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Dr. 김인상
Health Clinic
Otorhinolaryngology Specialist
Doctor's License Acquisition Date
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이비인후과 전문의
서울대학교 의과대학 졸업
서울대학교병원 수련의, 전공의
서울대학교병원 이비인후과 전문의
서울대학교 의과대학 의학대학원 석사
서울대학교 의과대학 의학대학원 박사
미국 피츠버그 의대 교환교수 안면성형 연수
서울대학병원 임상강사 : 코질환 및 안면성형
단국대학교 교수 : 코질환 및 안면성형
현 단국대학교 외래교수
에이원성형외과 대표원장
아이디병원 원장
닥터비성형외과 원장
라봄성형외과 대표원장
Now 비앤영의원 CEODirector
Academic activity
대한안면성형재건학회 부회장
대한안면성형재건학회 상임이사
아시아안면성형학회 (PAAFPRS, The Pan Asia Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery) 정회원
미국안면성형재건학회 회원 (AAFPRS, American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery)
대한비과학회 정회원
국제비과학회 정회원
대한이비인후과학회 정회원
대한비과학회 안면성형연구분과 상임위원
대한안면성형재건학회 코성형 연구분과장



얼굴 성형 및 재건 (대한안면성형학회 교과서, 군자출판사 2014) : 내시경 이마 거상술 및 안검의 해부학 저술

<학회 발표>
2020. 세계적 코성형 대가들만 초청하는 World Rhinoplasty Day에 초청 강연
2020. Chinese University Hong Kong 이 주최한 학회에서 안면거상과 코성형에 대해 Keynote speech 발표
2019. 대만 삼군총병원 주최, 안면성형워크샵에 초청 강연 및 시연
2017. 4 밀라노 마스터클래스 코성형학회에 패컬티로 초청, 코성형에 대해 5개 주제로 패털 토의 및 강의
2017. 5 세계 최고 권위의 코성형 학회인 시카고 코성형 학회에 한국인 개업의사로는 최초로 패컬티로 참여해 강의
2018. 8 일본에서 열린 아시아태평양안면성형재건학회(PAAFPRS)에서 좌장과 연자로서 안면거상과 코성형에 대해 강의
2014 미국안면성형재건학회(AAFPRS in New York) 50주년 기념학회에서 education course 진행 (Augmentation rhinoplasty in Asians)
2014 PAAFPRS(Pan Asian Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery)에서 강의 (Endoscopic browlift, Rhinoplasty, Facial implants)
2013 AFPS(Asian Facial Plastic Society) 및 IFOS(International Federation of Otolaryngolgy Society)에서 강의
2006~2014 아산코성형심포지움 초청연자 및 좌장, Live 수술 (매년)
기타 대만, 말레이시아, 태국, 베트남, 카자흐스탄 등 국내외 다수의 성형 학회에서 연자로 초청되어 강의
2009~2014 서울대병원 코성형 연수회 초청연자 (매년)
2010 가천의대 지방주입 및 안면성형 워크샵 초청연자
2008, 2014 에이원 미용성형 심포지움 및 해부실습 워크샵 주최 및 연자
2007~2014 대한미용외과학회 초청연자 및 좌장, Live 수술 (매년)
2008 중국 심천 국제 코성형 학회 초청 연자 및 라이브 코성형 시술
2008~2010 국제 코성형 워크샵 초청연자 및 좌장 (인하대, 심미안의원 주최)
2010~2014 대한 안면성형재건학회 연수강좌 강의 (매년)
2014 International Cadaver Workshp Facial Contouring and Maxillofacial Aesthetic Surgery 에서 강의 (Facelift)
AAO (미국이비인후과학회, 2004), Cholesteatoma 2001 (프랑스 칸느), ISIAN 2005 (국제 비과학회, 인도 뭄바이), IRS 2006 (국제 비과학회, 핀란드 탐페레) 등에서 발표.

