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Dr. 김다한
Health Clinic
Plastic surgery Specialist
성형외과 전문의
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차의과학대학교 의과대학원 의학석사
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국제성형외과학회 정회원
대한성형외과학회 눈성형연구회 정회원
Hospital Info
3F, Sunghan Building, 557, Gangnam-daero, Seocho-gu, Seoul

In this menu, individual doctor's evaluations or reviews are not allowed as they may be defamatory. If you wish to register as a doctor, please contact us with sungyesacom@gmail.com
먀아오옹 2024-07-01 (월) 14:49 1일전 Address
시니컬하고 솔직하세요
라인을 조금 높게 잡으셔서 놀랐음 ㅜㅜ
제가 원하는 방향이랑은 좀 달라서 고민을 좀 더 해보려구요
박효진 2024-06-28 (금) 20:48 4일전 Address
모든 성형외과 의사가 그렇듯 매우 피곤해보이심. 재수술로 유명한 병원이라 끌렸는데 잡은 라인이 마음에 안들었음
햇헷햇 2024-06-24 (월) 10:58 8일전 Address
김다한 선생님한테 눈 수술 한지 3년? 정도 되었는데 너무 만족하면서 살고 있어요.. 첨 보는 사람은 제 눈 자연인 줄 알더라고요.. 제 2의 제 아버지 십니다^^,,
밍나루 2024-06-22 (토) 02:07 11일전 Address
작년말에 한번, 5월에한번 총 두번 상담갔는데 두번 상담내용이 좀 달라서 의아했음. 물론 내가 원하는방식이조금 달라진것도있지만 전엔 눈매교정 필요없다고했는데 이번엔 해야한다고하셔서 조금 신뢰도 떨어짐
밍아밍아 2024-06-18 (화) 00:30 15일전 Address
조용조용 시니컬하심. 눈 구조에 대해 정확하게 평가해서 알려주심. 근데 잡아주는 라인이 내가 원했던 라인과 좀 달랐음.
이음이 2024-06-11 (화) 19:54 21일전 Address
높은 인아웃라인을 원하고 갔는데 저의 눈에는 어울리지 않는다고 안된다고 말씀해주셔서 좋았습니다! 트임이나 다른 시술또한 권유하지 않았습니다.
엔젤LEE 2024-06-04 (화) 14:02 28일전 Address
솔직하고 담담하게 상담받고 잘 들어주시면서 해주셨음. 쌍커풀은 원하는 대로 수술 해주셨고 수술 만족도는 90%정도
hyohyo89 2024-05-31 (금) 23:44 1개월전 Address
상담 대기가 30분 정도 있었지만, 상담 내용 좋았습니다. 부드럽고 소신있게 전문적인 의견을 말씀해주셔서 도움 많이됐어요.
요비깡 2024-05-23 (목) 18:39 1개월전 Address
He explained it well with a clear conscience. He looked very sleepy. He told me that he couldn't do anything, but he looked so tired. The consultation wasn't bad, but it was expensive.
민재민쟁 2024-05-01 (수) 22:41 2개월전 Address
매우좋아요 우선 너무  친절하시고 이해 하기 쉽게 설명 헤 주셔서 너무좋았고요 너무 만족스러워서  또 좋네요
민재민얼굴 2024-05-01 (수) 19:17 2개월전 Address
안녕하세요 저 처음 시술이나 성형해보는데 너무 긴장했지만 핀절하게 섷명 잘 해주셔서 감사했어요 감사하요
닉넥잉 2024-05-01 (수) 17:25 2개월전 Address
절개랑 눈매교정 얘기 듣고 왔습니다. 라인 잡아주셨는데 수술이 급한건 아니라서 고민해보려고 합니다. 실장님 완전 친절하셨어요.
서폿유미55 2024-04-24 (수) 17:34 2개월전 Address
I went with a friend... They created a friendly and comfortable atmosphere, asked me what I wanted, and gave honest advice! The cost is reasonable too..
