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Dr. 도언록
Health Clinic
Plastic surgery Specialist
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대한성형외과학회 지방성형, 지방줄기세포 연구회 정회원
대한성형외과학회 항노화 연구회 정회원
대한성형외과학회 유방성형 연구회 정회원
대한성형외과학회 톡신필러 연구회 정회원
대한성형외과학회 최소침습성형 연구회 정회원
미국성형외과학회 ASPS 회원
Hospital Info
7th, 8th, 9th, 10th floor, Yeongsan Building, 449, Gangnam-daero, Seocho-gu, Seoul

In this menu, individual doctor's evaluations or reviews are not allowed as they may be defamatory. If you wish to register as a doctor, please contact us with sungyesacom@gmail.com
sying 2025-01-03 (금) 07:45 6일전 Address
아약 2024-12-31 (화) 22:52 8일전 Address
我不建議進行不必要的手術。 我沒有感覺到他們在提供詳細的諮詢。 他們說,當你接受眼部矯正時,它實際上看起來很麻煩。 但當他們用牙籤畫出線條時,上面到處都是像睫毛膏一樣的黑色東西.. 它似乎使用了一天以上,所以非常衛生。
루루루로로 2024-12-28 (토) 22:46 11일전 Address
儘管我預訂了,但等待的時間真的很長ᅲᅲ我精疲力盡了... 經理很善良,而且導演從不含糊其辭,所以我信任他。 他只推薦了我需要的東西,並給了我一些安慰的話,所以我很感激。
예쁜눈쌍꺼풀 2024-12-23 (월) 16:36 17일전 Address
我預訂了並去了,但我不得不等了很久,而且諮詢時間很短。 當我去諮詢時,那個人有點粗魯。 當我說我有點擔心時,那個人說我有決定癱瘓。 他們沒有建議進行不必要的手術。 我認為成本也偏高。
위니비니위니 2024-12-22 (일) 19:06 18일전 Address
我很擔心,因為你說天氣很冷,但比起說天氣很冷,你只提到了真正必要的手術。 我對諮詢很滿意。 然而... 我走之前就知道了,但我想我真的必須忍受等待諮詢的時間。
민구이뿌니 2024-12-17 (화) 17:41 23일전 Address
我強烈推薦Dr. Do-eon-rok Il-mi-ri。 我對我的手術結果非常滿意。他的技能令人驚歎。 看來他生來就有它。
뿡호빵 2024-12-15 (일) 16:30 25일전 Address
3年前,我做了雙眼瞼手術+上眼瞼提升手術。 在當時諮詢過的醫院中,有傳言說沒有過度治療和欺詐,但這比我想象的要好。 很難預約,雖然當時我很滿意,但隨著時間的流逝,我經常認為我應該把線條抬高一點+我認為我應該做眼部矯正,因為我的睜眼力很弱。 它肯定感覺很貴,因為它很有名。 2年零6個月後,出現了自然粘附手術的典型副作用,即線突出,但當我去醫院接受售後服務時,一個花了160美元,所以我很擔心,但我認為它不會很明顯,所以我現在就用它。
릴리3 2024-12-14 (토) 19:57 26일전 Address
等待諮詢3個小時... 這是地獄,但諮詢很好。 但一直困擾我的是,他們用的牙籤太髒了...... 我想知道在這種不衛生的地方做手術是否正確。 總的來說,醫院並不乾淨、骯髒和凌亂。 這就是我擔心的原因。
죠랭이입니다 2024-12-04 (수) 21:41 1개월전 Address
I felt the professionalism of the consultation and they were very thorough. The staff were all friendly and the hospital facilities looked good.
바나나똥 2024-12-02 (월) 02:22 1개월전 Address
I had double eyelid surgery 3 years ago! (Natural adhesion + upper eyelid lift + eye correction) I decided after consulting with 3 places, and I was happy that they recommended something that wasn't too excessive! However, it was the most expensive out of the 3 places, and the waiting time... It was an endless wait, but I'm so happy with the results!
