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Dr. 서승조
Health Clinic
Plastic surgery Specialist
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대한 성형외과학회 정회원
대한 미용성형외과학회 정회원
대한 미세수술학회 정회원
대한 성형외과 개원의협의회 정회원
Related Dr.
Dr. 심정환
Dr. Park Seon-hee
Dr. 김렬우
Hospital Info
364, Gangnam-daero, Gangnam-gu, Seoul

In this menu, individual doctor's evaluations or reviews are not allowed as they may be defamatory. If you wish to register as a doctor, please contact us with sungyesacom@gmail.com
acfxzf 2024-12-23 (월) 21:05 2일전 Address
궁금한거 물어보면 조곤조곤 설명 잘해주십니다. 수술 후라 피곤해보이셨는데도 궁금한거 없냐고 확인해주시고 원하는 부분으로 맞춰주시려고 했어요
멩구요 2024-12-22 (일) 21:40 3일전 Address
긴코이면서, 매부리코였음. 재수술이었는데 코끝 떨어지는 거에 민감하게 생각했음. 기증진피, 귀연골로 높이 올리고 코끝 올렸는데 2년 지난 지금 기증진피가 흡수되어서 인지 콧대가 꺼진 곳이 있음. 그리고 얇쌍한 코를 원하면 안될거같음. 조금 두꺼운? 콧대 스타일을 선호하시는 듯
침순이 2024-12-22 (일) 21:39 3일전 Address
전체적으로 상담은 괜찮았구 과한 권유가 없으셨어요 제 코에서 한계점을 짚어주셔서 감안한 선에서 잘 상담해 주셨어용
후후야아 2024-12-22 (일) 15:54 3일전 Address
과한 권유 없이 딱 필요한 부분 알려주시는 게 많이 신뢰가 갔네요 한 번 더 생각해보게 만들고  전문적이에요
눈꽃송 2024-12-14 (토) 06:38 12일전 Address
친절하시구 너무 과한 권유 절대 없었어요!
제가 원하는 니즈도 잘 반영해주시고, 제 코와 워하는 코 모양의 차이점과 개선 가능 부분, 불가능 부분도 잘 알려주셨어요!!
더조아진사람 2024-12-09 (월) 16:55 16일전 Address
비수기에 상담을 받아서 그런지 대기 시간이 길지 않았음. 내가 원하는바를 잘 들어주고 되는 것과 안되는 것을 잘 이야기해줌.
꿀바른와플 2024-12-07 (토) 07:16 19일전 Address
역시 경력 많은 전문의 느낌이고 엄청 바빠 보이셨어요
저는 첫 수라서 뭘 여쭤봐야할지도 몰랐는데 그림도 그려가며 설명해주시고, 과한 권유 안하셨어요
sumi 2024-12-06 (금) 20:41 19일전 Address
제가 원하는 바에 있어서 개선이 가능한지 불가능한지 확신있게 말해주는 부분이 좋았어요. 상담실장님도 굉장히 친절하고 병원 분위기 깔끔했습니다. 다만 대기시간은 좀 길었어요
아침햇장 2024-12-06 (금) 17:00 19일전 Address
대기시간은 길지만 상담이 빠르게 이루어져요.. 필요한 거는 명확히 짚어주시긴 하는데 바빠보이셔서 이것저것 많이 못 물어봐 아쉬웠습니다..! 그래도 결과에 대한 자신감이 있어보이는 태도셨어요!
플링이 2024-12-05 (목) 18:23 20일전 Address
자연스러운 코 추구하시면 서승조 원장님 추천드려요. 추가 시술 권유 없으시고 자상하게 니즈를 잘 들어주십니다. 수술 방법 설명도 자세히 해주셔서 신뢰가 갔어요:) 만족합니다
호로로롤롤 2024-12-04 (수) 17:17 21일전 Address
원장님이 편안하게 잘 말씀해주셨는데 첫수라서 어려운점 없어서 편안한 분위기에서 잘 말씀해주셨습니다.ㅣ 제가 너무 공부를 안하고 갔어서 지금은 더 물어볼수 있었는데 그때 당시엔 못물어봐서 아쉽네요 ㅎㅎ
단유 2024-11-21 (목) 11:50 1개월전 Address
상담할때 과한 권유 없이 저한테 필요한 부분을 친절하게 설명해주셨어요. 근데 다음 일정이 급하신지 얼른 상담방을 나가시고 싶으신 것 같아 궁금한 것들을 다 물어보지는 못했네요.
