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Total Posts 25,318, Recent Posts 15
Dr. Dongil Choi
Health Clinic
Plastic surgery Specialist
Doctor's License Acquisition Date
Specialist Acquisition Date
Plastic Surgeon
Former Director of Regen Plastic Surgery Clinic Former Director of BK Plastic Surgery Clinic Full member of the Korean
Academic activity
Society of Plastic Surgeons Full member of the Korean Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Full member of the Korean Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Full member of the Korean Society of Craniofacial Plastic Surgery Full member of the Korean Society of Plastic Surgeons Full member
Hospital Info
7th floor, 421 Gangnam-daero, Seocho-gu, Seoul

In this menu, individual doctor's evaluations or reviews are not allowed as they may be defamatory. If you wish to register as a doctor, please contact us with sungyesacom@gmail.com
민초민초초 2024-12-30 (월) 17:48 2일전 Address
친한 동생이 첫 쌍꺼풀 수술 상담 가는데 같이 가달라고 해서 방문했어요. 상담 자세하고, 과한 권유도 없고 병원이 오래된 느낌이긴 했으나 깔끔해 보였어요. 한 자리에서 오래 한다는 것도 그 병원이 잘하고 있다는 반증이니까 나쁘게 보이지는 않더라구요. 동생도 여기가 마음에 들었는지 수술했고, 마음에 드는데 라인을 낮춰서 수술해 달라고 요청한 것이 한이라고 하더라고요 ㅎㅎ
루루루로로 2024-12-28 (토) 22:35 4일전 Address
교통 사고 후 짝눈 때문에 상담 갔고
위로해주시면서 필요한 것만 딱딱 말씀주셔서 좋았어요. 실장님도 친절하셨고요
족집게 2024-12-23 (월) 16:11 9일전 Address
피피티 보여주시면서 자세하게 설명해주심 과한 권유 없고 니즈 최대한 반영 잘해주심 솔직하게 말씀해주셔서 좋았음
행복브링 2024-12-18 (수) 23:49 14일전 Address
상담은 원장님이 어느정도 설명을 다 해주면, 궁금한게 있냐고 물어보시네여 그럼 체크리스트 갖고가서 물어보는게 도움이 되었습니다.
중간에 설명중에 물어볼수도 있겠지만, 일단 설명해주는거 다 들어보면 뭔가 영화한편 보는 느낌이네여
다른병원 상담갈때는 눈매교정 트임등 끼워팔기가 많은데 그거 필요없고 할필요 없다고 단호하게 말씀하시네여
그거 아니어도 이쁘게 나온다고 하시네요, 학회 슬라이드 같은거 발표한거 보여주긴 하는데. 성형외과의사들 한테 강의한거 수술전후사진등 보여주십니다
실장들은 따로 사진은 별로 보여주는건 없는데 원장님 수술설명듣는게 제일 중요하다고 생각합니다.
학회활동 많이하고, 다른병원에 비해서 전문성이 훨씬 느껴지고 학문의 깊이가 더 있어보입니다. 단지 친절하긴 하지만, 다른병원이 다정한 느낌이라면 여긴 츤데레 느낌이긴하네여.
총평 : 다른데보다 전문적이긴 하고 최소한 망하지는 않고 신뢰가 감. 단지 친절한정도를 대단히 기대하면 안됨 그냥 친절한거 기대하면 피부관리샵을 가는게..  ㅎㅎ
Hellomoon 2024-12-09 (월) 13:38 23일전 Address
상담 자체는 조금 짧게 느껴졌지만 원장님께서 솔직하게 조언해주시고 자신감 있으셔서 믿고 재수술 진행하였습니다. 결과는 대만족이였어요 절개로했는데 회복도 빨랐구요
이젠제바 2024-12-07 (토) 16:02 25일전 Address
자신감있게 되는건 된다 흉은 남을거다 감수할 부분은 솔직하게 말씀해주십니다. 병원을 새로 신축이전해서 으리으리합니다..
illiiillll… 2024-12-06 (금) 10:00 26일전 Address
두줄따기로 상담 받았어요 눈 사진 찍어서 자세히 봐주시고 제가 먼저 말하지 않은 불만인 부분 바로 캐치해서 말씀해주셨어요 전후사진 많이 보여주셨고 수술 자체에 자신감도 있어보이세요
둥실이주인 2024-11-28 (목) 15:58 1개월전 Address
상담시 엄청 친절한 느낌은 아니었지만 질문한 것에 대한 대답은 잘 해주셨어요.
