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Dr. Hong Soo Jung
Health Clinic
Plastic surgery Specialist
Doctor's License Acquisition Date
Specialist Acquisition Date
Plastic Surgery Specialist Soonchunhyang University Soonchunhyang Hospital Plastic Surgery Specialist Soonchunhyang University Graduate School of Medicine Master of Medicine
Soonchunhyang University College of Medicine Adjunct Professor, Soonchunhyang University College of Medicine Former Director of Cheongdam Oracle Filler Center Former Director of BIO Plastic Surgery Clinic Former Director of Cody Plastic Surgery Clinic Lifetime
Now Dress Plastic Surgery CEODirector
Academic activity
member of Korean Society of Plastic Surgery Full member of the Korean Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Full member of the Korean Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Full member of the Korean Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Anti-aging research group Full member of the Korean Society of Plastic Surgeons Ophthalmology Research Group Full member of the Korean Society of Plastic Surgeons Rhinoplasty Research Group Full member of the International Society for Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (IPRAS)
2012 “The 9th Congress of Asian Pacific Federation of Societies for Surgery of the Hand (APFSSH) Bali, Indonesia Presentation 2012 Korean Hand Surgery Conference 2012 Korean Medical Laser Association 27th Regular Conference 2013 Korean Plastic Surgery Society Conference 2013 Presentation at the Korean Society for Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Presentation at the 2014 Korean Society for Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Presentation at the 12th Korea-Japan Congress of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
Hospital Info
4-6th floor, 449, Gangnam-daero, Seocho-gu, Seoul

In this menu, individual doctor's evaluations or reviews are not allowed as they may be defamatory. If you wish to register as a doctor, please contact us with sungyesacom@gmail.com
위니비니위니 2024-12-22 (일) 18:57 1일전 Address
원장님 정말 친절하고, 필요한 수술만 추천해주셨는데, 실장님은 좀,,, 강요가 있었습니다. 그래도 원장님은 정말 좋으신분 같습니다.
뀨뀨뀨뀽 2024-12-11 (수) 08:29 12일전 Address
친절하시진 않지만 그렇다고 불친절하지도 않는 딱 무뚝뚝의 정석 느낌.다음 수술이 있으셨던건지 오래봐주시지는 않았고 약간 피로해보이는 느낌이 있었음.
이보람람람 2024-12-10 (화) 13:34 13일전 Address
어제 상담받고 실장님, 원장님 모두 친절하셔서 나도 기분이 좋고 나의 문제점을 단번에 케치하셔서 완전 믿음이간 벙원
눈눈눈해피 2024-12-09 (월) 22:06 14일전 Address
일단 예약하고 가더라도 실장님 상담 ㅡ원장님 상담 그리고 또 실장님 상담 하는데 총 1시간 30분은 걸리니까 다음 병원 예약할 때 넉넉히 시간 여유 두고 예약 잡는게 좋음. 내가 이 라인으로 하고 싶다고 하니까 그렇게 하면 예쁘게 될 것이라고 말씀해 주심. 내 눈 형태에 대해서 엄청 자세하게 설명해주는 스타일은 아니심 그래서 약간 걱정은 되는데 솔직히 남자 의사보다 여자 의사가 뭔가 여자처럼 세심하게 미적 감각이 있을 것 같아서 일단 예약은 함
릴리3 2024-12-07 (토) 11:06 16일전 Address
상담 받아봤는데 엄청 차분하세요. 그리고 딱히 친절하다는 느낌은 없지만 그렇다고 불친절하지도 않으신...그런 면에서 호불호가 갈릴 순 있으나 실력만 좋다면야 크게 고려사항은 아닌것 같습니다. 필요한 말씀만 해주시고 선택권을 환자에게 많이 주시는 느낌입니다
아증 2024-12-02 (월) 13:39 21일전 Address
토요일 오전 10시 예약하고 상담갔습니다. 원장님은 아주 간결하게 상담해주세요. 예쁘게 잡아주시긴 하시는디 생각한 라인보다 많이 높게 잡아주셔서 자연스러운 걸 원한다고 다시 말씀드렸네요. 다만 실장님 친절하시긴 한데 예약금 강요가 좀 있으십니다. 오늘 예약금 결제 안 하고 가면 다음에 할인 못 받는다고 하셔서 곤란 난감했네요.