쵸쵸리링 2024-12-02 (월) 02:19 1개월전 Address
There is no overtreatment, and they suggest a definite plan, and they tell me the best design that suits my eyes rather than something excessive. The waiting time for consultation is really long.
뿅뿅이뿅뿅 2024-11-28 (목) 03:28 1개월전 Address
First of all, the waiting time at the hospital is the worst ever ㅠㅠ Even though I made a reservation and went, it took too long to consult with the doctor. The doctor is firm and has a direct style.
서해98 2024-11-27 (수) 12:20 1개월전 Address
The director is very firm! Of course, that was good, but the price is so ridiculously expensive that I put down a deposit, but I'm still thinking about it... The director said that he does it very delicately, but I don't think I can know because I haven't had the surgery myself... I'm still thinking about it because the price is so, so expensive.
하나투투 2024-11-20 (수) 01:01 1개월전 Address
I liked that the doctor first talked about the parts that were necessary without overtreating me. He gave me kind advice and spoke in a clear tone without any ambiguity, so I felt more confident and made an appointment for my surgery.
sidjeuckk 2024-11-14 (목) 12:27 1개월전 Address
I trusted you because you spoke confidently and decisively. And I really liked the examples you gave of people similar to me.
클럭 2024-11-09 (토) 19:25 1개월전 Address
I couldn't share much because you seemed busy, but I liked how you explained the problems with your nose directly.
ㅇㅇㅇㅇ웅우우 2024-11-09 (토) 10:51 1개월전 Address
The waiting time is long and the time to meet the director and receive consultation is not long. I liked that the consultation was focused on resolving complexes rather than cosmetic purposes, so I made a reservation and had the surgery right there. What's special is that I drew the line right before the surgery and marked it and then followed it!! I only went to one place so I can't compare it to other places, but the process was a little disappointing, but the results were satisfying.
치카푸카포카 2024-11-09 (토) 01:07 1개월전 Address
Although the consultation time with the director was short compared to the waiting time, it seemed like he only recommended the treatments that were really necessary. Maybe it was because he had a lot of experience, but I trusted him because he spoke with confidence.
이경준 2024-11-06 (수) 07:37 2개월전 Address
As I heard, you are straightforward and confident in what you say. However, you seem busy, so there are some parts that are difficult to explain at length.
eunong 2024-11-04 (월) 09:13 2개월전 Address
I went for a consultation 3 or 4 years ago, but the design was too natural and not pretty or fancy. It was a double-pleated style, and they said it couldn't be done in-out, only in-line, so I went somewhere else and got it done.
밍기뉴83 2024-11-01 (금) 13:54 2개월전 Address
I only met the director for 5 minutes during the 2 hour wait? Hahaha I'm so mad.. Why am I mad..? I went with a partner, but he said not to think that it will work out the first time, but to think that it will work out the way you want it to in a few times and he will eventually match it. Hahaha But I'm so scared.. If I say that I'm a partner after the surgery and the director says that I'm a partner, can I beat the director? I thought about that.. I put down a deposit for now, but the director keeps getting on my nerves.. I don't know what to say ㅠㅠ
오떡봉 2024-10-31 (목) 21:04 2개월전 Address
As rumored, you are very direct. But you say what you think and you don't say anything wrong. However, because you are famous, the waiting time is quite long.
