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Total Posts 25,325, Recent Posts 6
Dr. Song Jae-yong
Health Clinic
Plastic surgery Specialist
Doctor's License Acquisition Date
Specialist Acquisition Date
Breast augmentation70%
body line20%
lifting 10%
graduating from Korea University Medical School ,
Plastic Surgeon Before Do Dream Plastic Surgery
Academic activity
Clinic Full member of the Korean Society of Plastic Surgeons Full member of the Korean Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Full member of the Korean Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Full member of the Korean Society of Microsurgery Full member of the Korean Society of Craniofacial Plastic Surgery Full member of the Breast Plastic Surgery Research Society
Related Dr.
Dr. Seungryong Lee
Dr. Song Hoon
Dr. Han Ji-hyun
Dr. Jeon Ji-in
Dr. 이상건
Dr. 박덕준
Dr. 김현주
Dr. 이동민
Dr. 이승민
Dr. 강승희
Dr. 윤승규
Dr. 황지원
Dr. 노현진
Dr. 김다인
Dr. 양정란
Dr. 문다영
Dr. 육유정
Dr. 구남훈
Dr. 김에스터
Dr. 마서영
Hospital Info
7th and 8th floors, Seocho W Tower, 54, Seocho-daero 77-gil, Seocho-gu, Seoul

In this menu, individual doctor's evaluations or reviews are not allowed as they may be defamatory. If you wish to register as a doctor, please contact us with sungyesacom@gmail.com
난꿀띠셰프 2025-01-03 (금) 15:26 8일전 Address
무난했어요. 가기 전에 물어볼 리스트 꼭 작성하고 가시고 원하는 사진과 느낌을 최대한 전달하려고 하셔야 결과도 좋을 거예요
뀨뀨힝 2024-12-30 (월) 03:12 13일전 Address
분위기가 쾌적하고 편안합니다
과도한 시술권유는 없고 질문마다 상세히 답변주셔서 좋았어요! 상담감사합니다
정수진1 2024-12-24 (화) 01:34 19일전 Address
가슴 성형으로 유명해서 가봤는데 평범합니다
질문하지 않으면 명료하게 설명해주시고 길게 얘기해주시진 않으셔요
미미미주 2024-12-18 (수) 23:41 24일전 Address
원장님 상담이 심플해서 좋았어요 과하게 추천하시지 않고 저에게 맞는걸 추천해주셔서 좋았어요 수술적으로 더 궁금한 거 없는지도 물어봐 주시고 편하게 상담했어요
로롱롱롱 2024-12-18 (수) 10:07 25일전 Address
I had breast surgery and the shape turned out pretty. The consultation itself was very simple and clear!  The cost was also good and overall I like it. My breasts are really pretty.
월그라운드 2024-12-03 (화) 13:48 1개월전 Address
They are kind and thorough. I will have to try the aftercare to know for sure, but the overall atmosphere of the hospital is not bad. I recommend consulting.
흫킄 2024-11-29 (금) 20:03 1개월전 Address
The counseling room atmosphere was good and the staff was friendly, which was nice! The director recommended it without being excessive, so I trusted it. There's a reason it's famous.
사랑사랑사릉 2024-11-13 (수) 07:49 1개월전 Address
The waiting time was short and the consultation was friendly. Although he didn't say much, he didn't lead me on too much. The consultation was friendly.
냠냥105 2024-07-27 (토) 00:11 5개월전 Address
My friend got it from here and was consulted by the same teacher. The teacher is a bit blunt, but he explained it well and my friend did well, so I am now contemplating surgery.
창두 2024-07-05 (금) 00:33 6개월전 Address
I liked it because he didn't say anything. There was no fuss and it felt clean. He only answered the questions I asked. However, you have to ask questions clearly because he doesn't tell you first.
젱이 2024-06-10 (월) 21:29 6개월전 Address
I think you definitely have expertise. Although it may seem a bit blunt, you did a good job explaining what I was asking about, and I like the reviews, so I'm worried.
미미87 2024-06-09 (일) 19:33 6개월전 Address
I like the director because he doesn't make unnecessary comments or recommend places that don't require unnecessary surgery. He seems professional. I trust him.
