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Dr. Hyuk-gyu Choi
Health Clinic
Plastic surgery Specialist
Doctor's License Acquisition Date
Specialist Acquisition Date
Specialist in plastic surgery Full-time doctor at Seoul National University Hospital Former director of
Banobagi Plastic Surgery Clinic Former director of Image-Up Plastic Surgery Clinic Full member of the Korean Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Full member of the Korean
Now Jesta Plastic Surgery CEODirector
Academic activity
Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Full member of the Korean Society of Craniofacial Plastic Surgery
Hospital Info
1st-7th floor, 832 Nonhyeon-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul

In this menu, individual doctor's evaluations or reviews are not allowed as they may be defamatory. If you wish to register as a doctor, please contact us with sungyesacom@gmail.com
짱콩냥 2025-01-13 (월) 17:37 1일전 Address
되게 친절하셨고 궁금한점이 있냐고 계속 물어봐 주시고 첫 상담때 구축과 염증에 대해 여쭤보았는데 20분가량 자세히 설명해주셨구 다른병원과 다르게 강요도 없었어서 바로 택할수 있었던것 같아요 ㅎㅎ
프린세스퀸 2025-01-08 (수) 17:23 6일전 Address
CT나 사진을 안찍는데도 상담비 1만원을 받는게 일단 좀 의아했고 그래서 그런지 다른 병원에서는 무조건 기증늑이나 자가늑을 써야한다고 했는데 비중격만으로도 코를 올릴 수 있다고 하셔서 약간 의문입니다. 모양은 예쁘게 잡아주시는 것 같아요.
스로미 2024-12-28 (토) 07:58 18일전 Address
일단 상담비가 10000원 있지마,
상담을 아주 꼼꼼히 해주시네요
자로 각도 재가면서 어떤 시술을 할 수 있는지 설명해주시고 라인 잡아주시고 편안하게 상담해주셨어요
공쥬님인데영 2024-12-25 (수) 03:42 21일전 Address
눈성형 첫수술로 발품팔러 상담갔는데 나쁘지 않았던것같아요 근데 제눈에서 개인적으로 절대하면 안된다고 생각한게 앞트임인데 그걸 권유해셔서 솔직히 조금 실망했어요ㅠ
리저베릐 2024-12-15 (일) 20:14 30일전 Address
쌍수재수술이랑 트임 하러 전에 최혁규 원장님으로 상담 받으러갔었다가 반했던 기억이 있네욬ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 하하… 가서 상담도 친절하고 자세하게 알려주시고 넘 스윗하신데 훈훈하셔서 상담이 넘 맘에 들어서 끝까지 이병원 고민했는데 약간 대형느낌이라 다른데서 받았네요
빈vely 2024-12-05 (목) 03:06 1개월전 Address
차분한 분위기에 전문성이 느껴지는 말투!! 제 2의 아버지로 모시고 싶다는 생각이 계속 들었어요.. 감이라 해야하나… 어떤 결과가 나올진 몰라도 상담은 대만족!
레전드비스트 2024-11-26 (화) 18:54 1개월전 Address
다른곳은 늑연골을 권유해서 부담스러웠는데귀연골로만 수술이 가능 하다 고 해서 수술 했어요 생각보다딱딱해서 놀랐지만 모양이 예쁘고다른재료보다안전한것같아서 마음에들어요
구랬어 2024-11-24 (일) 03:14 1개월전 Address
되게 친절하시고 상담시에 원하는 부분을 다 들어주세요~ 여기서 결국 재수술했는데 너무 자연스럽게 잘돼서 만족합니다~
뽀로리리리리 2024-11-23 (토) 14:49 1개월전 Address
상담 갔을때 궁금한 점 솔직하게 얘기 해주셨고 가능한것과 안되는것 분명히 얘기 해주셨어요. 수술 후 흉터 거의 안남는다고 꼼꼼하게 해주신다며 수술에 대한 프라이드도 남다르셨습니다. 비중격 사용 안하고 귀연골만 사용 하여 수술 한다는게 처음엔 걱정도 됐지만 그래도 안전 할것 같더라구요. 전반적으로 수술후 만족도도 높은거 같고. 그래서 수술날 잡고 기다리고 있습니다.
