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Total Posts 25,324, Recent Posts 4
Dr. Namjoo Cheon
Health Clinic
Plastic surgery Specialist
Plastic Surgery Specialist Soonchunhyang University Hospital Plastic Surgeon Specialist
Soonchunhyang University Hospital Plastic Surgery Clinic Instructor
Academic activity
Lifetime member of the Korean Society of Plastic and Surgeons Full member of the Korean Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons Full member of the Korean Society of Plastic Surgeons Full member of the Korean Association of Plastic Surgeons Full member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons Full member of the International Society of Plastic Surgeons ISPRES Regular member
Hospital Info
4th floor, 114, Dosan-daero, Gangnam-gu, Seoul (Nonhyeon-dong)

In this menu, individual doctor's evaluations or reviews are not allowed as they may be defamatory. If you wish to register as a doctor, please contact us with sungyesacom@gmail.com
cocomong74… 2024-12-30 (월) 12:07 10일전 Address
처음 원장님 만났을 때가 생각나네요. 그 당시는 원장님 완전 혼자 계시던 작은 병원이었고, 첫코여서 정말 말도 안되는 가격에 저렴하게 했었는데…! 그때 여기서 하길 잘했어요. 코 모양도 모양인데, 큰 수술인 만큼 꼼꼼함과 안전함이 제일 중요하다고 생각해서요. 원장님은 딱 그런 분이셨어요. 그때 엄마 몰래 코수술 해야했던거라 티 안나게 정말 자연스럽게 해달라고 했어서 전체적인 코 모양을 크게 바꾸지 못하고 정돈하는 정도로만 다듬었어요. 지금도 너무 자연스럽고 코끝도 부드러워서 사람들 만져봐도 왠만해서 수술한지 모름. 이제는 모양 바꿔도 될 것 같아서 재수술하고싶은데,,, 이제는 비싸서 못하는
쿠티티티 2024-11-20 (수) 12:02 1개월전 Address
천남주 원장님
 후기를 본적이 있어서 각오하고갔는데
3군데 병원중에 제일 상세하게 상담해주셔서 예약금 걸었어요

