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Dr. Han Sang-baek
Health Clinic
Plastic surgery Specialist
Plastic Surgery Specialist Graduated from Seoul National University College of Medicine Graduate School of Medicine, Seoul National University College of Medicine Master of Medicine, Seoul National University College of Medicine Graduate School of Medicine Doctor of Medicine, Seoul National University Hospital, Plastic Surgery, Seoul National University Hospital,
Seoul National University Hospital, Plastic Surgery, Inje University, Seoul Paik Hospital, Plastic Surgery, Full-time Lecturer/Professor, Korea Plastic
Academic activity
Surgery Active member of the Korean Society of Plastic Surgeons Served as a public relations member of the Korean Society of Plastic Surgeons Served as a member of the Information Communication Committee of the Korean Society of Plastic Surgeons Served as a director of the Korean Association of Plastic Surgeons Active Member of the Korean Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Active Member of the Asia Pacific Craniofacial Society Active Member of the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery
Hospital Info
6th floor, 584-3 Sinsa-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul

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에비앙생수 2023-01-26 (목) 10:02 1년전 Address
Estimate: 11.5 million won for aso surgery. Perhaps because it is a hospital famous for aso chins, there were 5 to 6 people waiting even though I went on a weekday morning . (There was also one Chinese person...) The doctor was gentle and kind. There is no need to have a protruding chin, and it won't be effective. All you need to do is protruding mouth surgery... (estimate: 11.5 million won) They say you can find out whether you need to correct it or not after doing ASO surgery. .. Even people who do not need to have their teeth straightened may need it after ASO surgery.. It is a very famous hospital and they have a lot of experience, so I have confidence in their skills..
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