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Dr. Jeonghan Wool
Health Clinic
OMS Specialist
Doctor's License Acquisition Date
Specialist Acquisition Date
facial contouring30%
teeth 20%
Specialist in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Seoul National University College of Dentistry Bachelor of Dentistry Seoul National University Graduate School of Dentistry Master of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Seoul National University Graduate School of Dentistry,
Ph.D. Medical (2016~2019) Former Clinical Assistant Professor of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Chung-Ang University Hospital (2019~2021)
Academic activity
Full member of the Korean Society of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Full member of the Korean Society of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Full member of the Korean Society of Oral and Maxillofacial Reconstructive Surgeons Regular member, Korean Society of Cleft palate and cleft palate, regular member
-2012 31st International Association for Dental Research (IADR) Korea Branch (KADR) General Assembly and Academic Conference Hatton Award Supporting Best Academic Award / Beomho New Academic Award -2014 92th General session & exhibition of the IADR Hatton Award Competition -2015 Korean Dental Association New Academic Award
-2019.05 Co-author Fatal Septic Cavernous Sinus Thrombosis Following Dental Extraction: A Case Report -2019.05 98(5):526-533.Co-author Association of Periodontitis with Oral Cancer: A Case-Control Study -2019.09 60(5) ):419-430. First author The effect of CPNE7 on periodontal regeneration -2019.07 24:55(8):405. Co-first author Effectiveness of Low-Level Laser Therapy with a 915 Nm Wavelength Diode Laser on the Healing of Intraoral Mucosal Wound: An Animal Study and a Double-Blind Randomized Clinical Trial -2020.01 78(1):153-166 Joint 1 Author Fracture of Standard Titanium Mandibular Reconstruction Plates and Preliminary Study of Three-Dimensional Printed Reconstruction Plates -2020.05 25;42(1):
Related Dr.
Dr. Ayoung Yoon
Dr. 황혜원
Dr. 안문영
Dr. 이원욱
Hospital Info
21st floor, Mijin Plaza, 390, Gangnam-daero, Gangnam-gu, Seoul

In this menu, individual doctor's evaluations or reviews are not allowed as they may be defamatory. If you wish to register as a doctor, please contact us with sungyesacom@gmail.com
이하늘이이 2025-01-09 (목) 12:52 1일전 Address
일단 원장님 굉장히 호감상 얼굴이신데다가 상담진행도 굉장히 매끄럽게 진행해주셔서 그런지 저도 이것저것 좀 귀찮을 정도로 물어보는데도 친절하게 꼼꼼히 설명해주시더라구요 이렇게까지 자세하게 설명해주시는거보면 확실하실거 같아서 다른곳 안둘러보고 바로 결정하고 진행했고 굉장히 만족했습니당 ㅎㅎ
미남의정석 2025-01-08 (수) 22:39 2일전 Address
송곳니가 거슬리고 앞니도 벌어지고 치열이 고르지 못하다보니 외모에 자신감도 떨어져서 고민끝에 갔는데 새사람으로 다시 태어난 기분입니다.
포동한너구리 2024-12-31 (화) 14:22 10일전 Address
나중에 꼭 치료받고 싶은 치과입니당 사후관리도 좋고 친절한 상담과 자세한 설명으로 몰랐던것들을 많이 알아가는 시간이 아닌가 싶었습니당 치아에 대해서 잘 모르지만 여기가서 치아 관리는 진짜 꼼꼼하게 해야겠다는 생각이 들더라구용 항상 좋은일만 있으시구 번창하시길!!