엄청 꼼꼼하게 봐주셔서 맡겨도되겟다싶은?
실제로 하게될지는 모르겠지만 상담자체는 만족스러웠어요
노이야잉 2024-11-08 (금) 10:25 2개월전 Address
앞 사람 상담이 조금 늦어진다며 예약한 상담시간보다 30-40분 늦게 시작해서 좀 불만이었는데, 제 상담시간에도 굉장히 자세하게 설명해주셔서 그런 불만은 쏙 들어가더라구요ㅋㅋㅋ무보형물 코수술이 유명하다 들었는데 그래서 그런지 상담도 무보형물 위주로 추천해주셨어요
코를보러왔어요 2024-11-08 (금) 08:49 2개월전 Address
상담받을시 과한 권유도 없고 자연스럽게 하는스타일이라고 안내받았습니다. 실제로 과한 권유는 없었지만 코를 높일때 이마볼 지방이식하면 좋겟다 정도? 그렇지만 이것도 하면 좋아요 느낌 단점은 일단 사진 후기가 많이 없어서 모양이 다 달리서 좀 불안햇던거 그리고 완전 T라서 좀 하면서 부작용이나 불안 이런걸 없애주진않음 코모양 상담은 실장님랑~
뚜쟁 2024-10-06 (일) 21:46 3개월전 Address
상담갔는데 ct도 미리 보고 오셔서 파악하시고 코고 계속 만져보시고 코속도 확인하시면서 정말 꼼꼼하게 봐주셨어요!!
융요 2024-09-20 (금) 10:50 3개월전 Address
예전에 상담받았는데 대기 시간도 짧고 매우 자세하게 설명해주시며 코를 많이 만져보시고 꼼꼼하신게 느껴지심
Ssun1 2024-09-19 (목) 17:56 3개월전 Address
원장님 굉장히 꼼꼼하시고 ct로 설명도 자세히 해주시고 직접 만져보고 늘러보고 콧구멍까지 다 보고 디테일하게 설명해주심
안전을 중요시 하시고 과한권유도 없으심
너무 자세히 설명해주셔서 질문할게 없었음
자연스럽고 안전한 코 추구하시는듯
illillilll… 2024-09-05 (목) 19:38 4개월전 Address
It's a detailed and thorough consultation, but very rough. It's good that they say things that can't be done, but the tone is unpleasant. But the head of the consultation room is even better..ㅋ I went for a college entrance exam consultation, and they asked for the name of the hospital where I had surgery before, and said that ours is just as expensive~ ;; This is the first time I've been to a place where I felt bad because of the head of the consultation room..; Oh, I liked the hospital interior and that there was no waiting time^^
dbswlls 2024-09-04 (수) 08:00 4개월전 Address
He explained the rhinoplasty in great detail and spoke while seeing and touching the nasal cartilage, so I felt very trustworthy. He told me in advance during the consultation that it couldn't be done, so I thought it was good that he was honest. He also explained things well when I asked him questions, so I was very satisfied. The consultation room manager was also kind.
너부리부인 2024-08-14 (수) 10:30 4개월전 Address
Anyone can feel that the director has a lot of surgical experience and skills just by receiving a consultation. However, there will definitely be likes and dislikes. Although he tries to be kind, the director has a unique way of speaking that makes it difficult for patients to approach him. He has force.
Nonosese 2024-08-12 (월) 04:50 4개월전 Address
I'm uploading this after getting rhinoplasty about 4 years ago! First of all, it doesn't feel like it was made in a factory, and the doctor looks at it thoroughly and in detail, and makes conservative recommendations that fit the patient's needs (naturally and without being obvious). I got non-implanted beak correction, and at the time, they told me in advance that it might sag a little, and it actually did. ㅜ They are honest and don't exaggerate.
코예쁨 2024-07-30 (화) 10:23 5개월전 Address
He touched my nose very carefully and checked it as if he was looking inside my nose like an ENT doctor! In fact, I think it is essential to touch and examine everything like this when getting a nose job, and this was the only place that analyzed my existing nose so thoroughly! That's why I trusted him more!
파란병아리 2024-07-10 (수) 18:06 5개월전 Address
The consultation fee is expensive, but it is worth it because they are very thorough and explain things properly, so I trusted them. I also liked that they did not make excessive recommendations.
Qufk 2024-06-14 (금) 00:57 6개월전 Address
I felt trustworthy during the consultation because they are very conservative and seem to prioritize safety. I am satisfied with their thorough explanations, but the price is on the expensive side.
룽룬 2024-05-23 (목) 17:38 7개월전 Address
Please explain in detail while touching my nose repeatedly. I know you are not kind, but please tell me honestly and thoroughly. However, the consultation fee is too expensive.
현또먹 2024-04-28 (일) 12:19 8개월전 Address
When I received counseling before, it was very expensive because it was the head office, but the counseling was great. Although I received it at a different place, I am satisfied.
fjrijsdhx 2024-04-27 (토) 15:11 8개월전 Address
I received a consultation, and they did not recommend any unnecessary parts, but only explained and consulted on the necessary parts. It seemed like they prioritized safety. They were professional and the consultation was good.
하은하 2024-04-27 (토) 01:31 8개월전 Address
He explained it in great detail and touched my nose a lot, and I could feel that he was very meticulous. He understood my needs and said that the surgery was done in 3 sessions, which was very thorough. The only problem is that the price is expensive. ㅜㅜ
성예사 2024-04-29 (월) 11:06 8개월전 Address
[@Ha Eun Ha]
lIIIl 2024-01-18 (목) 17:21 11개월전 Address
I received a consultation with Maeburiko, and she explained everything thoroughly while touching my nose here and there. Also, the review photos she showed me were so pretty.
노동과혁명 2023-10-21 (토) 04:03 1년전 Address
The director was in surgery, so I had to wait a while, but I actually felt like I could trust him. I felt like he would take full responsibility for me and not come out during the surgery. And he was very serious during the consultation, wearing a loupe. He explained the surgical method in detail, and he was honest about what couldn't be done, so I felt like I could trust him. The head of the consultation room was also kind.
곰밤와 2023-05-04 (목) 19:21 1년전 Address
I received a consultation from Director Cheon Nam-ju. There was no waiting, and the doctor kindly touched my nose and explained it in detail.
seum2 2023-01-22 (일) 12:20 1년전 Address
Please explain in great detail. Tell me how the surgery will be performed and explain it while touching my nose yourself.
진짜할거야 2023-01-09 (월) 16:38 2년전 Address
수술 방식에 대해서 자세하게 설명해주세요 어떤식으로 수술을 진행할건지, 수술 후에 이런 코 모양일거라고 면봉과 손으로 보여주시더라구요! 나중에 코끝 내려올 걸 감안해서 이정도 높일거라고 말씀해주시는데, 그냥 그 때에 눈으로 봤을 땐 너무 과하지 않을까 걱정되긴 했어요,, 근데 워낙 자연스럽게 하신다는 후기가 많아서 괜찮을 것 같기도 하고.. 대표원장님이시다 보니깐 가격대가 좀 있는 편인 것 같네요 상담비는 2만원 이었습니다
잇힝2 2021-11-08 (월) 05:33 3년전 Address
I was consulted by Dr. Namjoo Cheon. First of all, there were a lot of people waiting at other hospitals and the consultation time was short, but in the case of plastic surgery, the doctors consultation time was long and I liked that there were not many consultations a day. The counselor was also good.

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