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Dr. 최정훈
Health Clinic
Plastic surgery Specialist
Doctor's License Acquisition Date
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#Detailed surgical area
"오랜 수술 경험을 통해 수준 높은 진료 및 수술을 약속드립니다."
성형외과 전문의
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX 연수
상계백병원 성형외과 전문의
Now 하니성형외과 CEODirector
Academic activity
대한 성형외과의사회 정회원
대한 성형외과학회 정회원
대한 미용성형외과학회 정회원
대한 눈성형연구회 정회원
대한 코성형연구회 정회원
대한 두개안면성형외과학회 회원
국제 미용성형외과학회 정회원(IPRAS)
- 01.Distrbution of Basal Cell Carcinoma and Squamous Cell Carcinoma by Facial Esthetic Unit
- Jung Hun choi, Young Joon Kim, Hoon Kim, Sang Hyun Nam, Young Woung Choi
- Arch Plast Surg 2013 July
- 02.Recurrence of Nevus Lipomatosus Cutaneous Superficialis after CO2 Laser Treatment
- Jung Hun choi, Young Joon Kim, Hoon Kim, Sang Hyun Nam, Young Woung Choi
- Arch Plast Surg 2012 November
Hospital Info
9th floor, Giordano Building, 1 Gangnam-daero 65-gil, Seocho-gu, Seoul

In this menu, individual doctor's evaluations or reviews are not allowed as they may be defamatory. If you wish to register as a doctor, please contact us with sungyesacom@gmail.com
젭왈 2025-01-07 (화) 02:59 2일전 Address
He was very confident and effective. He captivated people throughout the consultation. He was very kind. I would like to recommend this hospital to my friends.
자몽나비 2025-01-05 (일) 23:10 3일전 Address
I went there because the review photos were pretty, and the director recommended only the necessary surgeries and told me exactly what was possible and what was not, which was nice. I recommend that you get a consultation at least once.
뮤뮤링 2025-01-05 (일) 19:13 4일전 Address
하니성형외과 상담후기
눈 성형 하려고 여러 곳 발품 팔았는데 다른 병원에서는 제 니즈를 파악하지 못해서 막막했는데 하니성형외과에서만 제가 원하는 게 뭔지 딱 알아봐 주셨어요! 원장님께서 너무 자신있게 제가 원하는 눈으로 만들어준다고 하시고 비대칭 개선에 대해서도 자세히 설명해주셔서 당일에 바로 수술 예약하고 다음날 바로 수술해버렸습니다! 저는 원장님이 정말 믿음직스러웠어요 ㅠㅠ 경과도 잘 봐주시고요! 아직 붓기가 많이 남아있지만 붓기 빠지면 제가 원하는 라인이 될 것 같아요! 담당실장님도 친절하시고 주변에 눈 수술 할 친구 있으면 하니성형외과 무조건 추천할겁니다 ㅎㅎ
snth 2024-12-30 (월) 19:01 10일전 Address
다른 곳과 다르게 라인을 직접 잡아서 보여주신다기보다는 실제 케이스 사진을 보여주시면서 자신있게 말씀하심. 원하던 눈이랑 비슷한 케이스가 많아서 마음이 갔는데 살짝 금액대가 있는 편인거 같긴 함. 다른 병원과 다르게 공장형같지도 않고 재기실이 한적하고 조용해서 좋았음!
깜장수제비 2024-12-30 (월) 16:40 10일전 Address
원장님이랑 데스크에 계신 분들 실장님 다 친절하셨고 전 시간대가 그랬던건지 대기도 10분밖에 안했습니다
가장 좋았던 점은 강한권유가 없어서 좋았고 계속해서 이건 본인 선택이라고 말씀해주시면서 제 의견에 더 집중해주셨어요
제가 들고 간 사진 보면서 비슷한 케이스 사진들도 보여주시고 라인도 몇개 잡아주시면서 기분좋게 상담 끝냈습니다
하지만 원장님이 제 눈을 만져보시거나 구체적으로 눈을 보진 않으시고 상담을 하시더라고요 안만져봐도 아시는건지 싶었지만 그 부분 빼고는 만족스러웠습니다
장군이눈처럼될래 2024-12-29 (일) 01:04 11일전 Address
자려+세미아웃 잘한다고 소문났다고 해서 최정훈 원장님께 상담받았습니다! 원래 가지고있던 눈이 아웃라인이라 수술하기 전 상담때 최대한 현재 가지고 있는 쌍커풀 그대로 만들어 달라고 부탁드렸어요.. 원장님께서 세미아웃에 엄청 자신감이 크셨고 제가 계속 떨려하니까 파이팅하시면서 계속 분위기 풀어나가주셨어요! 수술끝나고나서 붓기자체도 거의없고(여기서 완전 놀램) 라인 자체도 제가원하는데로 잘 나와서 엄청 만족스럽습니다!!!
