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Dr. 이보형
Health Clinic
Plastic surgery Specialist
Doctor's License Acquisition Date
Specialist Acquisition Date
성형외과 전문의
전남대학교 의과대학 졸업
전남대학교병원 수료
전남대학교병원 성형외과 전문의
전남대학교병원 성형외과 외래교수
Academic activity
대한성형외과학회 정회원
대한미용성형외과학회 정회원
대한두개안면성형외과학회 정회원
대한성형외과학회 눈성형연구회 정회원
대한성형외과학회 코성형연구회 정회원
 대한두개안면성형외과학회지 편집위원회 간사
경피적 관상동맥 중재술 후 흉벽 방사선 손상.2012. The 70th Congress of the Korean Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons.
시옷봉합에서 발생한 표피발진낭종. 2013. The 3rd Research and Reconstruction Forum (R & R Forum).
젊은 한국인 환자의 유두 위치 개선과 관련된 여성형 유방증 수술.2014. Archives of Plastic Surgery(APS). Nov;41(6):748-52.
Related Dr.
Dr. Kwon Soon-geun
Dr. 유지한
Dr. 장서윤
Hospital Info
563, Gangnam-daero, Seocho-gu, Seoul

In this menu, individual doctor's evaluations or reviews are not allowed as they may be defamatory. If you wish to register as a doctor, please contact us with sungyesacom@gmail.com
행복쓰나야 2024-12-18 (수) 06:18 20일전 Address
상담받아봤는데 과하게 권하지않고
자연스러움을추구하는 정직한분이세요
결국안하게되었지만 진실성이있는분!!!
핼로먕 2024-12-15 (일) 23:23 22일전 Address
I got double eyelid surgery from Director Lee 3 years ago, and it still hasn't come off and it's a line art. I still really like it ㅠㅠ!! I regretted that the surgery was too small, so I got it done again ㅠ... But the director pursues a natural look, so if you really like natural looks, I think it would be good to get it from this director.
테피 2024-12-08 (일) 01:54 30일전 Address
It's been a little over 2 years since I got double eyelid surgery from this person at my previous hospital. He told me exactly what kind of surgery method I needed and didn't give me any additional recommendations. He explained things calmly and gently. I'm satisfied with the results of the surgery. It turned out well with a natural yet gorgeous line. If I have a friend around me who wants to get double eyelid surgery, I'd like to recommend him to get it done.
콩떠 2024-12-01 (일) 10:10 1개월전 Address
The nose line is rather fancy (in my opinion). It seems that they fix short and small noses rather than arrow noses. If you think the before and after photos are pretty, you should refer to the short and small nose. If you think the before and after photos are too burdensome, you should refer to the long nose.
tngml0 2024-11-29 (금) 21:14 1개월전 Address
The director is very famous for his eyes! I went to consult at Irumi and he transferred to Note. He is very kind and meticulous.
제발성공제발 2024-11-26 (화) 16:02 1개월전 Address
I had eye surgery 3 years ago with an incision. I like the lines and shape of the surgery, but I think the eyelids were fixed too deep, so I ended up with sausage eyes... I'm looking into getting another surgery.
uuuss 2024-11-25 (월) 02:31 1개월전 Address
I had my first eye surgery from Director Lee Bo-hyung. He gave me thorough consultations and seemed to pursue a natural look. If he thought something was too much, he was the first to tell me it wasn't possible.
채리냥 2024-11-14 (목) 03:04 1개월전 Address
I had my first rhinoplasty at this hospital, and he told me that he would definitely fix my arrow nose, but as a result, he used all the cartilage in my right ear and all the cartilage inside my nose, and my arrow nose didn't improve, so I had to have another surgery.
미더미더 2024-10-23 (수) 00:45 2개월전 Address
I brought a picture of the nose I wanted to inquire about and they explained in detail whether it could be applied to my nose, which was nice! They even seemed professional, although they were sensitive because they couldn't draw it well on the iPad.

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