퀸세정 2024-12-21 (토) 22:53 20일전 Address
엄청 깔끔하게 설명 해주시고 친절합니다 감사해요
라미네이트 가격이랑 장단점 잘 알려주시고 너무 감사래요
김나원2 2024-12-19 (목) 15:18 22일전 Address
라미네이트 관련해서 찾고 있었는데 여기가 짱인 것 같아요 친절하시구 설명도 잘 해주셔서 다음에 또 들릴게요 확실히 신뢰가 가고 더 믿음이 가는 치과인 거 같아요! 상담도 친절하게 해주셔서 감사합니다 다음에 또 뵙겠습니다
aa111aa 2024-12-12 (목) 00:49 30일전 Address
라미네이트ㅈ관련해서 알아보았는데 전문성 짱인듯싶어요 라미네이트 뿐만 아니라 다른 상담도 잘 해주십시다
데이스타 2024-12-05 (목) 13:20 1개월전 Address
라미네이트 관련해서 알아보는 도중 찾아본 곳.. 상담해주시는데 너무친절하게ㅜ설명해주시고 좀더 고민해보고 해볼 생각입니다 말씀주시는게ㅜ너무 좋게 얘기해주셔서 신뢰가 갔습니다 감사합니다 꼭 더시 찾아뵐게요
meguhina12… 2024-12-03 (화) 00:51 1개월전 Address
선생님과의 상담에서는 먼저 선생님이 CT 데이터를 관찰하시고, 얼굴 중심선 등을 모니터로 측정하면서 상태를 봐주셨습니다.
정말 꼼꼼하게 봐주셨어요.
실제로 만져보면서 윤곽을 확인하거나 치과에서 사용하는 기구를 이용해 입 안의 상태를 살펴봐 주셨습니다. 적절한 지적을 해주십니다.
김똥똥 2024-11-28 (목) 17:29 1개월전 Address
상담을 매우 꼼꼼하게 해주심. 타 병원에 비해 상담시간도 오래 걸렸고 궁금했던점도 친절하게 설명해주셨음.
팅동동123 2024-11-08 (금) 10:30 2개월전 Address
상담은 굉장히 꼼꼼히봐주세요ㅎㅎ상담도 길어지는데 이유가있는것같아요 직접 치아 만지면서 상담 다 했어요
인중코 2024-11-08 (금) 00:39 2개월전 Address
유튜브를 통해 알게되었고 ct사진과 함께 제 상태를 잘 파악해주시고 문제점과 개선점을 잘 지적해주셨으며 제 과도한 부탁도 거절하시면서 과잉진료도 안하심
네달 2024-11-07 (목) 09:36 2개월전 Address
원래 치과 잘 못다니는데 선생님은 너무 친절하고 좋으셔서
믿고 계속 다닐수 있었어요. 다음부턴 이 치과만 쭉 다닐 예정입니다 혹시나 치과에 트라우마 있으신분들 리뷰보고 믿고 가셔도 될 것 같아요 ^_^ 강추합니다
야무진채윤 2024-11-06 (수) 23:01 2개월전 Address
어릴때부터 가지고 있엇던 뻐드렁니가 있는데  그거때문에  교정을 마음먹기로했습니다  성예사 앱을 통해 교정 전문 원장님이 계신것을 보고 바로 예약하고 진료받으러 갔습니다  원장님의 친절한  상담부터  시술날짜까지  잡고  시술을 기달리는중입니다
새리몽 2024-10-25 (금) 17:19 2개월전 Address
최근에 정한울 원장님께 수술 받았는데 정말 완벽에 가깝게 수술을 진행해 놓으신걸 보고 경악을 금치 못했어요. 이제 제 연부조직이 얼마나 따라 주느냐 싸움이지만 뼈의 대칭과 원했던 모양이 전부 반영이 됐어요. 그리고 실장님들 병원 직원분들 전부 너무 친절하세요. 교정도 진행할텐데 앞으로도 잘 부탁드립니다! 번창하세요!!
최승우 2024-10-25 (금) 16:44 2개월전 Address
원래 치과 무서워서 잘 안 갔었는데 이번에 리뷰보고 이번에 관심이 생겼습니다 . 선생님 너무 착하시고 너무친절하게 말씀주시고 궁금한거 전부다 얘기해주시는데 너무 감사하다고 생각해요 .            추천 합니다
예뻐지고싶오5 2024-10-22 (화) 12:08 2개월전 Address
원래 치과 무서워서 잘 안 갔었는데 리뷰보고 이번에 상담도 받고 가기로 했습니다~ 교정을 빠르게 헤야 됐는데 늦어져서 어떡하나 했는데 아직 괜찮다고 말씀 해주셔서 다음주에 여러곳 상담 받아보려고 합니다 감사합니다 !