희딱지 2024-04-24 (수) 08:17 2개월전 Address
I was satisfied because he did not recommend too much surgery and was honest and honest about his opinion when he thought it was enough. It's a revision surgery consultation, and after receiving recommendations for various procedures at other hospitals, I came here and heard only the necessary information, so I felt like the old congestion was going away.
eyego 2024-04-18 (목) 21:03 2개월전 Address
Here, I had my first pair of hands buried and had eye correction done, but it looks like I didn't have any surgery;; When I inquired at the hospital, they said I just had to wait and later they said that this surgery would be effective;; (No one can tell) For reference, it has been buried for a little over 2 years now, but it has been released ^^
첫트성공기원 2024-04-17 (수) 02:00 2개월전 Address
The director just points out the items that seem necessary and doesn't bother asking you how about this or that..? He organizes it into just the necessary items.
몽테 2024-03-22 (금) 21:07 3개월전 Address
Yes, no, please be clear. There is no recommendation. I think you are only saying what is absolutely necessary. He was more kind during the surgery. I like that it lasts for 3 years. I understand that in the future, you only have to pay the anesthesia fee.
마솔 2024-03-22 (금) 15:35 3개월전 Address
It's chic, but it was nice that you explained things really well. It seems like a place worth visiting. Just say no to things that don't work.
미라륑 2024-03-02 (토) 17:00 3개월전 Address
I took a picture of my eyes, but it was good that they told me for sure that it wasn't working. While explaining the structure of the eye, he said that because of this, the desired line would not be achieved. However, I am worried because all the reviews say the eyes are too natural.
혜롱 2024-03-01 (금) 03:50 3개월전 Address
He's more cynical and less thorough than I thought, but I have a feeling he'll do a good job. He only explains what he needs to say.
노로노 2024-02-19 (월) 16:54 4개월전 Address
I received a consultation, but if you take the eye shape you want in advance, please consult with me accordingly. It was good to be told clearly that unnecessary things are unnecessary.
antjdnjdld 2024-02-19 (월) 12:54 4개월전 Address
You did a great job explaining only the necessary parts! I was glad that you looked at the line for a long time and tried various things and then said clearly, “This is better.”
에슬 2024-01-23 (화) 14:25 5개월전 Address
As others have said, I felt like they recommended only what I needed and didn't go overboard. The cost was also cheaper than expected. I thought that if I had the surgery here, it would come out really naturally.
호앗닛 2024-01-19 (금) 10:29 5개월전 Address
When I consulted with Dr. Dahan Kim, he was very honest and he was very honest, so I trusted him more. He didn't recommend excessive surgery. I was worried because he said he was chic, but I was glad that he treated me kindly.
빙su 2024-01-17 (수) 01:37 5개월전 Address
I received an eye consultation and he was very honest. I liked that he diagnosed my eye condition honestly and did not make excessive recommendations. I think he pursues the most natural lines possible. I recommend this to those who do not want to show off and want a natural look.
Flowerdanc… 2023-12-31 (일) 16:57 5개월전 Address
I received a consultation for revision surgery. As per the reviews, he was really chic. As soon as he arrived, he looked at my eyes, diagnosed me, and clearly told me what I needed. The consultation time was short, but it felt like an expert was diagnosing me instead of trying to deceive me with words, so I made an appointment for the surgery that day.
은영우 2023-12-20 (수) 15:26 6개월전 Address
Although he is a bit on the chic side, the explanation was clear and it was nice that he made it clear what line was possible. I trusted him because he didn't give me more advice.
햡햡 2023-10-21 (토) 13:56 8개월전 Address
I received consultation for reoperation. He recommended incision eye correction and provided concise consultation. Just pick out what you need and leave.
참OI슬 2023-08-01 (화) 18:42 10개월전 Address
The director is more chic than kind, but he's honest and doesn't recommend unnecessary things, which is good. The lines were well drawn and we bonded naturally, but if it breaks down, I want to get tested by this person again.
이오우악 2023-06-06 (화) 00:06 1년전 Address
Thanks to the director's friendly attitude, I was able to carry out the surgery without too much fear. I had to undergo reoperation because of my double eyelids that had come loose, but they recommended a partial incision, and I am very satisfied because the scar was not as bad as I had feared.

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