라알 2024-12-02 (월) 10:35 21일전 Address
금욜 저녁에 상담 받고 왔는데 대기시간은 한 30분 걸렸어요
원장님께 니즈 말씀드리면 진짜 딱 단호하게 말씀해주시고 된다 안된다 딱딱 말씀해주시고 수술도 30분 걸릴거라고 하셨어요
그래서 상담도 빠르게 끝난 것 같아요,,,
한 5분만에 끝난 느낌 ...?
뿡빵뿡빵빵 2024-12-01 (일) 15:01 22일전 Address
당일 예약하고 바로 상담하러 감.
문 열고 들어가자마자 시장판처럼 사람 엄청 많고 바글바글해서 아 여기서는 안하고싶다.. 는 생각이 들었다. 아마 피부과랑 시술? 같이 해서 그거 받으러 온 사람이 엄청 많은 것 같았고 자연스럽게 눈 성형 전문병원이 아니라는 생각이 드니까 상담도 받기 전에 마음이 붕 뜬 것 같다.
예약시간보다 많이 늦지 않게 상담할 수 있었고, 음 뭐랄까 좀 쿨하다고 해야하나 툭툭 말씀해주셨는데 친절하고 자세한 느낌과는 거리가 멀어서 신뢰가 좀 덜 갔다.
별띠 2024-11-24 (일) 16:21 29일전 Address
금요일 오후에 방문했는데 대기 좀 있는편이였고
굉장히 시크하다고 해야할까..좀 지쳐보이기도 하셨고
불친절한건 아닌데 그렇다고 친절하다는 느낌도 없었음
어떤거 원하는지 물어보시지 않고
이렇게 하고 이렇게 하고 이렇게 하면 예쁘겠다.
어려운눈 아니라 금방끝날거다
딱 할말하시고 나가심 라인잡아주는건 나쁘지 않았다.
알콜중독자 2024-11-24 (일) 13:01 29일전 Address
5분도 안 걸린 것 같아요... 후기 사진은 너무 예뻐서 기대하고 간건데 예약을 했음에도 불구하고 40분은 기다리고 상담 받은 것 같네요. 실장님도 오늘 여기 말고 딴 데 가실거죠 ? 그럼 할인 못 받아요. 하면서 돌려보내길래 리스트에서 뺐습니다.
하나투투 2024-11-20 (수) 00:54 1개월전 Address
눈재 상담 받으러 갔었습니다 대기부터 상담까지 총 1시간 반 정도 걸렸고, 상담할 때 필요한 부분들 말씀해주시고 설명까지 자세하게 해주셨지만 많이 바쁘셔서 그런건지 친절한 느낌은 전혀 없었습니다.. 딱 할 말만 해주는 느낌
가가e 2024-11-19 (화) 00:37 1개월전 Address
대기는 길었지만 원장님이 간결하고 정확하게 상담해줌 겹쌍커풀이라 절개 추천해주셨으나 자연유착 선도 그려주며 어떤 라인이 더 깔끔하고 좋은 지 설명해주심
나ㅏㄴ 2024-11-17 (일) 15:02 1개월전 Address
상담받았는데 피곤해보이셨고 굉장히 빨리 끝났어요 5분정도 차분히 말씀하시고 권유같은건 없어서 나쁘지 않은 것 같네요
고쳐주세요 2024-11-16 (토) 07:38 1개월전 Address
30분정도 대기하다가 실장님이랑 상담하고 또 10분정도 대기를 하고 나서야 원장님을 뵐 수 있었어요 원장님은 친절하고 설명도 자세해서 좋았지만 조금 바빠 보이셨어요..
lililiilil 2024-11-04 (월) 13:42 1개월전 Address
선생님 친절하게 딱 필요한것만 해주셨고 사후관리도 잘햐주심!! 근데 마취했을때 너무 아파서 그냥 수면마취로 푹 쟈워주시지..