Elfiv 2024-06-07 (금) 23:29 7개월전 Address
He explained only the necessary parts well without feeling burdensome at all and seemed to have a high degree of professionalism. He never made excessive recommendations, so I was able to trust him.
barosi 2024-06-04 (화) 22:28 7개월전 Address
The director seems professional. The reviews of the surgery are all beautiful. Two surgeries in one day? You said you only do three things , but it feels a bit cold and scary.
joody 2024-05-29 (수) 05:50 7개월전 Address
Without saying anything unnecessary, he measured the measurements. They said it would go up to this, so I put in the maximum.
멍멍구 2024-05-04 (토) 14:50 8개월전 Address
딸기모찌떡 2024-04-15 (월) 17:16 8개월전 Address
Thank you so much to Director Song Jae-yong, my heart's confidant. The scars are fading quickly, so much so that when my boyfriend applied the ointment, he asked me where I should apply it..! He may be blunt, but he answered all the questions I asked, and most of all, his skills were so good that I didn't feel any pain.
우시리 2024-04-03 (수) 08:59 9개월전 Address
It's still been a week since my breast surgery, but  I'm glad you answered before I asked! The director seems calm haha.
얌얌25 2024-03-05 (화) 08:18 10개월전 Address
I enjoyed the consultation very comfortably and sincerely and sincerely answered all the questions I asked~~~~~~ The answers were all understandable and easy to understand, which was great!! I was worried about whether to have surgery because the price was a bit high, but the consultation was great anyway!!
puma1998 2024-03-01 (금) 01:27 10개월전 Address
I had breast surgery a year and a half ago. After giving birth, my breasts were saggy and saggy, but they have become more elastic. I was able to drive after 3 days and it was great that I recovered quickly! I had the scar cut out, but afterward, he lasered the scar several times, and although he didn't look sad, he calmly explained everything well. I was so satisfied that I recommended it to my friends, and many of them went and had it done. They say they are more satisfied.
Mingyeong0… 2024-02-18 (일) 22:24 10개월전 Address
I was heartbroken here, but overall it wasn't bad, but the follow-up care wasn't very good. Maybe it's because it's a comprehensive place...?
까미얀1 2024-01-09 (화) 23:57 1년전 Address
Of course, I had to go after looking at the reviews. I had breast surgery because I heard Dr. Song's praises a lot, and I was very satisfied, and he told me exactly what I needed, so it's actually good.
끼야야약 2023-12-26 (화) 15:52 1년전 Address
When receiving counseling, it felt like they only told me what was necessary and didn't make any suggestions, just explained things. I actually liked that better.
나라정정 2023-11-05 (일) 22:54 1년전 Address
The eye surgery went really well. I had non-incision eye correction because you recommended it. It's been 3 months now and I'm satisfied. Haha, thank you. teacher...
지못미마이걸 2023-11-04 (토) 16:45 1년전 Address
best. I trust you infinitely. If I have to repeat the exam in the future, I will come back and save up the money to do it. The director said he had great force and was confident in the chest area, so I put my body on the operating table with peace of mind.
밍미미미미밍 2023-09-06 (수) 17:51 1년전 Address
This is my heart dad. You are my second father. He is the only one who spoke clearly with numbers without any unnecessary sympathy, praise, or sales like other hospitals. It may not be for those who need sympathy and warm words for sad feelings about small breasts, but it may be for those who, like me, want to talk rationally with numbers. Regardless of all this, I highly recommend it and I am 20000% satisfied with life after Dr. Song's surgery.
은삐삐 2023-06-18 (일) 09:10 1년전 Address
Please give me feedback on exactly what you need and get advice here! I made up my mind to go to the hospital and the director didn't force me to recommend anything, so I think I was more inclined to do it. They said he was blunt, but I didn't get that at all!!
긔어브냉 2023-06-10 (토) 20:39 1년전 Address
You were really good at recommending designs and sizes, and most of all, you did a really nice surgery that didn't hurt, so I was surprised when I woke up from the anesthesia haha. Thank you.
좋공필 2022-12-23 (금) 01:14 2년전 Address
To be honest, I trusted Director Song Jae-yong and chose him because implants are important in breast augmentation . However, I was worried about the price, but he explained the characteristics of the actual implants well and provided examples of each implant when they were in my body. It was also good that he explained them and recommended expensive implants. No, every trait is like this, so the choice is up to you~ I pick it because it feels like this haha. Some people might be a bit like that because they are all blunt, but I think that feeling is neat and more trustworthy haha.

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