그리고 이건 된다 안된다 솔직하게 얘기해주셨습니다.
제발성공제발 2024-11-27 (수) 17:50 1개월전 Address
두줄따기로 상담 갔었는데, 엄청 친절하셨어요. 다른 성형외과랑 고민되긴 하는데, 원장님이 친절하시고 수술에 대한 프라이드도 있으셔서 고민됩니다..
가을하늘00 2024-11-23 (토) 21:11 1개월전 Address
유튜브하셔서 몇개 보고 잘 설명하셨는데 병원도 깔끔하고 잘 설명하셨습니다. 상담비는 5천원 있으니 참고하세요. 전후 사진을 많이 보여주세요.
Dkcnxjs 2024-11-23 (토) 13:08 1개월전 Address
지인이 여기서 재수 성공했어용
보고 저도 관심이 생겨서 예약잡았어요 ㅎㅎ
상담이 매우 기대됩니당!!!!!!
젱양 2024-07-20 (토) 14:25 5개월전 Address
쌍수 상담갔는데 예쁘게 해줄 자신이 있다며 확신에 차있으셨어요. 과잉진료는 없어 보였습니다. 다만 데스크 직원들이 불친절했어요.
마지막이어라 2024-05-23 (목) 16:38 7개월전 Address
I received consultations from 5 places for my 3rd revision eye surgery, and after consulting with the same director, I made an appointment for the next day. I have extreme eyesight, but he told me clearly that this would work and this would not work. He was calm and cool-headed, so I thought I should leave it to him. I'm having surgery soon, and I'm nervous. Please be kind to the director.
s65amgggg 2024-04-03 (수) 13:42 8개월전 Address
I had men's incision eye correction about 4-5 years ago, and during the consultation and when I went to see the post-mortem results, the director was quite chic, and that part was rather attractive. Anyway, several years later, I'm still satisfied.
마솔 2024-03-23 (토) 18:10 9개월전 Address
There was no over-treatment and the explanation was kind and good. You sure are chic. And it looks like it's a competent hospital and it's not like it's plastered with advertisements.
곰곰123 2024-03-14 (목) 17:42 9개월전 Address
The director was very kind. I liked that he showed me before and after surgery photos, explained things in detail, and did not recommend unnecessary surgery.
굿가이007 2024-01-01 (월) 12:11 1년전 Address
Teacher, are you good? Not a factory-type hospital. However, the teacher is better at functional aspects than beauty or design aspects. I think you have skills. So I'm worried. It would be better if you could communicate the design better with patients.
시루떡집 2023-04-16 (일) 10:23 1년전 Address
Please catch what I want right away and answer clearly. I wanted to trust and leave it to you because I saw that you would do well without showing off!
고독한대식가 2023-03-05 (일) 01:02 1년전 Address
He appeared on Let Me In and seems to have excellent skills. When I went for a consultation, he looked a bit chic and confident. The surgery fee is too expensive. Patients who have had multiple reoperations have serious mental and physical injuries, so I would be very grateful if you could suggest the surgery fee at a reasonable price.
쌔싿 2023-02-04 (토) 11:52 1년전 Address
The teacher is really good. In fact, I went to other cafes without knowing that they were recommendations or brokers. I went there on the recommendation of an acquaintance, and since I heard that this place is the only place to buy it, I was worried about going to Gingaming, but I trusted the teacher and went with it. The result is truly satisfying. This hospital doesn't really advertise and many people don't know much about it, but I think they did a good job of trusting the doctor and not a real broker. I think it's best to recommend a hospital to an acquaintance.
illlililil 2023-01-06 (금) 05:36 1년전 Address
It was a quiet hospital with an atmosphere that felt more like internal medicine than plastic surgery. He was the type of person who would explain things calmly and speak in a playful way when I asked him something I was curious about. It is said that there is no additional cost for eye correction etc. if you choose two lines.

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