뚜라빠뿌바 2024-11-12 (화) 10:35 2개월전 Address
대기시간은 길었는데 일단 원장님 굉장히 친절하고 설명도 자세해서 되게 편안한 마음으로 상담 받았습니당
lalar3 2024-10-26 (토) 17:36 2개월전 Address
뭔가 되게 편안했음. 실장님 상담도 그렇고 원장님 상담도 전반적으로 편안한 느낌. 코도 여기저기 만져가면서 면봉으로 모양 잡아주시는데 내가 원하는 부분을 잘 알고 계시는거 같아서 좋았음.
유지니지니 2024-10-26 (토) 17:16 2개월전 Address
따로 추가수술강요안하고 친절하셨음
다른곳에선 이것저것 코에서 이것도 저것도하면 좋겠다 라고 말 했는데 콧대 코끝만 추천하심
각자 개인한테 맞는 스타일로 해 주시는거같으면서도
병원 사진들보면 본인 스타일이 딱 있으신듯
a1bbnc22 2024-09-30 (월) 11:42 3개월전 Address
The pre-surgery consultation was thorough, but as someone who actually had the surgery, I don't know if they were that kind after the surgery... I have a lot of pride in my surgery results, and I even got scolded lol... The results of the surgery are better than before (not much of a difference, though), but I don't like them, so I'm planning to have another surgery somewhere else soon.
Huuu0 2024-09-15 (일) 20:04 3개월전 Address
I went to get a consultation for a male nose job. I was wondering if I should just get a nose tip reduction or a full nose job, and the doctor told me that both would be effective in my case. If I were to get a full nose job, he recommended using ear cartilage. He said that he would use a new surgical method instead of using existing ear cartilage. He was proud that there weren't many people who knew how to do that surgical method.
asheyyjyj 2024-08-26 (월) 19:30 4개월전 Address
The consultation was quiet and helpful, and I really liked it. However, the review seemed a bit off-key, so I passed. However, the satisfaction level was high. I think you have to see if it's the style you want.
닉넴멀루 2024-08-14 (수) 06:00 4개월전 Address
I went to get a consultation and it was nice because they were kind. I wish I had prepared more questions to ask, so I could have gotten more detailed information.
미니미미미미 2024-08-13 (화) 22:10 4개월전 Address
They are really kind and look after me very thoroughly. I went for a rhinoplasty consultation and they measured my face with a ruler and explained to me what parts needed improvement without being excessive.
이재현여친 2024-07-20 (토) 17:59 5개월전 Address
They give great advice and only recommend what is necessary, and there is no overtreatment. They prefer to use ear cartilage because there are many side effects from using a septum.
닷지차저 2024-06-23 (일) 15:49 6개월전 Address
The director is kind and makes it easy for patients to ask questions. He also takes good care of the preoperative line. However, I personally have some regrets about the results of the surgery.
bbeacon 2024-06-05 (수) 22:07 7개월전 Address
I had a consultation for my nose and eyes, and the explanation was really good and I was very satisfied. I had faith because they said they only do 2 surgeries a day.
쿨쿨피스 2024-04-22 (월) 15:16 8개월전 Address
He was confident in his skills and results, and the consultation was thorough. The explanation was explained in detail so I could understand it well. It wasn't easy to make a reservation
쏘왓하하 2024-04-22 (월) 12:20 8개월전 Address
I received an eye consultation, and the director was kind and looked after the consultation thoroughly. There were quite a few hospitals that asked me to put fat under the eyes, but the director did not recommend it and only recommended surgery on the necessary areas. Also pay attention to the lines. The manager wasn't bad, but I liked the director the most.