Forehead lift for Asians Facial Plast Surg Clin North Am. 2021 Nov;29(4):487-495. (2021)
Augmentation rhinoplasty using silicone implants Facial Plast Surg Clin North Am. 2018 Aug;26(3):285-293. (2018)
한국인의 코성형에 흔히 사용되는 이식 술식의 해부학적 위치에 따른 한글 명칭 및 정의, 대한이비인후과학회지 제53권 제7호 (2010년 7월) pp.412-418
압착세기에 따른 비중격 연골의 생존율과 세포사의 기전 대한이비인후과학회지 제52권 제2호 (2009년 2월) pp.149-153
한국인 코의 keystone 영역에 대한 해부학 및 방사선학적 분석. 대한체질인류학회지 제21권 제1호 (2008년 3월) pp.13-20
한국인에서 연령에 따른 비강면적 및 비저항의 변화. 대한이비인후과학회지 48권 2호 195-198
Analysis of the development of the nasal septum according to age and gender using MRI. Clinical and experimental otorhinolaryngology Vol. 1 no. 1 (Mar. 2008) pp.29-34 (SCIE)
Effects of purinergic stimulation on ciliary beat frequency and chloride secretion in sinusitis. Laryngoscope. 2007 Sep;117(9):1677-82. (SCI)
Suppression of allergic response by CpG motif oligodeoxynucleotide-house-dust mite conjugate in animal model of allergic rhinitis. Am J Rhinol. 2006 Mar-Apr;20(2):212-8. (SCI)
Comparison of ciliary wave disorders measured by image analysis and electron microscopy. Acta Otolaryngol. 2005 May;125(5):571-6. (SCI)
Pyriform sinus fistula: management with chemocauterization of the internal opening. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol. 2000 May;109(5):452-6 (SCI)
An anatomic stud on the overlap patterns of Structural components in the Keystone area in Noses of Koreans, Clin Exp Otorhinolaryngol 2008;1(3)158-160 (SCIE)

2006 대한비과학회 Rhinos case상
Related Dr.
Dr. 김지선
Hospital Info
7th floor, Jinmyeong Building, 5 Seocho-daero 77-gil, Seocho-gu, Seoul