Hoooh 2024-10-22 (화) 00:55 2개월전 Address
잡아주신 라인이 가장 맘에 들었지만 대기 시간도 길고 많이 바빠 보이셔서 수술은 여기서 안 할 고 같습미다
pooo 2024-10-11 (금) 00:34 2개월전 Address
I went on a weekday and the waiting time was short. There was no excessive solicitation and the explanation was calm and concise, so the consultation was over early.
진진자라진자 2024-10-08 (화) 01:20 2개월전 Address
The line was drawn as I wanted and it wasn't bad, but she looked very tired. I went with a friend and my consultation was over too quickly. I also wanted to receive consultation about the team, but I didn't receive detailed consultation, but the line she drew was pretty.
밍키얌 2024-09-24 (화) 13:15 2개월전 Address
I was originally going to get it from a different director, but I decided on the same day after seeing the photos. The swelling went down a lot and I'm still satisfied after a year! Now that it's gone down a little, I'm going to go back to the director to get it done through an incision!
키힛 2024-09-03 (화) 20:30 3개월전 Address
The line was really well drawn. Maybe because the consultation was scheduled during a busy time, but he was very tired, so he finished the consultation quickly and left right away. That was a shame.
호머심스니 2024-08-24 (토) 00:59 3개월전 Address
In the past, I had it buried and only one side was loose, so I received consultation and had eye surgery again. I think they don't give too much advice and just make recommendations that match my face.
나도이쁜누운 2024-08-22 (목) 04:24 4개월전 Address
It looks like you captured the lines really nicely...! However, I was a little concerned that they were all doing the same thing with natural adhesion and eye correction, and the information that there were many brokers bothered me.
오리빵oo 2024-08-19 (월) 22:29 4개월전 Address
He seemed a little tired after trying to accommodate his needs. He's not the type to give long explanations, so he just drew a line in the eye and this is what it would look like. Anyway, I think he only tried to do the part that I discussed with the manager. He seems to have good front opening skills.
doubleh 2024-08-19 (월) 22:12 4개월전 Address
I went after seeing that my friend was doing well. The consultation was comfortable, but rather than a professional eye consultation, he gave me a line and only listened to what I wanted(?), so I wondered if this was right for me too. ;;; It was my first consultation, so I was like, “Oh,” at first, but after consulting with someone else, I got a little worried. They say my lines are pretty, but I’m thinking about it.
라따뚜아 2024-08-18 (일) 00:01 4개월전 Address
I visited on time, but it was a bit disappointing that I had to wait for 40 minutes because they were busy and received the consultation in a somewhat awkward manner.
파크가든 2024-08-10 (토) 18:21 4개월전 Address
I went for a consultation because of double eyelids, and they made the line bigger to fit my needs, and I like the line, but I'm worried because I don't know what the results will be. ㅠㅠ I went because they said they were very professional, but I was a little disappointed in that part for my eyes.
바난나귤 2024-07-28 (일) 20:31 4개월전 Address
The line seemed to be drawn nicely, but unlike the reviews, I didn't feel like the explanation was very good, and I felt like most of the surgical methods were natural adhesion. There was no overtreatment, and they only did what I wanted.
밍아밍아 2024-06-18 (화) 00:28 6개월전 Address
He was very calm and cynical, but he answered my questions clearly. The consultation was very short, but he answered all my questions.
히릿l 2024-06-05 (수) 20:50 6개월전 Address
The consultation was comfortable and they explained the necessary parts well. I remember that they also drew pretty lines. However, there were many patients waiting and they looked a bit tired after having surgery.
