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Dr. Hanjo Kim
Health Clinic
Plastic surgery Specialist
Doctor's License Acquisition Date
Specialist Acquisition Date
Breast 60%
Plastic Surgeon Graduated from Yonsei University College of Medicine Severance Hospital Plastic Surgery Specialist NEW YORK MOUNT SINAL HOSPITAL Plastic Surgery Training USA UT Southwestern Medical Center Plastic Surgery Rhinoplasty Training Sweden Victoriakliniken Breast Plastic Surgery Training
Severance Hospital Plastic Surgery Outpatient Professor Severance Hospital Former President, Vine Plastic Surgery Clinic
Academic activity
Lifetime member, Korean Society of Plastic and Surgeons Academic member, Korean Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons Full member, Korean Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons Full member, Korean Cranio-facial Plastic Surgeons Association Full member, International Society of Plastic Surgeons (IPRAS) Member, Korean Society of Hand Surgeons Full member
Related Dr.
Dr. Sung Ki-wook
Dr. Kim Ji-hyun
Dr. 주오영
Dr. 상정은
Dr. 채수욱
Dr. 최재혁
Hospital Info
B1, 3rd, 4th floor, Yunseong Building, 834 Nonhyeon-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul

In this menu, individual doctor's evaluations or reviews are not allowed as they may be defamatory. If you wish to register as a doctor, please contact us with sungyesacom@gmail.com
이기도기 2024-07-02 (화) 18:48 8시간전 Address
눈 트림 고민하던 중에 재방문하여 상담했습니다. 제가 궁금한점 여쭤봐도 잘 설명해 주시고 굳이 필요없는 수술은 권유하지 않아서 좋았어요!
라밍미 2024-07-01 (월) 20:20 1일전 Address
저번주에 코 상담 받고 왔습니다.
원장님이 상담할때 계속 수수께끼를 내시더라구요?
시원하게 말해주시지 않고 계속 질문을 내셔서 답답했어요.
저와 맞지않는 상담 방법 이었습니다.
wjdj 2024-06-26 (수) 14:20 6일전 Address
이것저것 설명을 꽤 친절하게 해주셨습니다.
비록 제가 원하는 방향은 못해주신다고 해서 수술은 못했지만
방향을 잡을 수 있게 긴 상담 해주셔서 좋앗습니다.
흐기링 2024-06-26 (수) 09:37 6일전 Address
유튜브로 알게되서 원장님한테 상담 받았는데, 유튜브에서 설명해주시는 것처럼 자세하게 설명해주세요. 핸드폰으로 직접 제 얼굴 찍어서 설명해주셔서 이해도 잘됐습니다~
언지닝 2024-06-19 (수) 11:26 13일전 Address
김한조 원장님께 6년전 가슴수술 받은사람입니다
원장님 한테서 친구들 쪼르르 다 가서 수술받던 기억이 나네요 ㅎㅎㅎ 아직도 계시군요
오픈월드게임하자 2024-06-17 (월) 10:34 15일전 Address
유투브보고 방문했는데 확실히 경력도많으시고
상담도전문적이었습니다 굳이수술까지는아니어도
상담한번받아보는것도 추천합니다
dowmx 2024-06-10 (월) 00:10 23일전 Address
안내직원부터 너무 친절하게 대해주셨고여 원장님 또한 전문적으로 상담 잘해주셨어요 주변에서 추천하는 이유가 있더라고여
미미87 2024-06-09 (일) 19:47 23일전 Address
실장님 친절하시고 원장님은  무뚝뚝하긴 하시나 수술에 대한 자신감이 크셔서 전문적으로 믿음갔습니다
가격도 합리적이었습니다
beshk 2024-05-17 (금) 14:05 1개월전 Address
원장님이 자신감이 넘치셨고, 수술 실력역시 주변에서 이 원장님 추천 많이해서 상담만 가보자 했는데 여기에서 수술할듯
들기름막국수 2024-05-17 (금) 11:53 1개월전 Address
우선 김한조 원장님을 만나기 전에 미리 준비할 게 있습니다.
내가 원하는 모양의 코에 대해서 정확하게 생각하고 가셔야 해요
그래야 원장님도 보다 빠르게 설명해주시고 정확하게 말씀해주시거든요! 조금 직설적이긴 하지만, 그만큼 정확도도 높아보이는 분이라고 생각해요!
