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Dr. Hong Seong-moon
Health Clinic
Otorhinolaryngology Specialist
Doctor's License Acquisition Date
Specialist Acquisition Date
nose removal 0%
Otolaryngology Specialist Graduated from Korea University College of Medicine Doctor of Medicine, Graduate School of College of Medicine, Korea University College of Medicine, Korea University Guro Hospital Trainee, Korea Daegu Guro Hospital Specialist,
Korea Daegu Guro Hospital Outpatient Professor, Former Director of Cinderella Plastic Surgery
Academic activity
, American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery International Academy of Otolaryngology Korean Society of Otolaryngology Korean Society of Otolaryngology
Related Dr.
Dr. Hyeyoung Kim
Dr. Seong, Yong Hae
Dr. Seong-Hoon Lee
Dr. 김지수
Dr. 이호준
Hospital Info
GNG Hospital Building, 626 Yeongdong-daero, Gangnam-gu, Seoul

In this menu, individual doctor's evaluations or reviews are not allowed as they may be defamatory. If you wish to register as a doctor, please contact us with sungyesacom@gmail.com
흏렝 2025-01-03 (금) 08:47 6일전 Address
코 재수술해주셨는데 상담때 수술 상담이 미용보다는 이비인후과 중점으로 상담이 진행됐고, 고민은 했으나 워낙 후기가 좋아서 믿고 진행하였고 현재 너무 만족합니다 :)
대인배 2025-01-02 (목) 05:23 7일전 Address
여기서 수술했어요. 기능코 재수술이었고 긴 코에서 동안이미지 여성스런 이미지원한다 말씀드렸고 라인 예술로 뽑아주셨네요.