Furifuritt 2024-05-04 (토) 20:05 7개월전 Address
I am satisfied with the results because they explained things calmly. There was no overtreatment and the price was relatively reasonable. However, I am a little disappointed with the advance payment.
미모베보 2024-04-29 (월) 17:06 7개월전 Address
I had fat removal and double eyelid revision surgery, but I'm not completely satisfied. It didn't have much of an effect ㅠ ;; I'm wondering if I got the surgery right.
Whaaaaty 2024-04-29 (월) 02:43 7개월전 Address
I knew that the director was blunt because of the reviews. But he seems to be just a chic person. He's not the type to be blunt and cold. He doesn't seem to require a deposit.
하늘12356 2024-04-28 (일) 01:07 7개월전 Address
Director Hong just recommended what other people did. There was no need to close or open my eyes after the natural adhesion front upper team.
안녕난년 2024-04-28 (일) 00:18 7개월전 Address
Although it took a while to wait, when I received the consultation, it was clear that it was a famous place, and the explanation was easy to understand, so it was okay.
또리5203 2024-04-18 (목) 17:10 8개월전 Address
The teacher seemed a bit chic and busy, so I think the consultation went more toward what the director recommended rather than what I wanted. The director was very kind, and although he did recommend a deposit, he didn't force it.
매장용 2024-04-12 (금) 18:01 8개월전 Address
It didn't feel like he was very friendly, but he just seemed to have a calm personality and spoke without any unnecessary details. I got a natural double eyelid surgery, but he made the line look pretty.
냠냠첩첩 2024-04-12 (금) 09:27 8개월전 Address
When you designed my eyes, they were the prettiest and you knew what kind of eyes I wanted! I was happy when you said that my eyes would be pretty .
ㅇㄷ터욷 2024-04-03 (수) 01:10 8개월전 Address
I got to receive the design while wearing a mask during the Corona period; everyone said I was friendly because I had to take off my mask to do the design, but I didn't feel that friendly. I guess I looked tired because I was busy.
봉구띠 2024-03-17 (일) 11:44 9개월전 Address
In other places, they recommended wit and incision, but here, they recommended the duvet that I wanted without me even asking, so I decided to go here! The director seemed chic, but was very thorough. In other places, the directors left too quickly.
키코키코 2024-01-30 (화) 01:21 10개월전 Address
I felt trustworthy because they only pointed out the necessary parts and did not overtreat. I haven't done any fixes yet because I plan to try to sell more.
ilililllil… 2024-01-06 (토) 11:13 11개월전 Address
I made a reservation for a consultation and went, and it was nice that the wait wasn't long. The consultation manager took the line and asked what was needed, so I wondered, "What is that?", but the director came in right away, took the line again, and told me what I needed, so it was nice. Overall, it was good.
56482 2024-01-05 (금) 14:28 11개월전 Address
The hospital is far from being friendly, but I am satisfied because the surgery went so well. Director Hong is chic and when I told him what I wanted, he caught on and did it well. But the staff were really unfriendly and seemed disorganized.
옥수수전분 2024-01-04 (목) 22:04 11개월전 Address
I consulted with Director Hong last time and he made an appointment for me as soon as possible. The director is really, really kind. And when I met with the director, he recommended only what was really necessary and did double eyelid incision and eye bridge with a natural line. It's the 5th day now and I really like it. I liked the line the director made so I had the surgery right away and I think it came out really well.
웅둉 2023-12-22 (금) 21:56 1년전 Address
I had a consultation for revision surgery, but I'm not sure. I'm worried. The reviews are also ambiguous...
니즈킴 2023-12-13 (수) 15:32 1년전 Address
When I received the consultation , they said that I could make my double eyelids look as pretty as I wanted by making them in various shapes. When I went in with makeup on, they showed me how I was making them and even recommended which procedure I should get if I wanted to have nice eyes without makeup!!!