부글바글 2024-10-10 (목) 19:08 2개월전 Address
8개월전 무턱수술 받았습니다.
수술결과는 잘된것같고 사후경과는 더 지켜봐야 알겟지만 대부분 잘됫다고 하네요. 상담도 친절하십니다
야끼345 2024-10-03 (목) 00:48 3개월전 Address
치아교정 관련 친절하게 상담해주시고 많이 걱정하고 갔는데 상담 잘받았어요 스케일링 관련해서듀 추가문의도 상담이 좋았습니다
우갸갸갸갸 2024-09-30 (월) 13:17 3개월전 Address
안녕하세요 치과 방문 후 정말 아팠는데 신경치료를 아프지 않게 해주셔서 감사합니다. 항상 가기전에 무서웠는데 두려움 없이 치료를 잘해주셔서 감사합니다. 앞으로도 쭉 이용할 생각이고 이 선생님만 찾을게요!
띠리리야 2024-08-27 (화) 00:27 4개월전 Address
I liked the consultation so much that I set the surgery date right after the consultation. I was a little anxious because it felt a little sudden, but I recently had surgery with Director Jeong Han-ul, and I was astonished to see how close the surgery was to perfection. Now it's a battle to see how much my soft tissue will follow, but the symmetry of the bones and the shape I wanted have all been reflected. And the directors and the hospital staff are all so kind. I will also do orthodontics, so please take good care of me in the future! Please call me often~
Yuri요 2024-08-18 (일) 02:49 4개월전 Address
I was taken aback when a woman gave me the consultation, but she was kind and gave me trust . The waiting time was short and she also made sure to schedule the aftercare.
재피리 2024-08-17 (토) 11:16 4개월전 Address
Hello. I was looking for a professional dental hospital and this is the place I was looking for. My teeth hurt a lot and I had a consultation and they explained it to me really kindly and I felt very reassured. The staff was also really kind and I will visit again next time.
잘생긴보이 2024-08-14 (수) 20:57 4개월전 Address
I had an orthodontic consultation today. The dentist was very kind and explained in great detail why I needed orthodontic treatment. I think I will get orthodontic treatment and also get my cavities treated. It was the best dental clinic I have ever been to and I will visit again.
양파오니온 2024-08-11 (일) 23:27 4개월전 Address
I looked into Miyang Yangak and had a consultation. It seemed like they were very thorough in their consultations, but the prices were expensive. I considered surgery, but canceled .
bboming 2024-08-10 (토) 16:14 4개월전 Address
Hello. I was looking for a professional dental hospital, and this is the place I was looking for. They explained everything in detail and the staff was very kind. I really liked it! I will be visiting soon after receiving a consultation. Please take care of me~~ ^^
나도잘생기고싶다 2024-08-08 (목) 14:54 5개월전 Address
It was my first visit, so I was nervous during the consultation. My wisdom tooth was a bit severe, so I received a consultation from the director. He was very kind during the consultation, and I was very happy to see that he was careful not to make me feel burdened. I will ask for your help again next time~
고치면되지 2024-08-06 (화) 18:26 5개월전 Address
It was my first visit, so I went in and had a consultation. My overbite was severe, so I received orthodontic consultation from the director. The consultation was very kind, and I liked that he was careful not to make me feel burdened! I'm going to get orthodontic treatment~
서sl 2024-08-05 (월) 11:50 5개월전 Address
They were kind and thorough. The staff gave me good guidance and checked the instructions carefully, so I was very grateful!
귤리다음생은 2024-08-02 (금) 18:32 5개월전 Address
I received good advice, but it seems like the consulting hospital is mostly run by the director. I don't know about these days, but since they're busy, the director does most of the work.
사마노스케 2024-08-02 (금) 02:38 5개월전 Address
I think the director personally performs the procedure and makes the anesthesia comfortable. Originally, anesthesia and making the patient comfortable are important in dentistry, but the director here is friendly and the hospital is clean.