In this menu, individual doctor's evaluations or reviews are not allowed as they may be defamatory. If you wish to register as a doctor, please contact us with sungyesacom@gmail.com
괴물고라니 2024-12-28 (토) 21:09 12일전 Address
경력도 많으시고 전문의라 신뢰가 갔음. 그런데 좀 지쳐보이는? 느낌 있었고 빨리.. 대충 하는 느낌이 있었음. 질문할 때 그건 그렇겠죠? 아니겠죠? 이래서 궁금한 점이 풀리지 않았음 ㅠㅠ
쿄냐 2024-12-13 (금) 16:34 27일전 Address
실장님이 상담해 주신 내용이랑 거의 똑같이 해주셨어요. 과잉 진료는 안하시는 것 같아요! 일단 날짜 잡고 오긴 했는데, 당일날 가서 수술 전에 조금 더 자세하게 상담 받아봐야 할 것 같아요.
민이90 2024-12-05 (목) 14:29 1개월전 Address
There is no excessive solicitation, and he only tells you what you need to do and says no when it is not possible. He is not overly friendly, but I feel strangely attracted to him.
여이융 2024-12-03 (화) 23:01 1개월전 Address
I admit that you are great and great, but the consultation was too vague. You only answered my questions (I came for the consultation because I didn't know much either lol) and it was really hard to make an appointment, but it was a shame that the consultation went by so quickly and the manager seemed to be a manager by manager. My consulting manager was a bit awkward and blind, so I didn't trust him ㅠㅠ
흫킄 2024-11-27 (수) 01:39 1개월전 Address
Thank you for explaining it so kindly, I really understood it!!ㅎㅎ I think this is the first time I've heard an explanation that was so easy on the ears!!!!
ioojjj 2024-11-18 (월) 00:43 1개월전 Address
The consultation time was short and he didn't actively recommend or explain anything first. He just said what he needed and if he didn't want anything else, he said he didn't have to do anything. I showed my concerns about the various surgeries, but he said not to worry and that if I did it well, it wouldn't be a problem, so I thought he had confidence in his abilities.
쿄로로롱 2024-11-13 (수) 19:29 1개월전 Address
The director was so helpful and kind in explaining things in detail and showing me the right direction for my face. It was the best!!
팽돌휘 2024-11-10 (일) 14:24 1개월전 Address
I trust him because he gives me only the advice I need without excessive recommendation. I recommend him to anyone thinking about getting a cosmetic surgery! He is kind and trustworthy.
sungy03 2024-11-10 (일) 06:39 1개월전 Address
The consultation was conducted in a friendly, gentle, and comfortable atmosphere, and I was given thorough answers when I asked questions about things I did not know. There was no excessive recommendation, and I felt that the professionalism was evident in the detailed examination of functional aspects.
클레에에 2024-11-09 (토) 12:19 2개월전 Address
공부 많이하고가서 이것저것 궁굼한게 많았는데 세세한부분은 안봐주시는편 코젤코로 코끝높이기, 메부리있으면 다듬기 등 대부분 사람들에게 다 비슷한 것만 추구하시는것같고 사람에 따른 세세한 디자인 등은 안봐주심.
오예이 2024-11-06 (수) 18:10 2개월전 Address
과한권유 없으시고
필요한거만 말해주시는데
자연스러운 느낌으로만 얘기해주셔서 신뢰가 갔던 병원입니다
지니한 2024-11-06 (수) 00:29 2개월전 Address
I liked the detailed parts that were directly adjusted after the surgery using Photoshop. The director was gentle and kind, not excessive, and only recommended the necessary parts, so I'm having a hard time deciding.
김김박박 2024-10-29 (화) 23:44 2개월전 Address
The consultation wasn't very detailed or long, but it was okay because they only told me what I needed to know. There was no excessive advice, and they answered my questions well.
디리딩기 2024-10-28 (월) 21:29 2개월전 Address
ㅋㅈㅋ Plastic surgery is famous. I trust him because he has a patent. He gives detailed explanations and answers my concerns well.
장은 2024-10-10 (목) 00:24 2개월전 Address
The director treated me kindly and made me feel at ease, but he didn't tell me which direction I should go and only answered my questions. It was difficult to make a reservation, but the consultation didn't even take 10 minutes, so it was a shame.
카스타드7 2024-08-26 (월) 10:23 4개월전 Address
He was quick to understand the shape of my nose and even though he hates silicone, he felt like using it when needed! The natural shape and consultation were all good, but I couldn't make a reservation because I was worried about the nose tip.
아니왜 2024-08-21 (수) 16:04 4개월전 Address
The director was friendly and the atmosphere was comfortable. I came to the hospital because I wanted to have my nostrils lowered, but they said it would be very easy, so I was a little distrustful... It was good that closed nose surgery was possible.
코코콬333 2024-08-09 (금) 01:42 4개월전 Address
The consultation was over quickly even though they gave me directions for the surgery without going overboard, but it was nice that they explained things in a light-hearted manner. The surgery is scheduled for next week!
공쨩이 2024-07-22 (월) 23:48 5개월전 Address
You are very kind, but I think there is a slight difference between the preview you see in Photoshop and the actual surgery, so we'll have to wait and see...
코수수 2024-06-25 (화) 17:34 6개월전 Address
The director's consultation was detailed and kind, and the director's consultation did not make excessive recommendations, and I liked that he said that all other hospitals were open, but closed doors were also possible here.
헤온잉 2024-05-11 (토) 08:47 7개월전 Address
First of all, I had confidence in the director’s long experience. During the consultation, he was very confident about the surgery, and even though I had a lot of questions, he answered them all kindly! They don’t overly recommend and only recommend what you need!
은미v 2024-04-08 (월) 16:21 8개월전 Address
The waiting time is short and the counselor provides good explanations. Director, please check and let me know exactly what extent my nose can do.
harry123 2024-04-04 (목) 01:55 9개월전 Address
First of all, the surgery method is unique and looks good. Also, since you have a lot of experience, I trust you and want to get the surgery.
꼬어 2024-03-25 (월) 07:41 9개월전 Address
He doesn't make excessive recommendations. He's an otolaryngologist, so he's trustworthy. The consultation time wasn't very long, but he answered all my questions.
어니프이라 2024-03-12 (화) 12:31 9개월전 Address
He provided friendly advice and explained the shape of the nose that can be used in Photoshop. He doesn't get a lot of questions, but he's still good at answering questions.
fead 2024-01-20 (토) 15:28 11개월전 Address
I consulted with him several times when I was at the previous hospital, and I know he was kind and attempted rhinoplasty using a unique surgical method.

본 컨텐츠 영역은 성예사의 추천 또는 보증의 의미를 가지지 않습니다.