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Dr. Jung Soo Woo
Health Clinic
Plastic surgery Specialist
Plastic Surgeon Graduated from Ajou University College of Medicine Plastic Surgeon at Ajou University Hospital, USA UCLA Plastic Surgery Training, Taiwan Chang Gung Memorial Hospital
Former Director , Banobagi Plastic SurgeryDirector , Opera Plastic Surgery
Academic activity
Former Full member, Korean Society of Craniofacial Plastic Surgeons Full member, International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons Full member
Hospital Info
6th floor, Jun Building, 378, Gangnam-daero, Gangnam-gu, Seoul

In this menu, individual doctor's evaluations or reviews are not allowed as they may be defamatory. If you wish to register as a doctor, please contact us with sungyesacom@gmail.com
딛투 2025-01-09 (목) 12:37 1일전 Address
어머니가 상안검 수술을 원하셔서 여러 후기를 검색해보고 첫 병원으로 원장님께 상담 받았어요 상담 받는 긴 시간동안 어머니 입장에서 쉽게 이해 가능할 정도로 친절하게 설명해주셨어요 수술 이후 아직 붓기가 있지만 그래도 어머니가 만족하는 병원에서 수술 받게 되어서 저도 뿌듯하고 좋았습니다
3ㅁㅇㅁ 2025-01-02 (목) 21:14 8일전 Address
상담 다녀왔는데 과한 권유 절대 안하심!
하고 싶은 성형 이야기해도 그건 안해도 된다 등 딱 필요한 것만 말씀해주시고 내가 원하는 수술에 대한 전반적인 설명을 지세히 말해주시는 부분에서 전문성도 높다고 느낌
위니비니위니 2024-12-22 (일) 18:56 19일전 Address
정말 좋았습니다.... 상담도 길게 자세히 잘 해주시고, 궁금해 했던 부분도 친절하게 다 설명해주셨어요. 다른곳에서는 눈교 필수로 끼웠었는데, 여기서는 기능적으로 문제될 만큼 필요하지 않다라고 말씀해주셔서 안심 하였습니다.
엘리7 2024-05-28 (화) 22:41 7개월전 Address
I searched the director who did my nose when I was young (in my 20s) because I couldn't sleep with my breasts in other places. I got my nose done secretly from my mom, but she did it so naturally that I didn't notice (she said she got nose filler). Before I went to the local Miss Korea pageant, the hair salon director recommended it to me. I did it, and it seems like it was a good choice, and I'm living well without any side effects. Even my ex-boyfriend of plastic surgery didn't know, and my current husband is a hawk, so I don't know. If I had gone somewhere else and had it done, I would have regretted it so much, but I'm thankful that I didn't have any problems.
뭉치양치맘 2023-11-22 (수) 14:06 1년전 Address
I had non-incision eye correction about 9 years ago, and I am still satisfied with it to this day. There are no side effects or eye drooping at all, and no one will know that you have had eye surgery unless you tell them directly.

본 컨텐츠 영역은 성예사의 추천 또는 보증의 의미를 가지지 않습니다.