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Dr. 황종민
Health Clinic
OMS Specialist
구강악안면외과 전문의
서울대학교 치과병원 구강악안면외과 전속지도전문의
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대한턱얼굴미용외과연구회 총무이사
아시아-태평양 턱얼굴미용외과학회 이사
대한양악수술학회 홍보이사
대한양악수술학회 홍보위원회 위원장
한국턱얼굴수술연구회 창립회원
Hospital Info
3F, Samik Electronics Building, 560 Gangnam-daero, Gangnam-gu, Seoul

In this menu, individual doctor's evaluations or reviews are not allowed as they may be defamatory. If you wish to register as a doctor, please contact us with sungyesacom@gmail.com
재잘재잘 2024-10-07 (월) 17:22 1개월전 Address
원장님 유머러스하고 자신감이 넘치세요!
근데 미적감각도 있으시고 수술도 잘하세요
6년 전에 다른 곳에서 다 빠꾸먹은 저 예쁘게 수술 해주셨어요
뭔 일 있으면 전화하라고 개인 연락처까지 주시고 사후관리도 너무 잘해주셨습니다! 병원 그만와도 될거같을 때도 한 번 체크하러 오라고 하시고 참 의사선생님이라고 생각합니다!
귤리다음생은 2024-07-31 (수) 01:27 4개월전 Address
I had orthodontic treatment last year, but I stopped because I was not sure whether I should have surgery, and then I went for a consultation again because I wanted to have surgery. I received really detailed and sincere consultation last year, and it was in line with what I wanted overall, so I thought I should have surgery here. I decided to have surgery again, and I started orthodontic treatment while receiving consultations~ I am looking forward to the surgery with the quick orthodontic treatment plan.
2024-03-31 (일) 07:18 7개월전 Address
The words he spoke were warm, and I especially remember him telling a joke to lighten the mood when I was really shaking right before the surgery. I've had quite a few surgeries and this is not a plastic surgery clinic, but I think he's a worthy doctor...
댓츠마이 2023-10-26 (목) 22:56 1년전 Address
The director is very confident. I was very confident when they told me that double jaw surgery was a very safe surgery, painless, and that the surgery plan was reviewed several times using a 3D program before proceeding!! He was kind and I felt like we would be able to communicate well even after the surgery.
lIIIlll 2023-04-04 (화) 12:42 1년전 Address
After making an appointment with Dr. Hwang for cosmetic purposes, I received consultation for contouring and double jaw. The director was very good at explaining why I shouldn't do double jaw and contouring and it wouldn't be effective. I also told him about the impression and occlusal check over the phone, but he said it wasn't a double jaw case, so I only had a CT scan. The director said he was very perfect in terms of skills, experience, reputation, and experience, and that he was good at taking care of cosmetics, so I went with the intention of doing it here because it was the last hospital. There are not many dental clinics that do cosmetic orthognathic surgery, so I thought I could see the director even if I had surgery here . During the hospital consultation, I got the strong feeling that the director was too busy and wouldn't look at me if I had side effects. My face shape is long, with a protruding face and no chin. He checked my skin tone and said it wasn't much different from the normal range, so he was absolutely against the surgery. Out of desperation, I asked the director, who was always busy, haha. As you can see from the details, I am definitely not a broker! I am very satisfied with the consultation. If you have a case like mine, please get consultation. I don't usually leave reviews, but I highly recommend it.
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