허허로 2024-11-12 (화) 18:02 1개월전 Address
첫 코 수술을 위해 상담을 받아 봤는데 코에 맞는 상담을 해 주셔서 도움이 많이 되었습니다 감사합니다 수술을 하는 분들이 많아서 조금 기다려야 했어요
빅공주 2024-11-11 (월) 14:55 1개월전 Address
상담 꼼꼼하게 잘해주고 실장님더 친절한 상담으류 맘편히 다냐왔어요 대기 시간은 길었는데 그래두 생각보다 좋음
뿌이뿌이야 2024-11-04 (월) 21:19 1개월전 Address
첫 병원으로 갔다왔는데 실장님 엄청 친절하시고 강요도 아예 없으세요!혹시 예약금 걸고 취소해도 일주일전에만 취소하면 예약금 씨티비용 제외하고 환불가능하다고 하시더라구요 첫상담이였는데 너무 괜찮아서 예약금 걸고 왔습니다!
코땡땡이 2024-11-04 (월) 13:11 1개월전 Address
강요 없으셨고 첫 병원방문인데 꼼꼼히 봐주셔서 좋았습니다! 가격때문에 고민 됐지만 다시 가보고싶은 병원이에요!!
이공주쁘니 2024-11-01 (금) 15:21 1개월전 Address
친절하시고 꼼꼼하게 봐주세요
많이 바쁘신거 같았지만 끝까지 오래 상담해주셨어요
다른곳보다 더 편하게 물어볼수 있게 해주십니다
준덜 2024-10-26 (토) 18:20 1개월전 Address
상담도 친철하시고 친절하십니다 ㅎㅎ
덕분에 편하게 상담도하고
딱딱 필요한부분만 말씀해주시고 감사합니다
lalar3 2024-10-26 (토) 17:23 1개월전 Address
과하게 권유하는 거 없고
내가 개선하고자 하는 부분에 대해서 두 가지 수술 방법을 알려 주심. 조금 피곤해 보이셨지만 질문하는 건 자세히 잘 설명해 주시는 편임
내코느님은어디에 2024-10-25 (금) 06:33 2개월전 Address
대기시간이 너무 길었어요 병원 가는 날에는 그날 하루 시간을 비우는게 좋을 것 같아요 원장님이 많이 바쁜신건지제가 첫상담이었어서인지 상담이 그렇게 만족스럽지 않았어요
tarofoam 2024-10-23 (수) 02:57 2개월전 Address
원장님께서는 매우 친절하셨고 과도한 수술 권유 없이 필요한 부분만 딱딱 짚어서 말씀해주셨던 점이 매우 좋았습니다
팡팡바겐 2024-10-22 (화) 19:30 2개월전 Address
첫 코수술후 마음에 안들어서 재수술 알아봤고 여러 병원 다니던 중 서승조원장님 설명이 명확하고 디자인도 잘 뽑아주시고 제 니즈도 파악 잘해서 수술했고 만족해요!!!!!
yyyhhh 2024-10-21 (월) 22:38 2개월전 Address
The director explained things very well so that I could understand. He didn't make excessive recommendations and only spoke about the parts that I needed, so it was comfortable and nice.
리코코코코 2024-10-21 (월) 01:25 2개월전 Address
The director is kind and explains things in an easy-to-understand way. He provides consultations tailored to my needs and exudes confidence, which gave me more confidence.