코만보인단말이야 2024-03-11 (월) 00:05 10개월전 Address
The consultation was very professional. I usually look up a lot of information online, but seeing the level of explanation was different, I canceled the deposit I had made at another hospital and had the surgery here!
윤네리킴부러 2024-02-09 (금) 00:04 11개월전 Address
The consultation was thorough and I was okay with it. I think I'll think about it for now and then decide. It's not a bad place, it's okay.
디주님 2024-01-18 (목) 21:30 11개월전 Address
The consultation is friendly and informative, and if something is not possible, it is not possible. They measure it down to the millimeter and tell you in detail how much your eyes are enlarged and what kind of nose would look good on you.
긍정의힘1994 2024-01-05 (금) 19:53 1년전 Address
I had a consultation for incision double eyelid surgery, eye correction, and epicanthoplasty. Out of the 6 places I consulted with, I trusted Director Choi the most, so I made a surgery reservation for next week. I had the consultation in early December. He said he wouldn't provide photos, and there was no separate discount for test takers, but I got a discount for same-day reservations. I think I received good advice on anesthesia, surgical method, suitable shapes, and aftercare during the short consultation. I hope the surgery goes well.
sumi 2023-11-24 (금) 11:13 1년전 Address
First of all, the consultation was very thorough. I was satisfied because he told me how to improve each part I wanted and listened to me carefully. I don't know what the results of the surgery will be, but I am satisfied with the consultation.
laurakim 2023-10-13 (금) 21:15 1년전 Address
Of all the hospitals I've been to, this doctor was the one who drew the prettiest lines! When I had the consultation, he checked my eye size with a ruler and protractor, and he seemed very thorough!
뚜릉94 2023-04-17 (월) 23:27 1년전 Address
The consultation was very gentle and good, and he held the line several times. He spoke softly and was kind. It was good because it wasn't a mechanical consultation.
hh0066 2023-03-28 (화) 15:05 1년전 Address
To be honest, I went in feeling a bit bad because of the director or staff member who gave me the consultation, but I remember feeling a bit better because the director explained things in a kind, gentle, and understandable way. I liked that he explained things like the surgical method and possible side effects in detail.
loveyi 2023-02-28 (화) 00:09 1년전 Address
It was a consultation with the representative director, and I liked the director the best. He seems to have a very gentle personality, and you can see that he is trying to listen and think from the patient's perspective.
Rebekah 2023-01-08 (일) 18:48 2년전 Address
I think the consultation is meticulous and very friendly. I went because of my eyes, but I think you also have a lot of nose. If it was the director who only cares about the eyes, I would have made a reservation right away.
고굼마후루룩 2022-12-12 (월) 03:46 2년전 Address
I went there because it was famous for Bokko, but it was so good that you meticulously looked after it and explained the consultation in a way that I could understand!
노블이애미 2022-11-27 (일) 23:12 2년전 Address
He is very meticulous in counseling, and he said that there is no such thing as unconditional , and there is no such thing as impossible.
고냥이냥 2022-06-15 (수) 00:44 2년전 Address
Counseling is really good. He is kind. He picks up only the necessary parts and recommends them. There is no overtreatment and he listens to what I want as much as possible. So I made a reservation for nose surgery next week.
342434 2022-06-10 (금) 23:50 2년전 Address
Counseling is really thorough and kind. It is very touching and kind. Explains everything and was the most satisfied on the list.
박똥 2022-03-31 (목) 00:22 2년전 Address
I am so satisfied with my rhinoplasty that I am going for an eye consultation this time. I hope that the eyes will come out as well hehe Everyone asks where the nose surgery was done.
생선우유 2022-03-19 (토) 02:08 2년전 Address
I got a dual twin from the director, and it went great and my impression has changed drastically!!! After seeing what I did, two people around me dutifully imitated it.
태태인형 2021-10-25 (월) 19:19 3년전 Address
Counseling is great!
콩쥐얌 2021-09-11 (토) 10:02 3년전 Address
귀귀귀귀3 2021-09-11 (토) 01:55 3년전 Address

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