플링이 2023-12-10 (일) 17:13 1년전 Address
대체적으로 모두 친절하시고 믿음이 가요. 그래서 여기서 절개로 쌍커풀 수술했구 주변에서 다들 눈 예쁘다고 이야기해줄 정도로 저도 만족스럽게 잘 됐어요. 근데 1년반쯤 만에 풀려서 ㅠ 이건 제 눈이 문제일수도 있구! 모쪼록 많이 물어보시고 충분히 상담 받으시길 바라요! 라인자체는 정말 예쁘게 잘 잡아주십니다
호로록로호 2023-12-06 (수) 11:15 1년전 Address
눈 재수술 상담 받았어요.
잘 하실것같긴한데 뭔가 확신이 오지않는달까... 샘이 무척 피곤해보이심. 여러옵션이 들어가서 그런가 가격도 좀 비싸다고 느껴졌음... 실장님은 무척 친절.
헤니해니 2023-12-05 (화) 20:35 1년전 Address
필러로 처음알게됐는데 눈 수술로 유명하신가보더라구요
꺼진이마필러 맞았는데 모양이랑 몰딩이 너무 맘에들어요!
쭈니현 2023-12-04 (월) 22:16 1년전 Address
홍원장님과 오후에 상담했었는데 너무 친절하시고 계속 라인도
여러가지로 잡아주시고 세심하게 상담해 주셨어요..금액도 합리적이었고 친절해서 좋았어요..
금빛 2023-09-23 (토) 11:59 1년전 Address
눈 재수술한다고 제주에서 서울 올라가서 여러 병원 다녔는데 여기가 필요한 것만 추천해주고 가격이 진짜 합리적으로 해주셔서 굉장히 만족해요!
멍게다리 2023-04-21 (금) 04:29 1년전 Address
상담할때 라인 잘 잡아주시고 수술 후에도 ㅂ슷한 느낌으로 나와서 만족햇어옹!! 원하는 디자인에 최대한 맞춰주셔서 좋아요
옐리셩 2023-02-06 (월) 21:42 1년전 Address
진짜 필요한 것만 딱딱 찝어주십니다 그 전에 상담받은 병원은 정말 자연유착 하나 하는데 옵션 이거저거 다 추가해서 견적이 430이 나왔는데...ㅋㅋ 홍원장님은 이것만 딱 필요하다고 이렇게 하면 예뻐질거라면서 봐주시는데 신뢰가 엄청 갔어요
Mumum 2023-01-19 (목) 22:16 1년전 Address
처음에 실장님이 상담해주신 다음에 원장님이 상담해주심.  원장님이 눈 수술 단계별로 친절하게 설명해주심. 과잉진료 없도 해야 할 수술만 알려주시는 점이 좋았음.
추닉 2023-01-05 (목) 08:20 1년전 Address
상담하면서 라인 여러 번 잡아주셨고, 불필요한 수술은 권하지 않으시고 딱 필요한 수술만 납득되게 설명해주셨습니다.
캐빈21 2022-12-15 (목) 22:51 2년전 Address
쌍수오예 2022-10-17 (월) 01:37 2년전 Address
상담받았던곳중에 가장 상세히 친절하게 설명해주셨어요
그래서 수술방법에 대해서도 이해하기 쉬웠습니다
나쁘지  않았어용
웡이 2022-10-15 (토) 14:47 2년전 Address
과잉진료 전혀 없음.오히려 지금 눈도 괜찬은데 왜하냐는 말도 하심.병원 자체가 그런것같음.단호하시나 필요한 부분은 꼼꼼히 말씀하심.
퍼지퍼지 2022-03-08 (화) 02:06 2년전 Address
First of all, the counselor delivers only the necessary words to the question in a calm and concise manner. Thanks to you, I finished the consultation after hearing only the answers I needed during my busy time. It was good to explain the operation method in an easy-to-understand manner. The line was also good looking in the mirror and consulting while making it yourself.

본 컨텐츠 영역은 성예사의 추천 또는 보증의 의미를 가지지 않습니다.