내아이디는제주미남 2024-08-01 (목) 17:36 5개월전 Address
나랑밍 2024-07-31 (수) 09:31 5개월전 Address
更正ㅜㅜ看起来所有的努力都完成了;本来我因为咬合不正和下颌不期待而考虑过双颌手术,但是我的父母阻止了我,而且我害怕双颌,所以当我听说可以纠正畸形时,我做了很多研究并找到符合我的标准,这很多钱,所以我很担心。首先,我不能在全身麻醉下进行双颌手术,但我决定因为参加,我很想看看治疗对照不错(咨询时主任展示了照片。其他地方也展示了照片,但感觉照片只是在其他地方使用。) 但是从一开始就不太容易,哈哈,很难适应这个设备。期间也有压力。我很难预约去医院的时间。我去不了我想要的约会。我一开始就期待没有周六的到来。虽然已经预约了,但还是等了30多分钟才观看……; ;又花了6个月吗ㅜㅜㅜ总之我对结果还是比较满意的。我想要的是让我的脸和下巴对齐,对齐。周围的人都说我做得很好。
파이리99 2024-07-31 (수) 08:57 5개월전 Address
Fosho 2024-07-28 (일) 23:14 5개월전 Address
由于我对突出的下巴有一种自卑感,我认为不能再这样下去了,所以我去医院咨询这种情况, 因为这是我第一次改变诉求。还好 医生讲解的很详细,让我放心了。 咨询的很详细, 有过这样的经验,看来对手术很了解。可能是因为是口腔面外科,主任 很善解人意,给我提供了很好的指导, 看CT的时候我他感觉很专业。满意ㅠㅠ谢谢ㅠ
리니걸 2024-07-25 (목) 17:26 5개월전 Address
mxmcv12 2024-07-23 (화) 01:43 5개월전 Address
我接受正畸治疗已经快3年了, 在正畸治疗之前,我对自己的牙齿不感兴趣,但从某个时候开始,我开始改变了!事实上,在正畸治疗期间,我并没有太多美好的回忆。我每个月去看一次牙医,但每次去看牙医时,一开始我都不敢睡觉或吃饭,因为拉紧吸盘很痛苦,而且牙套很锋利。 ,所以我经常捏我的牙龈,但是随着时间的推移,我很高兴看到我的牙齿变得整齐。 主任和护士很友善,我听说我周围有很多人在做正畸治疗时放弃了,但是。我没有放弃,完成了正畸治疗,我想这都是感谢主任和 护士 们纠正我的3年了❤️
Elfiv 2024-07-22 (월) 16:56 5개월전 Address
아빠평판찾아삼만리 2024-07-20 (토) 19:39 5개월전 Address
第一次见到他的时候我很担心,但是 我听了咨询并得到了很多很好的建议, 咨询很友好, 他甚至详细解释了各种编辑方法,我强烈推荐。
엄마찾아삼만리 2024-07-20 (토) 17:17 5개월전 Address
dlanfwlf 2024-07-17 (수) 00:02 5개월전 Address
The teacher was very kind and explained in great detail haha. He even drew pictures by hand.. I liked it. The dashing scene was long, but I felt forgiven for that.
미모에중요성 2024-07-14 (일) 23:41 5개월전 Address
Wow, I've always wanted to have my teeth straightened so much that I thought about it, but the director explained it so kindly that I was very unfavorable, but now that I'm smiling, I'm so pretty after receiving the orthodontic consultation and having my teeth straightened. I'm really satisfied. Thank you. Everyone who has braces, be sure to get a treat from the director.
이도류오타니 2024-07-12 (금) 15:22 5개월전 Address
I've always wanted to have my teeth corrected, so I thought about it, but the director explained it to me very kindly, so I didn't like it, but now that I'm smiling, I'm so pretty now that I've received the correction, and I'm satisfied.
kikibi 2024-07-12 (금) 13:27 5개월전 Address
The director provided good counseling. It was amazing that a picture of the jaw I wanted to have was already on the hospital computer!! Anyway, if I'm going to have surgery, I'll do it here.
박수용 2024-07-09 (화) 20:56 5개월전 Address
I trusted Dr. Jeong Han-ul and received treatment, and it was very good. Thank you for paying such kind attention to every detail and treating me well.
