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Dr. 이호빈
Health Clinic
Plastic surgery Specialist
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성형외과 전문의
서울대학교 의과대학 졸업
분당 서울대학교병원 성형외과 전임의
Now 비티성형외과 CEODirector
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대한성형외과학회 정회원
대한미용성형외과학회 정회원
대한두개안면성형외과학회 정회원
국제미용수술학회(ISAPS) 정회원

Evaluation of Influence of lndividual Facial Aesthetic Subunits on the Congnition of Facial Attractiveness in Public.
Lee HB, Lee SH, Kim JS, Rhee SC, J Korean Soc Plast Reconstr Sung. 2010 Jul;37(4):361-368.

MACS Lift on Asian: Consideration on Third Purse String Suture and Malar Region.
Kim YK, Lee HB, J Korean Soc Aesthetic Plast Surg, 2009 Jun;15(2):116-120.

Various Use of Perforator Pedicled Flap: First Choice instead of Free Flap and Pedicled Flap.
Lee HB, Kim YK. J Korean Soc Microsung. 2008 Nov;17(2):87-93.

A Phase lll, Randomized, Double-Blind, Matched-Paris, Active-Controlled Clinical Trial and Preclinical Animal Study to Compare the Durability,
Efficacy and Safety between Polynucleotide Filler and Hyaluronic Acid Filler in the Correction of Crow's Feet
CS Pak, JH Lee, HB Lee, JH Jeong, EH Kim, JW Jeong, HY Choi, BH Kim, SJ Oh, IS Kim, CY Heo, Journal of Korean Medical Science

복부와 옆구리에 침착된 지방이 있는 비만환자를 대상으로 AMP-380-02 피하주사의 국소적 지방분해에 대한
유효성과 안전성을 평가하고 최적용량을 결정하기 위한 다기관, 무작위배정, 이중맹검, 위약대조, 제2b상 임상시험

한국형 브라바(이브라)를 이용한 유방 확대술 - 브라바(BRAVATM)와의 비교 임상시험

욕창 환자를 대상으로 EG-Decorin의 안전성과 적정 용법/용량 및 유효성을 탐색적으로 평가하기 위한 임상시험
Related Dr.
Dr. 이승호
Dr. 윤진선
Hospital Info
702, 7th floor, 17, Seocho-daero 77-gil, Seocho-gu, Seoul

In this menu, individual doctor's evaluations or reviews are not allowed as they may be defamatory. If you wish to register as a doctor, please contact us with sungyesacom@gmail.com
Yeseol 2025-01-05 (일) 11:05 7일전 Address
I got a consultation and they were really kind and the diagnosis was exactly what I was looking for! However, the thesis is not related to contouring and the plastic surgery career itself is long, but I don't know exactly how many years of experience the director has in contouring ㅠㅠㅠ Just looking at the consultation, I definitely want to do it with the director
좋은감자만나 2025-01-04 (토) 01:59 8일전 Address
The consultation was friendly and when I told them what improvement plan I wanted, they pointed out the parts I wanted and explained only the necessary parts without forcing me, which was nice.
화화0 2024-12-20 (금) 00:33 23일전 Address
I had a consultation and it was really good. I felt trustworthy and professional because they spoke honestly. I recommend them. Thank you.
chaeeum 2024-10-20 (일) 21:55 2개월전 Address
I consulted online. I received a very polite reply. It seems like they will give me a natural impression with minimal surgery.
그레이스굥 2024-10-13 (일) 02:46 2개월전 Address
I went for a consultation, so please tell me honestly. I went for a consultation because I was thinking about getting a square jaw revision surgery, so please give me some advice that isn't too harsh.
rjawjd 2024-08-04 (일) 13:16 5개월전 Address
Of all the hospitals I've visited after deciding on an outline, this one seemed to be the most honest and conducted consultations without feeling constrained by time . The director was also honest about the director's opinions on the surgery, giving opinions such as "this will be effective" and "this may fall short of expectations." Overall, it was clean and I was satisfied with the lack of waiting time.
먀먀먀바바 2024-07-01 (월) 22:31 6개월전 Address
I got a contour consultation. It was my first time getting a contour consultation, so I don't know much about other hospitals, but it was helpful because they clearly distinguished the parts that I should do and the parts that I shouldn't do. Thank you.
cfree 2024-06-05 (수) 00:32 7개월전 Address
During the consultation, he listened carefully to what I had to say in a comfortable atmosphere. He informed me about the surgical method and if I needed to do anything else . He also kindly informed me when I asked about things I didn't know.
예쀼뿌쀼 2024-06-02 (일) 14:54 7개월전 Address

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