환규 2024-05-17 (금) 09:56 1개월전 Address
직원분들 매우 친절하심. 코 상담.대표 원장님은 차가워 보일 순 있으나 전문성이 매우 높아 보여서 더 신뢰감. 환자 니즈 잘 파악해주심.
마반장 2024-05-06 (월) 18:46 1개월전 Address
가슴성형 상담받았는데 실장님 - 원장님 - 실장님 순으로 상담받았어요~ 수술이 있어서 그런지 12:30 / 16:30분 이 시간대이 원장님을 뵐수있더라구요! 상담잘하주셨고 원장님은 꼭 해야할말만 간단명료하게 설명해주시고 궁금한거 질문받아주시고 끝났어요~ 확실히 전문성 있어보이셨어요
또 다른병원 알아본곳 있냐고 물어보셔서 솔직히 말씀드렸는데 까내리는것없고 타병원(신논현)인데도 좋은병원 좋은원장이라고 칭찬하시는거보고 멋지다고 생각했어요ㅎㅎ
냠뇸8282 2024-04-30 (화) 15:34 2개월전 Address
눈재수술로 고민하던 중에 재방문하여 상담했습니다. 제가 궁금한점 여쭤봐도 잘 설명해 주시고 눈수술에 대한 자신감이 보였습니다. 굳이 필요없는 수술은 권유하지 않아서 좋았어요!
Ju00 2024-04-28 (일) 22:21 2개월전 Address
상담실장님 매우 친절하심. 원장님은 전문성이 있어보임. 귀연골만 추천하시고 실질적 조언을 해주시는편!!
김가루솔솔 2024-04-28 (일) 15:27 2개월전 Address
ct 2만원에 찍고 상담비 1만원 있었는데 후회 안합니다. 코 재수술 관련해서 방문했는데, 제가 딱 원하던데로 실리콘 빼는거 추천하시더라고요. 그리고 귀연골 만져보시더니 귀연골로만 무보형 수술 할 수 있을 것 같다고 했어요. 단차는 어떻게 할거냐고 말씀드렸더니 되게 당당하게 그건 본인이 알아서 하겠다고 말씀하시더군요. 이 부분은 아직 궁금하긴 합니다만, 어쨌든 상담 자체는 깔끔하고 좋았습니다. 근데 조금 직설적으로 말하시는 경향이 있어서 제가 하려던 말이 있었음에도 어버버하게 되는게 있었습니다..
보노보노다구 2024-04-26 (금) 13:29 2개월전 Address
실장님도 친절하시고 김한조 원장님도 전문적으로 이해되기 쉽게 잘 설명해주셨어요 환자의 니즈가 가장 중요하긴 하지만 원장님의 의견이 없는건 조금 아쉬웠어요 전체적으로 만족스러운 상담이였습니다
몽쉘좋아함 2024-04-10 (수) 11:29 2개월전 Address
상담 받았는데 실장님 친절. 원장님도 필요한 말만 딱딱해줘서 괜찮았어요. 대표원장님이랑 다른 웡장님 수술 가격이 달랐고, 예약금 강요는 조금 있었습니다. 병원이 너무 커서 부담스럽긴 했어요.(대형병원에 대한 편견이 조금 있거든요) cctv나 as부분은 모호하게 말해줘서 신뢰가 좀 떨어졌음.
송즈하 2024-04-09 (화) 22:01 2개월전 Address
솔직히 상담 때 실망했어서 여기서 수술 안했는데
다른데서 수술하고 망한 내 코 보니
여기서 받았던 상담이
나의 니즈와 의사의 수술방향을 결정하는데
매우 적절했음을 깨달았음.
금액도 비교적 합리적이었고 여기서 받지 않은거 조금 후회함.
킥뉵 2024-04-07 (일) 23:48 2개월전 Address
상담이 좀 짧긴 했지만 나름 괜찮았던 상담이었어요
원장님도 나름 친절하시고 실장님도 괜찮았네요
고민되는 병원 중 하나에요
만두003 2024-04-07 (일) 12:09 2개월전 Address
코수술 상담받았었는데 궁금했던 부분
꼭 찝어서 말해주시고 말씀이좀 직설적인 부분도 있는데 오히려 이해하기좋아서 믿음이갔어요
harry123 2024-04-04 (목) 19:53 2개월전 Address
코상담 갔었는데
자세하게 설명해주셨고 어떤 수술을 왜해야하는지 설명해주셨습니다.