우니라나 2024-07-06 (토) 09:49 6개월전 Address
I used to have malocclusion, but after receiving careful consultation from the director, I am now somewhat in control. Because of my malocclusion, people were very unappreciative of me when I smiled, but now that I have had it corrected, I look like a completely different person when I smile, and people around me say it is so nice to see it~^^
가보자하잇 2024-07-02 (화) 22:38 6개월전 Address
I trusted Dr. Jeong Han-ul and received treatment, and it was very good. Thank you for paying such kind attention to every detail and providing thorough treatment. It was near my house, so I received treatment comfortably, and the building was nice and clean, so I really liked it.
내일은밝다 2024-07-01 (월) 12:24 6개월전 Address
I used to have malocclusion, but after receiving careful consultation from the director, I am now somewhat in control. Because of my malocclusion, people were very unappreciative of me when I smiled, but now that I have had it corrected, I look like a completely different person when I smile, and people around me say it's great to see them~^^
suee 2024-06-27 (목) 11:47 6개월전 Address
I've been to a consultation, but I'm worried about whether I should do it here. Please look at the design carefully and compare it to the photo. I think the consultation is honest.
짱아190 2024-06-26 (수) 19:22 6개월전 Address
I received treatment from the director for jaw correction. The waiting time was not long and my jaw could be checked with a cannula... ㅠ.ㅠ The director gave detailed explanations and explained that correction could be done.... Chin malocclusion due to teeth.... I only looked for plastic surgery, but the doctor provided excellent treatment. thank you for doing
rlarudrb 2024-06-20 (목) 20:07 6개월전 Address
I was under a lot of stress because my teeth were imbalanced. I decided to get my teeth straightened, and now I am completely satisfied. My front teeth were sticking out, but now they have been corrected to normal and I am doing well haha.
루딩딩 2024-06-17 (월) 08:52 6개월전 Address
This place was very friendly, highly professional, and I was very satisfied. They responded to my needs well, the waiting time was short, and above all, I trusted them because they spoke honestly. It was very good. The location was good, and the teacher was very good at giving advice.
고죠사토루우 2024-06-13 (목) 15:00 6개월전 Address
The consultation was very kind and the director seemed really nice. I went to get a dental consultation and I really liked it!
예나지금 2024-06-13 (목) 14:31 6개월전 Address
While I was looking into double jaw surgery, I found a hospital I liked, so I made an appointment and got a consultation! I really liked how kind the doctor was and how he explained everything in detail! If I ever have to have double jaw surgery, I will definitely have it done at this hospital. Thank you!
사무엘 2024-05-31 (금) 09:49 7개월전 Address
The director here is highly professional and explains everything in detail so that you can get rid of your fear of surgery. I went to a consultation and it was great.
iGUN 2024-05-29 (수) 11:19 7개월전 Address
I think it's very good. It's a very friendly dentist who treats all my rotten teeth thoroughly. I'll go there again next time.
부산최고이쁘니 2024-05-22 (수) 16:09 7개월전 Address
Bad teeth are a chronic disease. I thought the pain was the same everywhere, but it's definitely different. If you say it doesn't hurt, it's a lie, but it's definitely different.
뿌뗑뗑 2024-05-21 (화) 15:13 7개월전 Address
I visited the hospital because I had a toothache, and they treated me kindly and thoroughly. The hospital was clean and I think I will visit again next time. Thank you!
투리스 2024-05-20 (월) 17:19 7개월전 Address
I went there because I had a rotten tooth, and it was nice that they treated it without causing any pain and provided good counseling. The professor is really kind.
종민이 2024-05-20 (월) 17:04 7개월전 Address
My teeth are good because of my family history, but I didn't take proper care of my teeth, so I developed cavities and my teeth started to recede, but thanks to the kind consultation from the teacher, I got the correction and now my old teeth are back. It was a very satisfying visit. Even when I got my first scaling, it was painful at first. I was scared because you told me in advance that it might hurt, but you did a great job without causing any pain. From now on, I will continue to brush my teeth as you said and get scaling once a year. Thank you!