로빈펠로우 2024-10-14 (월) 23:06 2개월전 Address
The professor is really quick to understand what the patient wants and then explains various solutions based on that. He explains so kindly that I was grateful the whole time I was listening to him. It was also a great help to me in making choices~~!!
미뇽ㄴ 2024-10-14 (월) 19:34 2개월전 Address
I brought a picture of the celebrity I wanted to go to, and they explained in detail how I was different from that picture. Honest consultation was great.
꼭성공할거야 2024-10-14 (월) 09:28 2개월전 Address
As soon as I went for a consultation, the doctor immediately pointed out the problem with my nose and gave me a lot of realistic advice. Although he looked tired, the consultation was very friendly and good.
리니걸스 2024-10-10 (목) 22:21 2개월전 Address
From the eyelash extensions to the nose ring... This is the director I trust and seek out. Above all, please recommend a design that suits my face.
초당순두부 2024-10-10 (목) 21:51 2개월전 Address
I liked that they recommended a shape that suited my face without excessive recommendation and explained in detail what would happen. If I get surgery, I want to get it done here.
인디아나존슨 2024-09-26 (목) 15:21 2개월전 Address
He talked to me while showing me my face shape and similar celebrities. He told me which lines I should draw to get a good look, so I understood well.
담곰담곰이 2024-09-23 (월) 00:28 3개월전 Address
I got a consultation and it was nice that they treated me kindly. They gave me thorough advice. I regret getting it done somewhere else.
아몬드봉봉ㅇ 2024-09-16 (월) 14:05 3개월전 Address
He told me things like my face proportions and harmony that I thought would suit me, and asked me a lot of questions like, "How about this?" and he answered them all. He was very clear about what was right and what wasn't, so it was very helpful in getting accurate information!
아냐1 2024-09-12 (목) 17:55 3개월전 Address
He talked to me while showing me my face shape and similar celebrities. He told me which lines I should draw to get a good look, so I understood well.
마누유 2024-09-06 (금) 15:28 3개월전 Address
It's so natural that people I met after a long time don't even know I had a nose job. I did it to make myself look pretty, but it's so sad because it's so obvious. I'm in my second year and I don't have any contractures.
dbswlls 2024-09-04 (수) 08:16 3개월전 Address
This was the hospital I went to for my first rhinoplasty consultation, and it was easy to understand because they spoke concisely and precisely about what I needed. However, I didn't get the feeling that the director was very kind, which is probably his personality.
알려조 2024-09-02 (월) 17:26 3개월전 Address
He explained in detail with pictures. He seemed confident in the surgery and I was grateful that he told me what I wanted.
칼냥냥냥 2024-08-22 (목) 22:45 4개월전 Address
The director seemed very confident in his own surgery and told me exactly what was possible and what was not. He was a bit blunt, so some people might be a bit scared… But I am having a hard time deciding because I get along well with the director and our needs match well.
우우느다댜댜다두 2024-08-21 (수) 19:55 4개월전 Address
By looking at the photos, they suggest possible and impossible parts of the desired needs, celebrity noses that they recommend for the face proportions, etc. It was a great help in objectively establishing my thoughts on the direction of rhinoplasty.
윳냥 2024-08-21 (수) 18:12 4개월전 Address
I really liked the consultation itself. The waiting time was a bit long because they were busy, but they took care of the parts that I had a complex about. ㅎㅎ But I was worried because there were some side effects in the reviews. ㅠㅠ I'm thinking about getting surgery.
보코검 2024-08-17 (토) 11:31 4개월전 Address
By looking at the photos, they suggest possible and impossible parts of the desired needs, celebrity noses that they recommend for the face proportions, etc. It was a great help in objectively establishing my thoughts on the direction of rhinoplasty.