ry0v 2024-10-17 (목) 08:12 2개월전 Address
It's time and time again, it's long, it's time, it's time, it's time, it's time, it's time, it's time, it's time, it's time, it's time, it's time, it's time, it's time, it's time.たです。ここでするかかォんでます。
꼬멍 2024-10-16 (수) 23:02 2개월전 Address
讓我們來談談商業,相信自己,相信我,相信我! 這是很長的時間,這是很長的時間,這是一個真實的世界,我的生活確實是這樣的,它是真實的。
잇츠미여니 2024-10-15 (화) 14:33 2개월전 Address
線高不一樣。 術,但由於我們的道院長,目前是正確的道路著第二人生。 沿著線移動一個人的腳,沿著小路移動一個人的腳,談論身體的穩定性,反對運動的想法。 我的眼睛睜在同一條線上,4年前,我在方向盤後面。
콩지요 2024-10-11 (금) 22:44 2개월전 Address
聽到後,這不是真的,這很好! 世界的經濟僅限於東方和西方,世界瞭解世界,世界瞭解世界,我相信它! 這是一個很長的時間,它很容易理解,有一段美好的時光很好,還剩40分鐘,對了! 女性的聯絡資訊可在LINE上獲得,老年女性的聯絡資訊可用! 價格不同,價格也不同!
pooo 2024-10-11 (금) 00:10 2개월전 Address
這是真的,它是本地的,它是本地的,它是本地的。 這是結束,這是結束,結束是漫長的,能量來了,這是好事。
뿔고 2024-10-08 (화) 22:02 2개월전 Address
我的主要想法是聯絡公眾,我說的是這個。 在長故事的中間,最好的手技是好的,金的長故事在未來是好的,在一天中向左的道路是好的。 現在,你的視力在變化,你的眼睛在變化.. 有可能把市場變成一個新的道路經理,改變市場,買車,買車,買它,買它,買它,買它,買它,買它,買它,買它。 真實... 我的想法,我的想法,我的想法,我的想法。
뿡빵닝닝 2024-10-08 (화) 17:25 3개월전 Address
有三種方法可以看到真理:左、右、左、右、左和右。 如果你想更多地瞭解價格,想想,想想,用心去做。 雖然在品板醫院中ヹ格最貴,但院長的自信心和我想想,這是正確的事情,一切都在那裡。眼病發作2周後,卵巢癌2天后,卵巢癌2天后,卵巢癌前2天,
콜라누낭 2024-10-06 (일) 13:17 3개월전 Address
聽說很冷,就那樣冷冷靜很好擁有良好的醫療生活,看醫生的好方法是一個好主意嗎? 它不容易理解,不容易找到答案,而且它是一個好主意。 這是一個很棒的故事。
쏘쟁 2024-09-26 (목) 01:43 3개월전 Address
어떻게할까고민중 2024-09-23 (월) 19:56 3개월전 Address
這是真的。 這是一個嚴肅的事情,這是一個嚴肅的事情,這是一個事實,這是一個事實。 簡短的故事,在最後一次會議後大約1分鐘,在工作後大約20分鐘。 我相信自己,我相信自己,我不相信自己,我的眼睛對我的家人感到高興,我愛我的朋友,我向前邁進。
yuniyam 2024-09-06 (금) 17:41 4개월전 Address
這是真的,這是一個秘密,它違反了法律,它違反了寒冷,這是一個秘密,它是真的。 聽說矯正眼睛是選擇,所以很苦惱,說有錢和沒錢的話很搞笑,就用了
퓨퓨림림 2024-08-23 (금) 23:30 4개월전 Address
世界的法律與世界的法律有關,業務很大,世界的法律與其他法律有關。 等了有點久。
파크가든 2024-08-10 (토) 18:24 4개월전 Address
理解價值,理解價值,改變思想,理解思維方式,故事是關於世界,世界是不同的。 劃分經濟和金融部門..知道路,路,路,路,路,路,路,路,路,路,路,路,路,路,路,路,路,路。
머가되든행벅 2024-07-31 (수) 18:12 5개월전 Address
It was nice to see that the line was drawn several times to ensure symmetry before surgery... Please be careful about what type of surgery is realistically necessary. We will never make excessive recommendations.
