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Dr. 박재봉
Health Clinic
OMS Specialist
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구강악안면외과 전문의
서울대학교 치과대학 졸업 (D.D.S.)
서울대학교 치의학 박사 (Ph.D.)
서울대학교 구강악안면외과 전문의 (OMFS)
서울대학교 치과병원 구강악안면외과 전임의사
서울대학교 치과병원 구강악안면외과 임상강사
​서울대학교 치과병원 구강악안면외과 전속지도전문의
서울대학교 치과병원 턱교정(양악)수술센터​​
내소구강악안면외과치과의원 원장
Academic activity
대한양악수술학회 정회원​​
대한구강악안면외과학회 정회원
대한악안면성형재건외과학회 정회원
아시아구강악안면외과학회 회원
유럽두개악안면외과학회 회원
국제구강악안면외과학회 회원​​
환자 맞춤형-심미적 3D 양악수술 프로토콜 연구/개발
네비게이션, 로봇 양악수술 방법 공동 연구 / 박사 논문
인공지능 양악수술 분석 프로그램 공동 개발 (법인 특허)
국내외 학술지 심미적인 3D 양악 관련 논문 (SCIE 게재)
인공지능 기반 턱교정(양악) 수술 진단 논문 (SCIE 게재)
Related Dr.
Dr. 박재홍
Hospital Info
2nd and 3rd floor, Woonam Building, 349 Gangnam-daero, Seocho-gu, Seoul

In this menu, individual doctor's evaluations or reviews are not allowed as they may be defamatory. If you wish to register as a doctor, please contact us with sungyesacom@gmail.com
개구이라고하더라구 2024-09-22 (일) 20:01 18일전 Address
안면윤곽 상담받을때 제일 먼저 느낀건 정말차분하심.. 강요하시지않음
여러군데 상담받았는데  같이간 지인이 여기가 제일신뢰가간다고함
아카메스스 2024-09-20 (금) 10:30 20일전 Address
치과 치료하는데 설명도 잘 해주셔서 기분이 좋았습니다. 추후 관리 방법 설명 해주시는거나 병원 분위기도 그렇고 너무 편안하고 좋았습니다. 치과 치료를 안전하게 받을 수 있어 좋았고 여러모로 편안하게 치료를 받을 수 있어 추천합니다
강남구청장 2024-09-19 (목) 10:50 21일전 Address
말투가 굉장히 편안하시고 단순 성형외과가 아니라 구강내과라 그런지 추후 발생될 슈 있는 문제를 고려하여 딱 필요한 것만 권유해주심 예를 들자면 이 시술을 하면 20만큼 외적으로 좋아지지만 우려되는 반작용이 그보다 크니 권유하지ㅜ않는다 이런느낌
닉네임암거나 2024-09-14 (토) 10:07 26일전 Address
제가 치아가 부서져서 여러모로 시술 수술이 힘들었는데 상담도 친절하게 잘해주시고 무엇보다 치과치료를 안전하게 받을수 있다는점이 좋았습니다.. 인플란트도 계획중이고 원장님 너무 친절하셔서 좋아요.. 짱짱 좋습니다
짹중 2024-08-25 (일) 11:50 1개월전 Address
이빨이 시렵고 아팠는데 상담도 친철하게 해주시고 병원 분위기도 너무좋습다. 추후에 어떻게 관리를해야지 좋을지 하나하나 설명해주시고 너무 편안하게 진료봐서 너무 좋았습니다. 감사합니다.
나도잘생기고싶다 2024-08-08 (목) 15:02 2개월전 Address
병원원장님이 너무친절하시고 특히 마음을 편안하게 해주시면서 치료 해주고 관리요령 을 너무 자세하게
설명해주시고 치아를 어떻게 해야 노후에 더 건강하게 치아더 튼튼하게 관리하는지 자세히 설명해주셔서 좋았습니다.