성형견적 2024-08-16 (금) 08:44 4개월전 Address
I got a consultation and it was really detailed and good! I think it would have been more helpful if I had brought pictures ㅋㅋㅋㅋ It was hard because I have a hard time explaining it in words ㅠㅠㅎㅎㅎ
뚭깹집사 2024-08-15 (목) 22:52 4개월전 Address
I went to 4-5 places for rhinoplasty and the last place I went was Dr. Seo Seung-jo of Weverse. At the time, I made a reservation after seeing a recommendation from Seongye Temple. He was not overly friendly and only told me what was possible while maintaining a reasonable level of friendliness. He also gave detailed explanations about the materials used for the tip of the nose, which was nice.
워니폼 2024-08-15 (목) 21:39 4개월전 Address
My younger brother got eye surgery from the director. It was really great. He was really kind and thorough, and I trusted him. Thank you.
추우천 2024-08-02 (금) 21:45 4개월전 Address
I have visited many hospitals, but this is the first time I have seen a director who recommends a nose like Director Seo Seung-jo! The consultation is also friendly.
맛도리이 2024-07-29 (월) 13:51 4개월전 Address
He was very kind and consulted with me for a long time, and I had many questions, but he answered each and every one of them. He was the kindest of all the directors I consulted with.
민민최 2024-07-21 (일) 02:32 5개월전 Address
I had rhinoplasty from this person 4 years ago, and I like it, but I don't like it. My nose is crooked and the tip of my nose is drooping. It's bearable for now, but I think I'll have to go back soon.
민주코 2024-06-28 (금) 20:54 5개월전 Address
I heard that it was famous for its crooked noses, so I went there. The owner was also kind and it was really nice, but there were a lot of reviews saying that people got crooked noses.
cherryfun 2024-06-20 (목) 13:39 6개월전 Address
I got a consultation for my nose. First of all, the director gave me really good advice as if he were in my shoes... That's why I'm thinking about getting surgery. The doctor also talked to me about my problems with my nose and face. When I had the consultation, he didn't seem busy and it felt like he was trying to answer all my questions.
현또먹 2024-06-01 (토) 08:21 6개월전 Address
It seems like they are trying to keep the desired straight line, and the post-surgery care seems pretty good. I just hope there are no side effects .
자두냠 2024-05-30 (목) 22:19 6개월전 Address
I just got back from a consultation. As soon as they saw me, they caught the problem with my nose and fixed it well. But there are a lot of people in the hospital and there is a waiting line. If you don't ask questions, it seems like they won't give you detailed answers. Ask questions and think carefully about the nose you want before you go for a consultation. I'm also planning to go for a second consultation.
유나낭2 2024-05-30 (목) 21:23 6개월전 Address
I received a consultation , and it was good and trustworthy because they only talked about what I needed without making excessive recommendations. I was also satisfied because the reviews were so good.
아으아우아오 2024-05-27 (월) 11:33 6개월전 Address
I got a consultation from this person and got my nose done. People around me said that it turned out well. Even my best friend said that she got her nose done from this director. I'm so grateful~
유윤융 2024-05-08 (수) 17:05 7개월전 Address
I recommend it if you want a natural look, but it fits my face very well. They also understand my needs well.
루삥뽕빵 2024-05-08 (수) 12:23 7개월전 Address
I think you tend to pursue naturalness! I wanted something flashy, but it may be the limit for my nose, but it looks very natural! This doesn't mean that it looks like I didn't get a nose job, but after improving my shortcomings, it became more natural! I am satisfied with the results, but I think it would be better to clearly state what you want before surgery!
소잃고뇌약간고치기 2024-05-07 (화) 15:45 7개월전 Address
I didn't know much as it was my first consultation, but I don't think the conversation went well unless I asked questions first. We recommend that you do a lot of research first before consulting. Since I have little understanding of rhinoplasty, he explained it by showing me before and after pictures of people similar to me, and I liked this part the best.
Ju00 2024-05-03 (금) 00:42 7개월전 Address
I had a nose consultation, and he personally touched the nose and observed it carefully. He reflected the patient's needs well and explained them well. The manager is not very good
보노보노다구 2024-04-26 (금) 13:20 7개월전 Address
I visited for the first time on a consultation tour, and the director treated me in an oddly uncomfortable way. The director was good at counseling, but it was a bit disappointing that he explained things in an abstract way.