상수하자 2024-07-31 (수) 04:10 5개월전 Address
He drew the lines and said it would come out like this. I felt confident. I had seen reviews saying it was scary, but... it was a very clear and chic style.
dtfdtf 2024-07-30 (화) 23:39 5개월전 Address
He speaks in a refreshing and confident way and clearly states what can and cannot be done. I grabbed the line and it came out like this. I’m a bit surprised that you did it haha.
쥬호쥬 2024-07-28 (일) 20:01 5개월전 Address
I had eye surgery four years ago, and he was very kind and there have been no side effects so far! There was no excessive recommendation and I remember it was okay!!!
두브붇 2024-07-22 (월) 04:11 5개월전 Address
I think you have good surgical skills. You are definitely pretty and naturally good at it. But the biggest problem is that the hospital itself is too busy.
당근을먹자 2024-07-21 (일) 21:35 5개월전 Address
The consultation I received here is still the most memorable. I want to do it here, but I don't think I can because it's difficult to make a reservation. No time to go to counseling again
깡깡인데요 2024-07-21 (일) 01:39 5개월전 Address
I had surgery 3 years ago, and they did it in a fancy way, and although it looks a little noticeable, I am still satisfied with my life!!
젱양 2024-07-20 (토) 01:10 5개월전 Address
He seemed confident when he spoke, but I'm not sure if this was confidence based on ability or commercialism. And the process of seeing a doctor is too complicated.
silver0112 2024-07-19 (금) 21:35 5개월전 Address
Even though I went in the morning, I had to wait an hour and a half for a consultation. She was very simple and clearly told me what to do and what not to do. I think the counselor communicated really well.
쑤기쑤기맘 2024-07-16 (화) 05:33 5개월전 Address
The wait at the hospital was longer than I expected, and the doctor's consultation was refreshing. However, the difficulty in designing right before the surgery was extremely difficult. The results were good and I was satisfied.
wkfehlfrjd… 2024-07-09 (화) 15:31 5개월전 Address
I went for a consultation on the weekend and the waiting time was very long… It was my first consultation, and there were too many people at the hospital. It was an honest and clean consultation, but the consultation time was very short compared to the wait, and above all, the amount was ridiculous... Overall review consultation soso... The hospital is large and clean
흐에 2024-06-27 (목) 12:26 6개월전 Address
這是很久以前的事了,這是個好主意,這是個好主意,這是個好主意。 這是一個小時間,一個小時間,這是一個小生意,這是一個小生意。
낙낙이 2024-06-27 (목) 01:23 6개월전 Address
這是很久以前的事了,玩得開心是個好主意。 反-而可能是因為院長做完手術後疲憊的狀態來了,一個安靜的地方,一個你住的地方,一個你想住的地方,一個你可以旅行的地方,一個沒有品味的地方.. 有可能實現一個人的錢的價值,在當地市場改變錢,看看這需要多長時間.. ;;
gdy92**** 2024-06-24 (월) 11:12 6개월전 Address
쪼꼬나라 2024-06-04 (화) 15:03 7개월전 Address
소라별호수별 2024-06-02 (일) 01:31 7개월전 Address
돋도 2024-05-08 (수) 01:05 7개월전 Address
據說,以後寫一本書,以後讀,以後買,以後寫,以後寫,以後寫,以後讀,以後讀,以後讀,以後讀,讀,讀,讀,讀,讀,讀,說,說,得到了信任,Mature people to the world travel the world,但很漂亮,所以預約掛
공감자 2024-05-03 (금) 20:36 8개월전 Address
I had the surgery 4 years ago, and you looked cool and confident!! You were also kind during the aftercare. I am satisfied with the double eyelid surgery that went well and came out naturally without any major side effects.
Hannnnnnni 2024-03-18 (월) 19:46 9개월전 Address
First of all, it was refreshing and I liked that there was no recommendation for surgery. I trusted the doctor because he told me how to improve the areas I wanted. There was a bit of a wait.