과한말씀없으시고 딱 필요한 말씀만 해주셔요. 그렇다고 불친절한 느낌이 아니예요.
 궁금한건 메모해가서 꼭 여쭤보세요.
뛹뽷 2024-12-27 (금) 03:26 13일전 Address
일단 상담만 받았는데 전문적으로 설명해주세요.
그런데 질문 리스트를 잘 짜야할 것같아요.
물어보는 것 위주로만 말씀해주셔서 그점은 조금 아쉬웠어요
행운자석 2024-12-22 (일) 19:06 18일전 Address
많이 예전에 방문했어서 정확한 의사쌤이 누구였는지 기억은 안나나 대표원장님은 아니었으나 무보형물로 했는데 염증도 없고 코 기능적으로 쾌적해졌고 모양도 이쁩니다. 다만 크진 않으나 자세히 보면 코 안쪽에 흉살이 있긴합니다
세편냥 2024-12-16 (월) 22:47 24일전 Address
기능적인 부분 이야기 하고 미용에 대한 말씀해주시는데 먼저 자세히 설명해주시지 않고 궁금한 점 있는지 물어보신 뒤 대답해주시기 때문에 질문 리스트가 있어야 좋을 것 같습니다
매부리야 2024-11-28 (목) 13:07 1개월전 Address
궁금한거 있으면 물어보라고 하시고 여쭤보면 친절하게 답변해주심. 자연스러움과 안전을 최우선적으로 여기는 듯하다. 이것저것 권하지 않으셔서 좋았다.
할일이많아 2024-11-14 (목) 10:03 1개월전 Address
There is no detailed explanation, so I think it would be better to organize your questions and ask them. Compared to other directors, I didn't get the feeling that they were particularly friendly.
만년동꼬마신사 2024-11-12 (화) 12:18 1개월전 Address
They recommend appropriate surgery considering the overall facial image and shape, but I don't think they explain everything in detail first! It would be good to prepare enough questions~
쭈잉99 2024-10-18 (금) 09:42 2개월전 Address
I went here and there and the ENT specialist was really good at looking at my rhinitis, but he looked a little tired. Unlike other plastic surgery clinics, he didn't use a cotton swab to shape my nose or anything. He just told me if I had the shape I wanted and how much silicone I would need to make my nose like this. It felt a little less sincere than other places...? But he answered all my questions. If I don't like silicone, he recommended cartilage powder, but I'm thinking about it.
오늘도웃는데이 2024-10-13 (일) 23:52 2개월전 Address
I'm pursuing naturalness and I look tired. The director has a human side, but after the surgery, my nose became crooked and asymmetrical. There was no aftercare at all, and I have a complex, so I'm thinking about getting my nose removed!
뿌쀼8 2024-09-28 (토) 02:38 3개월전 Address
Please explain gently, but be neither too much nor too little, and be appropriately kind. After you finish explaining, ask if there are any further questions, and if you ask, please explain well and without being annoyed by the questions.
성형상담 2024-08-18 (일) 14:11 4개월전 Address
First of all, I liked that the consultation was well-received and the explanation was detailed. I am happy that I got surgery on my ugly pig nose and my nose bridge was reshaped and my nose looks smaller.
나불이 2024-08-16 (금) 13:55 4개월전 Address
환자가 많아서그런건 아닌데 대기가 길었어요.ㅠ
기능적인 부분보다 외적인 부분으로 상담을 먼저해주셨어용 저랑은 니즈가 잘 안맞았지만 여기 하시는 분들 후기보니까 이쁘더라구영
룰루랄라롤로 2024-07-08 (월) 22:51 5개월전 Address
기능코 때문에 이비인후과 전문의 중 미용 가능하신 의사셔서 상담받아봤어요. 기능코쪽은 딱딱 짚어서 교정해야할 부분 알려주셔서 좋았어요. 미용코는 기본 적인 것들은 잘 설명해주시눈데 모양이나 전반적인 디자인, 수술 방법은 물어봐야 말씀해주시는 거같아요. 많이 알아보고 상담가는게 좋을 듯합니다.
고운사람 2024-07-07 (일) 23:26 6개월전 Address
지앤지 어마어마한 병원크기 여러명의 의사샘들 중 선택할 건지 물어보고. 상담 받았는데 어찌보면 의욕이 없어보이셨지만 크게 강요하거나 과한 권유가없었음.
유나낭2 2024-05-30 (목) 21:48 7개월전 Address
실장님 원장님 두분 다 상담 만족도 높았어요
원하는 모양 잘 캐치해주셨고
과한 권유 없이 의견반영 잘 해주셨습니다
기꿀 2024-05-04 (토) 18:02 8개월전 Address
I received consultation and it was very good. He was kind and gave me detailed information. Even though he seemed a bit blunt, he was very thorough and kind.
코성준중비 2024-04-27 (토) 13:08 8개월전 Address
I received consultation and he was kind. The doctors at other hospitals seemed tired, but the director kindly answered my questions without any such worries.
참치이이 2024-04-24 (수) 01:36 8개월전 Address
I went to a consultation for a hooked nose + functional nose, and they only told me what I needed. I wanted non-implants, but they said I could use a donor rib? by spreading it thin like paper, so I'm living there for now...
코코볼이 2024-03-17 (일) 20:59 9개월전 Address
The explanations are concise and have a slightly blunt style. If you have any questions, you can ask them and they will answer kindly. Even though the septum was very deviated, it did not hurt and was done beautifully and shaped naturally.
준준0 2024-02-02 (금) 18:00 11개월전 Address
I received a consultation for a functional nose and cosmetic nose. I don't think he recommended it if I wanted a big improvement for the cosmetic nose, but he said surgery was definitely necessary for the functional nose. I consulted in the order of CT, director, director, and director. The CT fee is about 30,000 won, and if I go to the appointment time, The wait wasn't long and the total price was reasonable.
mk2121 2023-07-24 (월) 21:07 1년전 Address
I received a nose consultation last year, and he only tells me what I need and answers additional questions with sincerity. However, because the hospital itself recommends autologous dermis, Dr. Lee strongly recommends autologous dermal rather than silicone. Pursuit of naturalness
예쁜이코 2023-06-02 (금) 00:37 1년전 Address
During counseling, he only says what he needs and doesn't kindly explain unless he actually asks, but I chose it because I was attracted to him rather than the directors who are like scammers (?) Surgical Stahl felt like he was conservative in his safety orientation. Basically, it caters to the patient's needs, but it seems that they prefer a natural look rather than a style that is too trendy.
츄파츕스님 2023-02-04 (토) 23:17 1년전 Address
He displays photos of the face and CT photos on the monitor and explains things such as asymmetric areas directly with a pen. He looks at the direction of nose surgery as objectively as possible without bothering you.
GNG별로 2021-10-01 (금) 02:03 3년전 Address
My nose is a bit large and especially the blunt shape when viewed from the front is complex, so I had surgery last year. I used donated costal cartilage, but my complex didnt solve any of my complexes, and only the corners I didnt care about were improved. Do I have to say that the tip of the nose is so blunt that it is almost invisible and the nose is invisible? So when I smile, it almost looks like an arrow nose

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