타릭 2024-04-24 (수) 21:47 7개월전 Address
It was great to come here to the hospital and receive treatment and enjoy all the good things. I think it would be good if other people come too.
솨라있네 2024-04-23 (화) 10:57 7개월전 Address
When I received an overall consultation, only the necessary parts were briefly explained. It didn't feel overwhelming. I recommend going there at least once.
참치이이 2024-04-22 (월) 12:59 7개월전 Address
Please briefly explain the necessary parts. I think it would be better to receive counseling after doing some research rather than going for the first time. The director seemed busy and the manager seemed not to know much about the information...
레이첼코 2024-04-21 (일) 19:41 8개월전 Address
I visited many other places, but I liked the fact that the director was famous for his nose and was willing to provide detailed consultation. He looked at my face and skin condition, showed me many cases where similar surgery had been performed before, and compared and analyzed them. He also explained well that since this person's nose was lower, I would have to raise it by a few mm and it would look like this, etc. Even when I requested additional cases, they kindly showed me more.
사공사밀 2024-04-01 (월) 14:58 8개월전 Address
This time, I had a nose surgery, and it was nice that they even found a photo of a celebrity's nose that seemed to match the nose shape I wanted, even though it didn't really match my face. But you look busy ㅜ
훗뜌 2024-01-15 (월) 23:14 11개월전 Address
I received counseling 5 years ago and it was nice that they explained things calmly. After much deliberation, I had the surgery done elsewhere, but the consultation was good.
리리룽 2023-12-27 (수) 01:43 1년전 Address
There was a bit of a wait to get a consultation from the director, but he found a photo of my nose similar to my original nose (on the before and after photos on the website) and explained in detail that it could look like this. There was no excessive treatment in my standards, and I was pursuing a natural look rather than trying to sleep, so I was very upset. I was satisfied. I gained trust because you answered the questions honestly. Haha. Does this happen when you show me a picture..? He said this was a bit... but I was very happy with the nose line I wanted. Every time I visited the hospital, I had a lot of questions, but he explained everything in detail! However, he seemed very busy, perhaps because he had a lot of schedules.
밥이언니 2023-12-18 (월) 23:42 1년전 Address
I came to see Director Seung-jo Seo for a consultation, and he clearly explained what I needed and recommended it. I trusted him because he seemed to have good eyes.
체윰 2023-12-13 (수) 04:27 1년전 Address
I think Director Seo Seung-jo likes natural styles haha. The overall line was my style. If you want something natural, I recommend it.
성공기원악 2023-11-29 (수) 21:40 1년전 Address
I consulted with Dr. Seo Seung-jo, and he told me that if the eyebrows were raised too high, it could actually look strange. I told him that I wanted a definite change in the front, and he said that it would definitely change. I think the consultation was satisfactory.
요즘못자개냥이 2023-11-27 (월) 10:03 1년전 Address
I went to see Director Seung-jo Seo for a consultation. He provided thorough consultation and was kind. It's unfortunate that the ingredients are different from what I expected, but they tried to match them as best as they could.
러브류 2023-11-11 (토) 01:11 1년전 Address
I received a consultation from the director, and he recommended a natural nose. He told me in the direction I wanted, so I can trust him.
무유무유 2023-11-11 (토) 00:21 1년전 Address
I received counseling from Director Seungjo Seo, but the waiting time before receiving the consultation was long! He was very attentive and even explained the functions! If you ask a question, I tend to answer it.
Chloe7 2023-07-22 (토) 20:57 1년전 Address
I went to get a nose consultation from Dr. Seo Seung-jo, and I felt like I trusted him more because he explained things calmly and told me only what I needed.
권용준 2023-04-27 (목) 16:49 1년전 Address
I received a consultation from Dr. Seo Seung-jo, and I feel that he caught exactly what I wanted and cared for the patient without making it more burdensome.

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