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Dr. Sewoon Choi
Health Clinic
Plastic surgery Specialist
Plastic Surgeon Graduated from Yonsei University College of Medicine Graduated from Yonsei University College of Medicine Graduate School
Academic activity
Full member of the Korean Society for Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Full member of the Korean Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Full member of the Korean Association of Plastic Surgeons and Clinics Full member of the Korean Society of Craniofacial Plastic Surgeons Full member of the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons Full member of the Japanese Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery
2004 Korean Society of Plastic and Surgeons “Bone of septal cartilage in a bent nose Publication of “Partial Correction” Publication of “Bum Care of Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis Using Alleyvn(R): A Report of Two Cases” by the Korean Society of Plastic Surgery in 2006 Publication of “Metastasizing Dermatofibroma to Lungs: A Case Report” by the Korean Society of Plastic Surgery in 2006 Presentation 2007 “Evaluation of Human Follicle Organ Culture for Examining the Control of Hair Growth” published by the Korean Society of Plastic Surgeons 2012 The 4th International Society for Minimally Invasive Plastic Surgery (MIPS) “Quick cheek reduction performed with sedation and minimal incision” Presentation and lecture 2014 European Society of Craniofacial Plastic Surgery “Rapid cheekbone reduction using two-site fixation (minimum fixation)” research result presentation Paper presentation of zygoma protrusion type
Hospital Info
Room 206, 2nd floor, G-Star Plaza, 88, Gojan-ro, Danwon-gu, Ansan-si, Gyeonggi-do

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쌍수 받았었는데 다른 분들은 모르겠지만 전 항상 눈 이쁘다는 소리 꼭 듣고 다닙니다! 5년이 됐지만 부작용 없이 잘 다니고있어요
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