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Dr. 장주윤
Health Clinic
Plastic surgery Specialist
Doctor's License Acquisition Date
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#Detailed surgical area
성형외과 전문의
서울대학교병원 성형외과 전임의
분당서울대학교병원 성형외과자문의
Academic activity
대한성형의과학회 종신회원
미국성형외과학회(ASPS) 국제회원
전 대한미용성형외과학회 학술위원
Related Dr.
Dr. Goo Hyung-guk
Dr. Lee Sang-woo
Dr. Lee Dong-chan
Dr. Dongwoo Nam
Dr. Seo Je-won
Dr. Kim Yun-jeong
Dr. Hong Sa-hyeok
Dr. Bae Jae-young
Dr. 김한결
Dr. 박준우
Dr. 전현경
Dr. 안경찬
Dr. 박민석
Dr. 김성택
Dr. 김현우
Dr. 유영선
Dr. 박찬우
Dr. 윤현식
Dr. 강현구
Dr. 이성주
Dr. 장용준
Dr. 이동욱
Dr. 유건운
Dr. 김유정
Dr. 박유미
Dr. 유수형
Dr. 김종구
Dr. 양희재
Dr. 이원상
Dr. 박상욱
Dr. 김도연
Dr. 김성환
Dr. 서민구
Dr. 송인선
Dr. 양혜모
Dr. 최현정
Dr. 정영현
Dr. 이미숙
Dr. 조동원
Dr. 주소민
Hospital Info
125, Teheran-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul

In this menu, individual doctor's evaluations or reviews are not allowed as they may be defamatory. If you wish to register as a doctor, please contact us with sungyesacom@gmail.com
나도이쁜누운 2024-08-22 (목) 04:32 1개월전 Address
눈 재수술이라 긴장했는데 상담 잘 해주셔서 좋았어요 ㅎㅎ 예전에 수술 방법이 어떤거였는지 기억이 안났는디 딱 보니까 아시더라고용 좀 더 발품팔고 결정하려합미당
이국적외모 2024-08-21 (수) 15:40 1개월전 Address
처음에 방문하였는데 내부시설도 정말깔끔하고 직원분들께서도 친절하게 맞이해주셔서 편안한 마음으로 진료받았네요
블루버블 2024-08-19 (월) 01:02 1개월전 Address
처음으로 성형외과 방문해서 상담 받았는데 수술 횟수도 3000여회라 하시고 잘 설명해주셔서 전문성 있다고 생각이 들었어요
아루이 2024-07-10 (수) 00:56 2개월전 Address
The cheekbones did not come out much beyond 45 degrees. All you need to do is the side cheekbones. He explained in detail and calmly how to leave the chin below the ear. He showed me the surgery method and before and after surgery photos in detail on his laptop, so I had confidence, but there don't seem to be many reviews and the hospital itself is said to be factory-style, so I'm worried.
별떨기 2024-06-27 (목) 03:38 3개월전 Address
I liked the consultation because it was trustworthy and explained in detail. It was my first surgery and I am satisfied. The waiting time is a bit long.
배고파죽어요 2024-03-30 (토) 14:18 5개월전 Address
When looking into the contour, I decided to just do it without going to another hospital after getting a consultation for the first time. He told me exactly what the weak points of my face shape were and told me honestly that I would look better if I did it like this. He brought a laptop and explained it by showing me before and after surgery cases. There was a lot of trust
푸바오가지마 2024-02-07 (수) 21:45 7개월전 Address
After consulting with the director, I immediately felt good and had the surgery. He was a very kind and nice person. I was touched by Dr. Jang Joo-yoon, who explained the case of the surgery on his personal laptop.
샤샤샷1 2023-11-22 (수) 16:57 10개월전 Address
During the consultation, I was glad that you honestly told me that you would be pretty if you just did this. During the consultation, he brought his personal laptop and showed me before and after photos of the surgery. There weren't many reviews, but I had a lot of trust during the consultation. I'm still contemplating surgery, but it seemed like it was worth the consultation, and he also told me about the benefits of improving my face that I hadn't even thought about.
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