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Dr. Song Hoon
Health Clinic
Plastic surgery Specialist
Doctor's License Acquisition Date
Specialist Acquisition Date
Eye surgery70%
middle eyelid surgery15%
anti-aging 15%
Plastic Surgeon
Former Director of Cheongdam Junis Plastic Surgery Clinic Former Director, Department of Plastic Surgery Surgery, National Medical Center, National Medical Center
Academic activity
Lifetime member, Korean Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Full member, Korean Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Full member, Korean Society of Craniofacial Plastic Surgery Full member, Korean Society for Head and Neck Tumor Microsurgery Full member of the Korean Society of Plastic Surgery Full member of the Korean Society of Plastic Surgery Clinicians
Related Dr.
Dr. Seungryong Lee
Dr. Song Jae-yong
Dr. Han Ji-hyun
Dr. Jeon Ji-in
Dr. 이상건
Dr. 박덕준
Dr. 구남훈
Dr. 김현주
Dr. 이동민
Dr. 이승민
Dr. 김에스터
Dr. 강승희
Dr. 윤승규
Dr. 황지원
Dr. 마서영
Dr. 노현진
Hospital Info
7th and 8th floors, Seocho W Tower, 54, Seocho-daero 77-gil, Seocho-gu, Seoul

In this menu, individual doctor's evaluations or reviews are not allowed as they may be defamatory. If you wish to register as a doctor, please contact us with sungyesacom@gmail.com
거믄고냥 2024-05-17 (금) 20:51 1개월전 Address
I've tried plastic surgery and there have been many failed surgeries, but since I'm the kind of person who likes flashy things, I found the light by asking the doctor for the back surgery. The area that had the most success after plastic surgery was the back surgery. My friends saw me and made a fuss about me doing the back surgery, haha.
스마티문 2024-05-11 (토) 20:22 1개월전 Address
I was very satisfied with the consultation, he pointed out the parts to be operated on, and most of all, he explained everything in detail very well. Very good teacher.
비누ㄴ 2024-05-10 (금) 20:50 1개월전 Address
The director here seems to be very good at it. He said that the feeling of the Vega One was like that of a cat, so he immediately stopped the surgery. He is a doctor of conscience b.
김연숙 2024-05-10 (금) 17:55 1개월전 Address
I went for a consultation and was told there was a delay in the surgery, so the wait was about an hour, but it was comfortable and friendly. As soon as the director arrived, he explained succinctly what the opening was and how it worked, and he picked it up with his hand and showed it to me. He was full of confidence! I put down a deposit, but I hesitated because of the excessive reviews.
랄라블릴 2024-05-06 (월) 15:48 2개월전 Address
The doctor who made my eyes what they are now hahaha, the crease in the back is full here... 7-8 years later, I still have pretty eyes with no sagging or exposed skin.
단팝캔 2024-05-05 (일) 00:22 2개월전 Address
During my epicanthoplasty consultation, I asked if I wanted to have fat under the eyes relocated, but he said I didn't think that would be necessary. Since the director is famous for back cantula surgery, he seemed confident, so I signed a contract right away after consulting with him!
요미님 2024-04-09 (화) 09:54 2개월전 Address
I definitely go here for back slit surgery. Just around me, 10 people had it done here , and I was very satisfied. The director was also kind and cheerful, so it was great.
말랭퓨 2024-04-08 (월) 15:50 2개월전 Address
I went to Giraffe on the recommendation of a close friend. It's been 5 days since I trusted Director Song Hoon and had the treatment!!!! I'm looking forward to the first day of removing the stitches tomorrow.
바닐라아수크림 2024-02-18 (일) 00:00 4개월전 Address
The teacher is really kind and nice... I got fillers on my side cheeks from the teacher and the swelling lasted for a really long time and lasted for 3 weeks. It was pretty for two months, but then it started to spread and the facial proportions got weird. It's all melted now. I think it's right not to get filler on the side cheeks... The doctor did the procedure correctly, swelling is my constitution, and it's my fault that I chose a filler that ruined the contour of my face.
