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Dr. Choo Seong-cheol
Health Clinic
Plastic surgery Specialist
Doctor's License Acquisition Date
Specialist Acquisition Date
Plastic Surgeon
Former Director of Soonplus Plastic Surgery Clinic Former Director of Iwell Plastic Surgery Clinic Former Director of Ruby Plastic Surgery Clinic Member of Korean
Academic activity
Society of Plastic and Surgeons Member of Korean Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Member of Korean Society of Craniofacial Plastic Surgery Member of Korean Society of Microsurgery Korean Hand Surgery Society member
Hospital Info
134, Dosan-daero, Gangnam-gu, Seoul

In this menu, individual doctor's evaluations or reviews are not allowed as they may be defamatory. If you wish to register as a doctor, please contact us with sungyesacom@gmail.com
셂ㅁㅁ미 2024-07-04 (목) 22:38 3일전 Address
경력많고 편안한 분위기로 상담 친절히 해주셔요 ㅠㅠ 이거저거 다 하고싶다고 해도 아닌건 아니라고 단호하게 말 해주는 편 ..ㅜ 오히려 과잉상담 안 해서 조아요
마크리리 2024-06-28 (금) 13:58 9일전 Address
눈,코 상담 갔었는데 친절하고 꼼꼼하게 상담해주심. 병원 후기 다 살펴보니 극화려한 스타일의 수술을 하시는 것 같아서 패스했으나 화려한 코 라인 원하는 분들은 상담 가보셔도 좋을 듯 함.
유뉸윸 2024-06-13 (목) 13:55 24일전 Address
The consultation was detailed and the manager was friendly. When I told him what I was worried about, he explained it well in a way that I could understand, so I gained knowledge I didn't know before.
눈이문젱야 2024-06-13 (목) 13:28 24일전 Address
Rather than going in the direction I wanted, he looked at whether it would suit me or not, and it was nice that he told me honestly about whether I would regret the surgery or not!
wjdj 2024-06-11 (화) 22:14 26일전 Address
I went to get a consultation for non-implant rhinoplasty, but they firmly told me that my nose would be useless without silicone inserts, so it ended quickly without any further consultation. Still, you were kind.
두식언니 2024-06-10 (월) 22:35 27일전 Address
과한 수술을 추천하기보단 내 얼굴에 맞는 느낌으로
기계적인 느낌 없이 맞춤 상담 느낌입니다
날날날222 2024-05-28 (화) 18:15 1개월전 Address
상담을 거의 한시간이나 해주셨어요 수술 방법도 꼭 이렇게 해야한다가 아니라 여러 방안을 말씀해주셨고 직접 코 만져보면서 체크해주시고 여러모로 신뢰가 많이 간 상담이였어요
beshk 2024-05-16 (목) 15:11 1개월전 Address
상담만 받아봤는데 코 수술 실력은 좋은거 같았으나 너무 후기가 화려해서 수술은 포기했습니다. 극 화려 좋아하시는 분들한테는 추천해요
으뜸널스 2024-05-14 (화) 21:42 1개월전 Address
일단 원장님이 개인에 콤플렉스를 잘 들어주시면서, 솔직한 조언을 해주셔서 좋았구요. 그래서 상담에 이어 수술까지 믿고 맡길수 있었던거 같아요ㅎㅎ결과 만족스러워서 요즘 외모 자신감 뿜뿜입니다
Ziziuybdbd… 2024-05-14 (화) 01:30 1개월전 Address
친절친절하시고 발품팔러갔는데 만족합니다
아직 시술은 안했구요 병원분위기 괜찮고 의사님이 친절하세요오
구비닥 2024-05-13 (월) 10:58 1개월전 Address
과잉없고 원장님 편안하게 질문 할 수 있도록 상담 해 주시고 원장님 스스로도 자부심 있는게 느껴져서 믿음 가는 상담이였어요 수술까지 결정 하게 된 큰 부분이 원장님에 자신감 같고 후기도 좋고 실장님들도 원장님 믿고 상담 한다는게 느껴지는 곳이였어요 수술 플랜 . 재료 , 금액 적으로 모든게 완벽 했던 곳
앶인이 2024-05-10 (금) 22:23 1개월전 Address
원장님 조언에 맞춰서 수술을 진행했는데 결과도 너무 좋고 아직 수술 초기이지만 벌써 너무너무 마음에들어용 ㅜㅜ!! 원장님 못만났음 어쩔뻔했나 싶을 만큼 결과가 만족스러워서 후기 보고 찾아가길 잘했다 싶어요 ! 이런 원장님이 ꖶዞ 윰명하지 않을까 라는 의문만 남는 수술이였어요!!
별리천사 2024-04-09 (화) 12:45 2개월전 Address
재수술 안해도 된다고 먼저 말씀해주신 곳은 처음이었어요 덕분에 더 믿음이 가서 수술결과까지 좋아서 너무 좋아요 비용도 너무 착하고 디테일하게 잘봐주시고 결과까지 좋은데 어떻게 추천을 안드릴수가 있을까요? 디데이 추성철원장님 정말 최고에요!!!
구구꾹 2024-03-29 (금) 15:44 3개월전 Address
원장님 덕분에 전 새로운 코 달고 새 인생(?)까진 아니지만 좀 더 새롭고 다양하고 긍정적인 삶을 살아요 ṑṑṑ 감사해요 홍보라도 열시미해ㅛㅓ 보답할세여...
미르다 2024-02-27 (화) 12:15 4개월전 Address
꼼꼼하게 봐주시고 잘 반영 해주십니다 코 성형 상담 받았는데 괜찮습니다 여러 병원들 일단 보고 있고 여기도 보고 있음
쵸쵸팡팡 2024-02-25 (일) 22:53 4개월전 Address
꼼꼼히 봐주시고 친절하세용! 전문적이고 코때문에 상담받았는데 너무 신뢰가 갔습니다 상담시간도 짧지 않았오요
킥뉵 2024-02-17 (토) 04:38 4개월전 Address
꼼꼼하게 상담 해주시는 분이었음
경력믿고 상담 받았는데 믿을 만 한듯
전문적이고 설명을 잘 해주셔서 호감가는 병원
우끾끽 2023-12-24 (일) 01:50 6개월전 Address
I love you, teacher... He's very thorough, answers all of my questions kindly, and most of all, reflects my needs well and is pleasant. I really like this place so much that I highly recommend it! Please take responsibility for after-care as well! It's hard to go to the hospital so many times to check the progress after nose surgery.
siana 2023-12-21 (목) 22:45 6개월전 Address
It was nice that he looked at me closely and explained in detail which nose and surgical method was right for my face. I felt trustworthy because they explained the side effects I was worried about in detail. I made a good impression because he was friendly, and he seemed professional as he explained things well, so I am considering him as my first choice.
요즘못자개냥이 2023-11-29 (수) 01:09 7개월전 Address
I received a consultation, and it seemed like he was very specific and pointed out my needs well. The counseling I received before was good, so I plan to receive counseling again.
Soske12 2023-11-06 (월) 13:22 7개월전 Address
The director said he would try to accommodate my needs as much as possible without forcing me! I consulted three places, trusted the doctor, had surgery, and a month later, my hooked nose was gone!!
IWZZ 2023-10-19 (목) 17:49 8개월전 Address
Today is the 19th.. I went for a consultation, and after looking around, he said I looked good enough without doing anything and sent me home. I really wanted to do my eyes and nose, but he said I didn't have to do the nose... I feel dizzy, because the director said that. I don't think I need to do it...
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