으얷 2024-02-20 (화) 20:22 10개월전 Address
* During review, please be careful about what kind of surgery is realistically necessary. We will never recommend too much. Trust is extremely high after seeing the lines drawn several times to ensure symmetry before surgery... … It's been quite a while since natural adhesion, but no one knows if I dual-wielded or not. My first dual-wielding was successful.
재수술잘받자 2024-02-08 (목) 20:23 10개월전 Address
ㅇ You're so warm, you're so good at explaining what's okay and what's not, and you've pointed out my problems well, so I'm really debating whether to do it here.
아웅냥 2024-01-24 (수) 16:35 11개월전 Address
I went for a consultation for my third eye revision surgery, hoping it would be my last surgery. As it is a hospital famous for snow ashes, I waited for about an hour and received consultation in the following order: consultation with the director, consultation with the director, and consultation with the director. I trusted Dr. Do more because he clearly identified the problem with my eyes and told me honestly that this problem may not be improved even with surgery. Since this was my third surgery, I was very worried about whether it would be resolved again or not. He also honestly said that if I was unlucky, it might come off, but he would do the surgery to make sure it didn't. The director paid attention to every detail and seemed confident, so I gained trust.
서영자 2024-01-22 (월) 13:20 11개월전 Address
They identified the problem with my eyes at once and showed me confidence so I had the surgery again and it was successful with clean lines and no scars.
찌닝닝닝 2024-01-16 (화) 17:50 11개월전 Address
It was nice that the doctor didn't overly recommend other surgeries and explained only what I needed and wanted!!
kkkykkkkk 2024-01-14 (일) 19:59 11개월전 Address
I visited for an eye plastic surgery consultation. The waiting time was about an hour, and I think the consultation was over in less than 5 minutes. Although the consultation time was short, he did not recommend unnecessary surgery and I trusted his clear and objective answers.
브존 2024-01-11 (목) 00:45 11개월전 Address
到達目的地後,立即需要了解世界各地的移動方式。 畢竟,很高興看到它對東西方有好處,對每個人都有好處,對中國的每個人都有好處,對現實有好處。
i0i0 2024-01-08 (월) 09:42 1년전 Address
畢竟,有很多事情會比其他東西更好,它會比其他東西更好。,爽快地說話,讓我信任了,但費用就那樣,足品這是世界上最重要的資訊之一。 一個與我的想法有關的問題,一個想知道我的想法的人,以及一個對商業科學感興趣的人。
coco110 2024-01-08 (월) 00:03 1년전 Address
我已經很久沒有在中間很久了,自從我處於很久以來,我一直在中間很久。 人們的觀點是真實的,這很好。