에이핑크초롱초롱 2024-05-20 (월) 00:30 7개월전 Address
I was glad that the director examined me thoroughly and treated me. Above all, he is kind and explains things in a way that is understandable from the patient's perspective, which made me feel reassured and makes me visit often. To be honest, going to the dentist can be scary and costs a lot of money, but I was grateful that they told me that scaling my teeth once a year would keep my teeth healthy. It was good to hear that as long as you scale regularly and brush your teeth well, your teeth will stay healthy. The time for scaling is coming out soon, so I'll have to go check it out. It was great that there was no over-treatment and the patient was given step-by-step explanations. I look forward to your continued support.
마녀요 2024-05-18 (토) 01:22 7개월전 Address
My self-esteem was low due to a complex about my jutting chin. I thought it couldn't go on like this, so I went to the hospital for consultation to change things. I was worried because it was my first time here, but fortunately, the doctor explained things kindly and in detail, so I was able to put my mind at ease. He's kind. The consultation is detailed. The director is highly professional. Since he had this experience, he seemed to know a lot about surgery. The director was very empathetic and guided me well on everything I needed to know. Perhaps because it is an oral and maxillofacial surgery department, I felt like he was professionally looking at every single thing while taking a look at the CT. I am really satisfied. ㅠㅠ Thank you ㅠ
미연이 2024-05-15 (수) 16:49 7개월전 Address
I had braces for almost 3 years. Before getting braces, I wasn't interested in my teeth. But at some point, people around me told me to get braces, so I started getting braces! Actually, I didn't have many good memories while getting braces. I went to the dentist once a month, but every time I went, I was afraid of what I would do. In the beginning, I couldn't sleep or eat because the tightening between my teeth was painful, and the braces were sharp. There were many times when I pulled my gums, but I was very happy to see my teeth getting straightened day by day. The director and nurses were kind. I heard that there were many people around me who gave up while trying orthodontics, but I did not give up and finished the braces. I think this is all thanks to the director and nurses. The nurses who reassured me during each treatment and the director who straightened my teeth for three years! Thank you so much❤️
이스빈 2024-05-12 (일) 03:08 7개월전 Address
I can feel that he is really conscientious and cares a lot about functionality. He reflects the patient's needs as much as possible, but puts safety first haha. Director Jeong Hanul is very articulate.
또랑나무 2024-05-11 (토) 23:52 7개월전 Address
Hello, I received a consultation. I think I will see a doctor soon. I have a lot of problems with my teeth. I have a lot of cavities and I want to get braces. My jaw keeps turning every time I chew food and I have a huge malocclusion. Of course, I look bad and the consultation was good and the explanations were very kind. I made a reservation. It was a bit difficult to do. Thank you.
나대는모기 2024-03-02 (토) 19:20 10개월전 Address
I received a consultation regarding chin surgery, and he was so kind and gave me confidence in the surgery, so I trusted him and decided to have the surgery!
민쟌 2024-02-29 (목) 15:33 10개월전 Address
Even though I whined a bit, he listened to me carefully, properly identified my needs, and recommended surgery. I didn't have surgery here, but the consultation was very helpful.
뽀또치 2023-12-29 (금) 19:52 1년전 Address
Recently, I was wandering around here and there because of double jaw surgery , and I really enjoyed the consultation with Dr. Hanul. He gave detailed explanations and was very kind. He seemed to value communication with patients more than anything, so I knew I could trust Dr. Hanul when I had surgery. I think I had an idea
도도독독 2023-10-16 (월) 18:26 1년전 Address
I went to several places for consultations, but the director's consultation here was the most detailed and detailed, so I had confidence in it.
인천건공 2023-03-07 (화) 11:25 1년전 Address
The consultation was really kind to the world. Thank you very much! You really trust me, explain well, and you're the best!
규규규님 2022-10-08 (토) 18:50 2년전 Address
Sam Hanul is really kind and delicate.. And aesthetically sensitive and well cared for..
한번쯤은 2022-06-19 (일) 01:24 2년전 Address
When I was working at Chung-Ang University Hospital, I underwent double jaw surgery due to a traffic accident. He is very kind and responds to unreasonable requests. The results of the operation are also satisfactory. Congratulations!
강쑤그잉 2022-01-29 (토) 01:33 2년전 Address
During the consultation, he was kind and explained in great detail!! If I have surgery, I want to get it from the doctor!! I recommend

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