김지영2 2024-02-15 (목) 19:37 4개월전 Address
친절하고 편하게 상담 잘 해주셨어요! 많이 바빠보이셨는데 설명 잘 해주시고 최대한 원하는 대로 맞춰주려고 하셨어요
꾸꾸까깽 2024-01-13 (토) 21:34 5개월전 Address
주변에 송훈원장님한테 트임안한 사람 없음 남자던 여자던 성공케이스 많음 나 코재수술할때 트임 실밥떼고갔는데 잘텃다고 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 타 성형외과 의사가 ㅇㅈ할정도면 솔직히 실력있는분 이시죠.. 검증되신분입니다
질풍가도123 2023-12-14 (목) 06:19 6개월전 Address
송훈원장님테 수술한지 4개월지났어요
뒷밑트임 눈밑지 했는데 눈밑은 볼록하구 쾡하게 패이고 티나오고 노안였어요 눈은끝쪽이올라가서 사나워보이고 작은눈였는데 팍터주라했는데 지금 첨본사람들은 눈크다고해서 속으로 큭큭댄다는 ㅋㅋ너무 어려지고 눈도커지고 확장돼서 완전만족중요  눈밑트임 흉터는 한쪽은 거의안보이고 한쪽은 쫌 남아서 맬 노스카나 계속 바르는중요 감사합니다~~기린수술실도 넘나 넓고깨끗해서 긴장풀려요~~
딸기우유빙수 2023-12-07 (목) 23:29 6개월전 Address
송훈원장님께 상담받았어요! 친절하시고 원하는눈 보여달라하시더니 라인잡아주시고 비슷하게 해주신다하더라고요 최대한맞춰주실려하고 설명도잘해주셔서 너무 좋았어요
칼리8 2023-08-07 (월) 11:58 10개월전 Address
I've been to unfriendly hospitals so far, but I've been in a bad mood, but the director of Kirin Plastic Surgery is really kind! I came here for a comfortable consultation.
히희히 2023-08-01 (화) 11:26 11개월전 Address
If you're kind, I really admit it.
블류밍 2023-07-16 (일) 08:05 11개월전 Address
I received a consultation through an acquaintance, but Director Song Hoon, don't lose your smile until the end and be kind. I had back canthoplasty here, and it's definitely different from before, but now, two months later, I can still see the redness.
레몬딜버터 2023-04-24 (월) 19:55 1년전 Address
It's been 9 years since I had the surgery, but people still say that my eyes are so pretty and ask me to tell the hospital if I had surgery. Thank you, Director.
ㅋㅈ35 2023-04-08 (토) 15:56 1년전 Address
I had canthoplasty surgery from Dr. Hoon Song, and he confidently said that he would make sure it didn't stick, and I'm still very satisfied that it hasn't stuck after a year.
망고병아리 2023-03-18 (토) 02:15 1년전 Address
The director was really kind! I had a pleasant surgery
뷰티로거 2023-01-14 (토) 13:20 1년전 Address
The manager is kind
ihjoois 2023-01-13 (금) 02:50 1년전 Address
The director is really kind and doesn't surprise me during the surgery, 'What am I doing now~' 'Are you sick?' I liked the fact that they meticulously checked patients!
노랑빨강이 2023-01-12 (목) 12:37 1년전 Address
I had back and bottom openings from Dr. Hoon Song, but during the consultation, he was kind and gave me a warm feeling... It went well because an acquaintance of mine did it to Dr. Hoon Song, and I was introduced to him, and I think I did well . Everyone in the operating room was nice too.. Kirin Plastic Surgery, the best!
나는발전한다앞으로도 2023-01-04 (수) 03:09 1년전 Address
Even if you are kind and seem to be busy, let me know slowly, and once I entered the operating room, the director and nurses had a very good atmosphere, so I was relieved .
hjj3814 2022-12-30 (금) 21:48 1년전 Address
This is the first time in the operating room where the director is waiting for the patient before the patient . I received it with peace of mind.
냥이찌니양 2022-11-16 (수) 08:07 1년전 Address
I had lower extremity surgery, and he was the most kind of the directors I saw while undergoing plastic surgery. I had trauma because of the unfriendly directors, but he laughed and said, “It really hurts. He told me to take a break.. He was really kind.
워너비윤아 2022-02-12 (토) 18:32 2년전 Address
It has been 8 years since the operation, and I am living happily without reoperation. Thank you for doing it naturally the way you want it! And I remember that the counselor who gave me advice was also very kind.
토토롱 2021-07-10 (토) 16:40 2년전 Address
납닥코 2021-06-04 (금) 09:38 3년전 Address
늅늅베 2021-02-15 (월) 13:42 3년전 Address
고나엄마 2021-01-26 (화) 05:04 3년전 Address
찐지버거킹 2020-11-29 (일) 18:36 3년전 Address
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