호로록로호 2023-12-06 (수) 11:14 1년전 Address
諮詢了。 是雙眼皮再手術.. 因為費用很高,所以在選項中刪除了,但明確告訴你我同意你,我相信你,我相信你,我相信你。 但是等待時間是.. 某種情況,但好像等了1個小時間,對吧
웅달 2023-11-12 (일) 23:30 1년전 Address
我在本月第六個小時收到了建議。這是個大時刻。 時間很多。我抑鬱了,以最輕微的差異去世了相信這一點很重要長期關係,相信自己,相信自己,相信自己,相信自己,相信自己,相信自己,相信自己,相信自己,相信自己,相信自己,相信自己,相信自己,相信自己,相信自己,相信自己,相信自己,相信自己,相信自己,相信自己,相信自己,相信自己,相信自己,相信自己,相信自己,相信自己,相信自己,相信自己,相信自己,相信自己,相信自己,相信自己,相信自己,相信自己,相信自己,相信自己,相信自己,相信自己,相信自己,相信自己,相信自己,相信自己,相信自己,相信自己,相信自己,相信自己,相信自己,相信自己,相信自己,相信自己,相信自己,相信自己,相信自己,相信自己,相信自己,相信自己,相信自己,相信自己,相信自己,相信自己,相信自己,相信自己,相信自己,相信自己,相信自己,相信自己,相信 你自己,相信自己,相信自己,相信自己,相信自己,相信自己,相信自己,相信自己,相信自己,相信自己,相信自己,相信自己,相信自己,相信自己,相信自己,相信自己,相信自己,相信自己,相信自己,相信自己,相信自己,相信自己,相信自己,相信自己,相信自己,相信自己,相信自己,相信自己,相信自己,相信自己,相信自己,相信自己,相信自己,相信自己,相信自己,相信自己,相信自己,相信自己,相信自己,相信自己,相信自己,相信自己,相信自己,相信自己,相信自己,相信自己,相信自己,相信自己,相信自己,相信自己,相信自己,相信自己,相信自己,相信自己,相信自己,相信自己,相信自己,相信自己,不要害怕,不要相信你的心。
라라라룰라 2023-08-31 (목) 20:48 1년전 Address
諮詢了,看起來確實有自信。 比其他醫院院長們更爽快。 所以做了手術,還算滿意
Ililiiilli… 2023-05-29 (월) 01:31 1년전 Address
試著相信自己的土地,相信真理,相信真理,相信真理,相信真理,相信真理。 這是當地的醫療實踐,這是私人業務,這是私人的,這是本地的,這是私人的,這是可靠的,這是私人的。
뽀러 2023-05-16 (화) 09:23 1년전 Address
dingr 2023-05-15 (월) 17:07 1년전 Address
멍게다리 2023-04-28 (금) 16:35 1년전 Address
讓我們來談談當地的情況,不能吃喝,讓我們來談談當地的市場。 醫療生活、山地、旅行、相信自己,相信他人
일억년전 2023-04-18 (화) 17:31 1년전 Address
讓我們做吧,不要做,不要做,讓我們採取行動,讓我們做,讓我們決定.. 這是我住的地方,也是我的朋友住的地方。
에비앙생수 2023-04-15 (토) 08:37 1년전 Address
說開啟它是沒有用的。前門從前門出來,後門從前門出來。 (即使重新配置脂肪,脂肪也會再次增加,一般需要10年左右)你的眼睛稍微突出了,重新安置和脂肪移植的話效果會很大.. 很容易將眼睛和肌肉提升到一個新的水平。 很容易透過眼睛移動。 如果疾病不健康,就很難治療。 治療這種疾病很困難。瞭解眼瞼和眼瞼下部的新結構很重要。 院長:皮膚瘦弱,兩個部位都可以,要做什麼? 不要擔心你的行為。 什麼都不做。 什麼都不做。 什麼都不做。 什麼都不做。
코재꼭한다 2023-03-17 (금) 22:01 1년전 Address
一天中的這個時候,我對自己的知識充滿信心,我對自己的個人資訊持開放態度。 分開的聲音,分開的聲音,聲音商務語言,商務語言,知識,決定,決定,決定,決定等。
illlililil 2023-03-16 (목) 17:13 1년전 Address
它在眼前的未來,它在一家醫療醫院的中間,它是歷史的,而不是在過去的。 不容易理解,不容易理解,不容易理解,這是真的。 長時間不好,適合寒冷的天氣。
웨딩릴리 2022-09-26 (월) 01:26 2년전 Address
During the consultation, he was confident in his explanations and (in a good way) decisive. He analyzed my face in more detail than other hospitals, and there were some words that were hard to hear (ㅠㅠ), but he did so for a professional explanation, so I was satisfied with the consultation.
아잇히릴 2022-06-20 (월) 19:57 2년전 Address
知道正確的手牌是件好事。 這是我的生活,我在另一個城市,這對我有好處,這對我有好處,這是最好的。 如果你正在尋找一些吃喝的東西,認識你的朋友和家人是個好主意。 但是,她一向負責任地進行著重新手術。
도두니 2022-03-15 (화) 23:21 2년전 Address
황심옥 2021-09-10 (금) 10:28 3년전 Address

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