상담 좋았어요. 다시 가보려구요.
뷰다 2024-03-13 (수) 19:35 3개월전 Address
The kind and detailed consultation gave me an opportunity to think seriously and make a decision again! The follow-up care is solid and I am very satisfied ❤️
얌얌25 2024-03-05 (화) 08:26 3개월전 Address
The waiting time was about 30 minutes to 1 hour, and I received a consultation about natural adhesion and incision, and he gave me a clear answer. However, the consultation time was very short, so it was not good.
두로롱 2024-02-20 (화) 10:10 4개월전 Address
I received consultation from the director and he explained it in detail. The parts I didn't understand were explained in an easy-to-understand manner, so I understood them well. I was very satisfied with the consultation. I think I had a consultation for less than an hour, but I had no idea how much time went by!
della 2024-02-10 (토) 10:03 4개월전 Address
I came here for a consultation because of my nose. There are many hospitals that say everything is done according to the patient's wishes, but here, they told me what to do in my current condition and the consultation director was still young, but he tried to discourage me a little, so it was really good. I felt like I had no illusions about plastic surgery, so I consulted. It would be nice to go
동동동동 2024-02-01 (목) 03:42 4개월전 Address
I went for a consultation for breast augmentation, and the explanation was really good and clear, and he seemed proud, so I trusted him more. He seemed to have a good understanding of what the person who had the surgery wanted, and the more I researched it, the more actively he expressed his opinion, so I thought about exactly what my needs were. I think it would be better to talk about it.
두수 2023-12-26 (화) 17:58 6개월전 Address
My daughter, who is still a minor, was stressed about having her nose fixed, so I consulted on whether I should just get a double nose correction without touching the bone. I went to a hospital famous for double noses and consulted with Dr. Kim for the second time. The child returned my heart. I said to do it at the first hospital, but Dr. Hanjo Kim calmly explained that I had to do it later. You convinced me that it wasn't right now . Thank you so much. I think I found the right place.
Addieyk 2023-11-24 (금) 18:39 7개월전 Address
I had a breast consultation about two weeks ago. It was nice that there was no pressure to make a reservation/payment right away and they took the time to explain. The doctor's tone of voice and consultation seem to be pushing things that he thinks are good, so I guess I have different opinions.
플라밍꽁 2023-05-30 (화) 10:21 1년전 Address
I had a nose job here, and there was no pressure to review or use of my photos, and the director didn't force or pressure me, and overall, it was nice and simple. I liked the doctor because he explained things professionally and clearly, and it was the most trustworthy hospital I've ever visited.
0개굴개굴0 2023-02-21 (화) 17:34 1년전 Address
My nose is inflamed after surgery for a long time (+ I have a deviated septum) It is clear that the director is trustworthy and professional, but if you don't know your condition well or don't prepare questions in advance, you may end up giving up. After seeing and hearing my condition, I suggested 3 methods (1. Silicone Removal 2. Removal of silicone + new silicone 3. Removal of silicone + new silicone + horse cartilage) He clearly stated that this is his suggestion and that the choice is the patient's decision. If you want to hear the doctor's opinion about my condition, this is the path.
WWVIVID 2023-02-03 (금) 17:56 1년전 Address
I looked up a lot of reviews and saw her confidently explaining about rhinoplasty and implants on YouTube. It was great not only explaining the surgical method, but also explaining in detail the materials and surgical method suitable for the current condition of the nose.
츄파츕스님 2023-01-27 (금) 12:34 1년전 Address
I went to a nose consultation and the director seemed confident in the surgical method and its stability. It seems that you are pursuing safe surgery with fewer side effects and you seem to be proud of it.
Kidult932 2022-12-30 (금) 05:25 1년전 Address
I had surgery here about 3 years ago, and everyone praised me for going well, and I'm still doing well with no side effects. I am very satisfied with how it feels and feels natural.
제일린 2022-12-20 (화) 09:26 1년전 Address
He explained each and every part so well, and it was good that he pointed out the ambiguous parts first and talked about the options first so that it was easy to express because I was curious to express them. I can feel it, I recommend it
sos1ss 2022-10-23 (일) 00:26 1년전 Address
Well , I liked it because he was friendly and spoke well in a way that was easy to understand.
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