사마노스케 2024-08-02 (금) 02:44 2개월전 Address
这里的院长很友善,在治疗患者时让患者感到舒适,并 详细地解释管理技巧。
내아이디는제주미남 2024-08-01 (목) 17:42 2개월전 Address
말자하 2024-07-31 (수) 01:14 2개월전 Address 7. 7. 7. 7. 7. 7. 7. 7. 7. 7.乳磨牙比恒牙大,所以缺失的恒牙相互挤压,造成咬合不正,牙齿歪斜。牙齿导致信心下降很多。通过系统的咨询,我经历了矫正过程,经过4年,矫正的费用很昂贵,但我对结果很满意。
달빛천상 2024-07-27 (토) 01:17 2개월전 Address
总结: 其实我听到很多传言说正畸过程很痛苦,但是我每次去照镜子都很累,所以我隐藏了自己的恐惧去咨询,但是咨询比我友善多了预料之中,所以我能够安全地接受正畸治疗, 谢谢 。
양악미 2024-07-20 (토) 00:39 2개월전 Address
고민되는군 2024-07-13 (토) 21:57 2개월전 Address
성예쭈니 2024-07-07 (일) 16:31 3개월전 Address
우니라나 2024-07-06 (토) 10:00 3개월전 Address
异地植牙后感觉下巴歪了,就约了主任,收了行李费。 在 我接受了下颌关节整容手术后,不过主任很平静地解释了事情,我很快就明白了。 谢谢主任对汉纳姆的善意。
짱아190 2024-06-26 (수) 19:08 3개월전 Address
I felt like my jaw was crooked after an implant at another place, so I made an appointment with the director and received a baggage fee. After taking an I only thought about plastic surgery for the temporomandibular joint, but the director explained things calmly and I understood very quickly. Thank you, Director, for being kind to Hunnam.
못말리는아가쒸 2024-06-25 (화) 13:22 3개월전 Address
It seems like a lot of people go to plastic surgery for contouring, so I was initially sold on plastic surgery. But the more I read the reviews, the more I saw cases of reoperations after plastic surgery failed... I decided to play it safe, so I went to Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, and I liked the place, so I got the surgery there. It's definitely because he's an oral and maxillofacial specialist, so his professionalism is the best... haha ​​He explained details well that I couldn't even hear about when I was selling products elsewhere. Even after the surgery, the cheekbones went as well as I wanted and the lines seemed to be pretty.
영앤리치이 2024-06-14 (금) 20:45 3개월전 Address
He was very kind, calm, and confident, and I felt trustworthy. It was really, really nice. The waiting time was short and I am very satisfied!! The hospital design was also great. I plan to go again next time. Thank you so much!!
사무엘 2024-05-31 (금) 09:39 4개월전 Address
He analyzed my facial bones in detail and spoke honestly about what worked and what didn't. When it comes to surgery, I decided to think carefully about it rather than just recommending it unconditionally.
wataame 2024-05-21 (화) 07:49 4개월전 Address
Although I am not Korean, the interpreter was more polite. The director is also very knowledgeable and examined my face properly. He also examined me in 3D, so this is the only hospital where I can predict the outcome after surgery. I had to change the surgery date urgently. They accepted me kindly. Since I paid the deposit, I am planning to have surgery at this hospital.
샤인머스캘 2024-05-17 (금) 12:40 4개월전 Address
The consultation was the most satisfactory of all the places I have been to so far. The director first showed me a picture of the bone through the program and told me how it would change. The counseling director was also warm and kind and valued communication with the director. I decided to bring the photos and other things for another consultation next time. The director is very nice.
장원영고윤정 2023-11-08 (수) 20:59 10개월전 Address
I was interested in Miyang, so I visited for a consultation a few days ago. I was nervous because it was my first consultation hospital, but the director greeted me with a smile, so I was able to have a consultation with peace of mind. I don't know yet how much counseling other hospitals provide, but Dr. Park consulted for a little over 30 minutes. (Thank you haha. He felt a bit sorry that patients were pushed back because of me haha.) Anyway, he was kind at a layman's level and made it easy to understand what I was curious about. They explained it clearly and I timidly showed them the photos of Go Yoon-jung and Jang Won-young that I had brought with me. They told me how much of my face was maxed out and how to make it look natural and pretty. Thank you. Since it was my first hospital, I thought I would have to visit other hospitals, so I looked around a lot and was careful. He told me to make a decision, so I was attracted by the warmth, so I put down the deposit and went out. If everything goes well, I'll go get the surgery. I recommend it!

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