핑돌핑 2024-12-27 (금) 20:22 12일전 Address
내가 말 안해도 병원에서 내 눈이랑 비슷한 케이스 수술전후 사진 먼저 보여주심. 데스크직원, 상담실장님, 원장님 모두 친절하고 체계가 잘 잡힌 병원같다는 생각이 듦. 나는 여기 상담 길게 잘 봐주신다는 얘기 듣고 간거라 기대가 컸지만 좀 바빠서 그런지 15분정도 얘기 나눈거같고 상담실장님이랑 얘기한 시간이 더 길었던듯? 그치만 원장님 상담 상당히 양질의 상담인건 인정. 아쉬웠던건 원장님 바쁜게 보여서 나도 질문할것들 한두개 까먹고 못함.. 하지만 시스템 자체는 1인 병원이라 원장님 사후관리 엄청 잘 되어있는거같고 상담실장님도 카톡으로 더 물어볼것들 생기면 편하게 물어보라고 끝까지 왕친절로 응대해주셨음. 근데 내가 생각했던 것 보다 더 붙여서 이런저런 것들을 묶어서 추천해주셔서 띠용하긴했음 근데 여기 원장님 상담 후기보면 다들 수술+시술 묶어서 많이 추천해주시는거같은데 재수술 없는 확실한 스타일을 선호하시는듯? 사람에따라 호불호갈릴수 있을거같다는 생각이 듦
톤톤3 2024-12-26 (목) 06:40 14일전 Address
원장님이 정말 친절하셔서 상담이 너무 편안했어요 !! 과하게 권유하지 않으시고 딱 필요한 부분들만 말씀해주셔서 좋았습니다 !!
퓽슝퓽슝 2024-12-25 (수) 17:50 15일전 Address
실장님도 친절하시고 원장님도 너무 친절하셨어요
눈매교정은 재수술이여도 무조건 하라고 하셨고, 생각지도 못한 트임 권유까지 받아서 생각을 해봐야 할 것 같아요
근데 제가 원하는 라인이랑 원장님이 추구하시는 눈 모양이랑 너무 똑같기도 하고, 라인 잡아주셨을 때 너무 마음에 들어서 고민 중입니다 .. ㅠ,ㅠ
닭갈비 2024-12-24 (화) 00:47 16일전 Address
I didn't get the surgery, but the director explained everything clearly and kindly. He asked me questions. He also recommended a surgery that I hadn't thought of, so I thought for a moment that it was customized.
위니비니위니 2024-12-22 (일) 18:49 18일전 Address
The consultation was detailed and friendly. It seemed like the doctor had great confidence in his surgical technique. The hospital facilities were also clean and nice.
으컄ㅋ토 2024-12-22 (일) 09:52 18일전 Address
Compared to other hospitals, the director was really kind. The manager was also really kind. It didn't feel like anything was forced. I was worried because the consultation method was a little different from other hospitals, but the hospital was clean and overall, it was good!
첫쌍수예정입니다 2024-12-19 (목) 23:55 20일전 Address
The director is cheerful and confident. However, since I have surgery after the consultation, the consultation time was short. I think I would be satisfied if someone who is clear about what they want went here.
고치지용 2024-12-18 (수) 19:56 21일전 Address
It was nice that he took pictures and examined my eyes in detail. He seemed confident, but he recommended a method that other hospitals don't recommend, so I didn't choose it because it was a bit burdensome. Still, both the director and the manager were kind, so it was nice.
세리0 2024-12-16 (월) 04:47 24일전 Address
Among the places I have consulted, this is the place where the doctor is the kindest. He seems to be famous for semi-out. It is one of the two places I liked among the five places I have consulted. I don't know where to do it yet.
바보야바바 2024-12-13 (금) 21:52 26일전 Address
This was my first time getting plastic surgery, so I looked into a lot of hospitals and had consultations, but there weren't many places that gave me such detailed and realistic advice. I love it.
아약 2024-12-12 (목) 20:08 27일전 Address
First of all, the hospital was so clean that it gave me a good first impression! The waiting time was about 1 hour and 30 minutes until the consultation, and I think they do the outline very well! They say that the team surgery method is not limited because the director has his own method?
haze030 2024-12-12 (목) 19:22 27일전 Address
The director is really kind and nice. The head of the counseling room is also kind and the guidance is quick, which is nice. The hospital is also new and clean.
포로리27 2024-12-11 (수) 14:15 29일전 Address
I went for my first consultation after seeing two YouTubers do it. The hospital had recently opened, so it was clean, and the director was kind and considerate. The consultation felt like chatting with a friend. I excluded it because it wasn't the line I wanted, but the director and the manager were very kind, so it was nice.
