았습니다. 필요한곳을 집혀주셨어요
초링글스 2024-12-08 (일) 21:29 1개월전 Address
병원 처음 딱 들어갔을때 마음이 편안해지는 냄새였어요
상담 한번 받으러 갔다가 지금도 치료 잘 받는중이에요
흫킄 2024-11-27 (수) 01:39 1개월전 Address
I felt confident because you explained it so well. The waiting time was short, so I was able to go in right away without waiting, which was nice.
노이야잉 2024-11-08 (금) 10:19 2개월전 Address
코를보러왔어요 2024-11-08 (금) 08:56 2개월전 Address
ㅈ지지지ㅣ지지유 2024-10-16 (수) 17:48 2개월전 Address
당당비 2024-10-11 (금) 02:14 2개월전 Address
보라보람 2024-10-09 (수) 02:32 3개월전 Address
인디아나존슨 2024-09-26 (목) 15:16 3개월전 Address
沒有建議是好的,但不是一個明確的諮詢, 所以如果你能給我一些保證就好了。我還是很擔心,拿不定主意。
알려조 2024-09-02 (월) 17:27 4개월전 Address
請誠實地對待,不要認為有任何過多的建議。 之前去諮詢過,不太記得了,不過他們解釋得很詳細。
미니미미미미 2024-08-01 (목) 08:21 5개월전 Address
我很高興你說實話。 它並不像評論中所說的那樣過於友好,但也沒有忽視或煩人。 我認為如果你想要一些天然或安全的東西會很好 (我正在考慮)
밍밍매 2024-06-19 (수) 14:19 6개월전 Address
애프터데이 2024-06-14 (금) 21:01 6개월전 Address
手術諮詢很友善且詳細。評論裡有人說這家醫院冷,但我覺得這家醫院很友善,因為我看到很多以前醫院狀況更差的人。因為這不是一個模稜兩可的案件,我得到了明確的答案,而且我喜歡這句話,所以我正在考慮。醫生看起來很有自信,而且我的一個朋友強烈推薦我在這裡做手術,手術非常順利,所以我更信任他。沒有過度招攬,安全第一,OX清楚就好。診間的負責人也比其他醫院更人性化。 (其他醫院的姊姊們太狡猾太逼迫,壓力真的很大。)
부산최고이쁘니 2024-05-22 (수) 16:08 7개월전 Address
好的。 首先,我認為醫院的第一個標準是仁慈。我 想你是最適合善良的醫生。 永遠謝謝你。
우로어냐두 2024-05-22 (수) 03:34 7개월전 Address
초기화 2024-05-08 (수) 12:18 8개월전 Address
The head of the counseling room was very kind and gave a long explanation, and the hospital Been was comfortable and clean. It was nice to be able to see the CT images, and the director Been wasn't scary or anything, but he didn't give a clear opinion. It felt like it could be this or that, so it was difficult to choose Been.
jaeyeong 2024-05-07 (화) 21:35 8개월전 Address
Good. Important information Important information Important information Even for complex parts, you made reasonable recommendations, so I trusted you. You made reliable recommendations, so I trusted you. I trusted you.
fjrijsdhx 2024-05-07 (화) 03:28 8개월전 Address
The waiting time wasn't that long, and the consultation was friendly and helpful. I'm still having trouble deciding.
제발행운 2024-05-07 (화) 01:36 8개월전 Address
Please note, please note the following: I couldn't hear anything clearly so it was ambiguous. Ambiguous means it might or might not be what I expected, but it was a bit disappointing. But the consultation was thorough!
하나999 2024-04-23 (화) 11:31 8개월전 Address
The consultation was kind and detailed. I haven't made a decision yet because I'm worried, but if I do, I think I'll do it here.
민초가짱 2024-04-21 (일) 23:44 8개월전 Address
The waiting time wasn't that long, but I didn't get to consult with the counselor for that long because I had to wait a long time for the consultation.
냐냐냥냥 2024-04-19 (금) 03:51 8개월전 Address
He is a real eye expert, especially the upper team and the front team! If anyone around me says they need eye surgery, I recommend this place. I recommend it because it is a real example.
뚭뜌 2024-04-14 (일) 17:55 8개월전 Address
I received counseling and was able to hear more about the things I was curious about in a friendly manner. The overall atmosphere was comfortable and the atmosphere was relaxed. The quality of the counseling was good.
나미모리 2024-03-28 (목) 12:38 9개월전 Address
I received consultation for nose removal . I looked confident, but I was still on a consultation tour so I didn't have surgery. At this hospital, the director is more professional and kind than the doctor. But since the surgery is performed by the doctor, I will think about it carefully.
개리개리 2024-03-24 (일) 12:24 9개월전 Address
It's cold.. I stayed here again and will have surgery again. It's not bad, but I'm not completely satisfied.
동키콩99 2024-03-17 (일) 16:15 9개월전 Address
I'm looking into rhinoplasty, and I know that the doctor is famous for reoperations. I am watching with interest because I am concerned that if the reoperation goes well, the first surgery will also go well.
sophia115 2024-03-10 (일) 13:09 9개월전 Address
The director explained in a very detailed and kind manner. I gained more confidence because they recommended it to me as a safety precaution. I trust you even more because you showed confidence that I don't have to worry about the things I'm worried about.
데덴네 2024-03-02 (토) 15:27 10개월전 Address
I safely received nose reconstruction surgery. The director said I couldn't do it, but the director looked at it and said it could be done, so I was grateful. It seems like he takes good care of the patient's needs.
스를르나 2024-02-02 (금) 01:19 11개월전 Address
lallay 2024-02-01 (목) 23:46 11개월전 Address
Of all the doctors I consulted with here and there because I wanted to do it last time, when I think back on it later, I was left with the image that he seemed to have the most sincere respect for people.
지유닛 2024-01-29 (월) 14:01 11개월전 Address
I don't know because I've never had my nose removed, but I had my second nose surgery here, and it's true that the doctor values ​​safety!
내꿈은자연미인 2023-12-23 (토) 09:33 1년전 Address
I was confident and confident that everything would turn out well. The counselor also had confidence in me and recommended a nose shape that suited my personal image.
유진0902 2023-11-26 (일) 20:11 1년전 Address
I received consultation for nose removal surgery. Since he graduated from Seoul National University, he seemed confident, and was especially confident in reducing the scar at the suturing area. The managers were very kind.
뽈롱동 2023-11-26 (일) 12:52 1년전 Address
Please be very thorough in your consultation. Also, the questions I was curious about were shown with a lot of case images, so it was easier to understand than if they were explained in words.
sumi 2023-11-24 (금) 13:38 1년전 Address
유니마망 2023-03-24 (금) 10:11 1년전 Address
First of all, the manager is very kind. Let's read it well and do well together. The style, manager, and nurses are kind, so I think they'll do good aftercare.
수술은무서웡 2022-12-15 (목) 08:28 2년전 Address
I think you are very sincere when it comes to nose removal surgery. You seem to have a sense of pride and skill, so you have a sense of pride... Especially, you seem to be able to share information more easily through YouTube.

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