Zlrmem 2024-12-08 (일) 22:09 1개월전 Address
The consultation was really kind and they listened to my opinions very well, so I had the surgery and the results were good so I'm really satisfied!
라알 2024-12-02 (월) 10:32 1개월전 Address
I received a consultation, and unlike other hospitals, I received a good consultation in a pleasant and comfortable atmosphere. When I told them the image I wanted and the areas I wanted to improve, they immediately noticed and reflected my needs to draw the line. They were very confident, so I trusted them.
아야유유 2024-11-28 (목) 15:28 1개월전 Address
I had a consultation on Wednesday and I think the director is brimming with confidence. However, he recommended a different line than what I wanted, so I don't think I'll get the surgery. I think the director has a preferred line.
오느리집 2024-11-26 (화) 19:20 1개월전 Address
Among the hospitals I've been to for consultation, this one had the cleanest interior and the best facilities. There was almost no waiting time, and the director was confident and took good care of my lines . However, I'm worried because he mentioned a procedure I never thought of.
푸파푸 2024-11-18 (월) 22:55 1개월전 Address
It certainly seemed like the doctor was confident in the surgery itself. He didn't recommend unnecessary surgeries and was good at understanding my needs, so I felt trustworthy and paid the deposit.
팡메죵소금빵 2024-11-18 (월) 06:34 1개월전 Address
I got a consultation, and the fact that he was confident and had been at a large hospital for a long time was a big deal. I ran away from the previous hospital because it was like a flea market, but the atmosphere here was psychologically stable (I didn't like it because it was Gangnam Station). Anyway, the director had a strangely trustworthy style. It felt like he knew exactly what he wanted.
가아나마바다 2024-11-15 (금) 18:40 1개월전 Address
Please tell me only what is necessary without excessive recommendation. Please explain in simple terms why this surgery is necessary, so that I can easily understand.
은굴님 2024-11-12 (화) 23:11 1개월전 Address
Among the places I consulted with, this one had the most suggested surgeries and the highest price. However, the director's clear explanation made me wonder if I should just do a double eyelid surgery and eye surgery as well. The consultation was detailed and friendly, and they answered all my questions and made my lines look pretty. However, the price range was a bit disappointing.
수정이라고 2024-10-24 (목) 18:22 2개월전 Address
I received a consultation for revision surgery at Hani Plastic Surgery. During the consultation, the doctor understood my needs better than I did and actively tried to make my eyes look clearer, so I was impressed and decided to get the surgery right here. Be sure to receive sincere consultation at Hani Plastic Surgery.
큄큄 2024-10-14 (월) 15:37 2개월전 Address
They catch the direction I want exactly! It was my first time having a consultation and I felt comfortable. They try to do it in the direction I want. Other places give a lot of recommendations.
콩지요 2024-10-12 (토) 00:29 2개월전 Address
I really trust him because he explained things in a kind and confident manner!! I liked how he explained things I was curious about in detail and in an easy-to-understand way!! I was even more reliant on him because he said the director would also take care of the aftercare!
봄날80 2024-10-07 (월) 17:25 3개월전 Address
When consulting, they don't give excessive recommendations, but recommend styles that would suit you well and explain in detail whether it is possible. What I like the most is that they don't necessarily recommend the latest trending styles.
코코코코진 2024-09-07 (토) 19:51 3개월전 Address
I had eye surgery at the time of the surgery, and although he was very busy and out of his mind, he was kind and thorough. I was worried about the results because I have picky eyes, but I'm satisfied because it went well.
키힛 2024-09-03 (화) 20:28 4개월전 Address
The director put so much effort into the consultation that I wondered if it was okay for him to put so much effort into it. During the consultation, he made the semi-out lines look pretty and he studied how to make my face look pretty based on the facial photos before the surgery, which gave me complete confidence. The kind and detailed consultation and the pursuit of beauty were a good match, so I made an appointment for the surgery right away.
안나라로고수 2024-08-23 (금) 03:40 4개월전 Address
I consulted with him and he was very considerate and explained very kindly. I made a reservation here and had surgery, but I said I would not do the comment event because it was annoying. However, I was grateful to the director and left a comment.
쿨한찜기 2024-08-13 (화) 10:07 4개월전 Address
From the start of the consultation, he didn't recommend anything unnecessary and was meticulous, so I was able to trust him!! I trusted you because you knew exactly what I wanted haha.
노마토 2024-08-11 (일) 00:17 4개월전 Address
Of all the hospitals I went to for consultation, he was the kindest and tried to accommodate my needs in a way that felt close to him. I received excessive treatment at other hospitals, but he told me there was no need for that part, so I trusted him!
꿀지맘 2024-08-04 (일) 16:35 5개월전 Address
The magic that makes you make a deposit right away after receiving a consultation! I trust the teacher because he has a friendly tone and explains the consultation in the most detailed and factual way possible.

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