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Dr. Seong, Yong Hae
Health Clinic
Otorhinolaryngology Specialist
Doctor's License Acquisition Date
Specialist Acquisition Date
nose removal 0%
Specialist in otolaryngology Graduated from Catholic University College of Medicine Graduated from Catholic University of Korea Seoul St. Mary’s Hospital Trainee, Catholic University of Korea
Seoul St. Mary’s Hospital Outpatient Professor, Seoul St. Mary’s Hospital, Catholic University, Former President, G&G ENT Department,
Academic activity
American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons International Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons Korean Society for Facial Plastic Reconstruction International The Korean Academy of Otolaryngology The Korean Society of Asthma and Allergy The Korean Society of Otolaryngology
Related Dr.
Dr. Hyeyoung Kim
Dr. Seong-Hoon Lee
Dr. Hong Seong-moon
Dr. 김지수
Dr. 이호준
Hospital Info
GNG Hospital Building, 626 Yeongdong-daero, Gangnam-gu, Seoul

In this menu, individual doctor's evaluations or reviews are not allowed as they may be defamatory. If you wish to register as a doctor, please contact us with sungyesacom@gmail.com
임떠라 2025-01-07 (화) 00:11 3일전 Address
첫 상담시, 조금은 친근하지 않은 느낌이었어요 보통 환자 코를 직접 만져보고 하던데 사진 위주 상담, 제 사진에 코모양을 그리는데 굉장히 신중하셨어요 그 집중하는 모습이 저는 왜 보기 좋았을까용 ㅎㅎ 되게 구체적인 딥한 상담은 아니었어도 뭔가 연륜이 느껴졌는데,, 다른 후기들은 기증늑도 쓰던데 저는 자가늑만 말씀하셨어요 그거에 대한 이유는 이번주말 검사때 가서 상담받아봐야겠어요… 제 코를 맡기는 입장에서 믿어도될지는 살짝 고민스러웠지만 일단 현재 코막힘이 너무 답답하여 예약은 했습니다. 여기서 좀 더 많은 정보를 찾아보려구요.
hsdhye 2024-12-20 (금) 16:19 21일전 Address
미용적인 상담보단 코의 구조적인 상담이 주를 이뤘어요. 후기 사진이 많지 않아서 아쉽습니다. 비중격만족증이 있어서 고민중이에요.
미누비누 2024-11-29 (금) 22:50 1개월전 Address
미용적인 목적보단 기능적인 목적으로 상담을 해주셨습니다 제 코에 대한 기능적은 문제점과 수술 후 개선될 결과물을 친절히 말씀해주셨습니다
영언 2024-09-26 (목) 21:29 3개월전 Address
비염굿바이 2024-09-07 (토) 23:21 4개월전 Address
He didn't overly recommend it and explained the basics of nose surgery in detail. However, there was almost no cosmetic consultation such as before and after.
코가문제다 2024-08-18 (일) 14:54 4개월전 Address
I went for a consultation. It wasn't as friendly or friendly as I thought, and I felt like they wanted to end the consultation quickly. The cost of the nasal CT scan was 25,700 won. I visited the hospital with symptoms of sinusitis and a deviated septum, and since it was a second surgery, they said that my nasal septum was not in good condition and that autologous ribs were the only solution, so they recommended autologous ribs. I was diagnosed with sphenoid sinusitis (sinusitis), so I wanted them to explain that, but they said that I don't have sinusitis right now, and I was so confused. Since I was diagnosed in 3 places, they said that I don't have sinusitis right now. I waited for about 10 minutes and they recommended reusing ear cartilage, removing my septum, and autologous ribs. I'm hesitating to have the surgery. Also, my nose is a dragon nose? It's a nose with visible bruises on the bridge of my nose, but they said that lowering the nostrils would be difficult because of the scars. They said that lowering the nostrils would be impossible. I'm confused because they think it won't work even if they remove the autologous ribs.
이번만은 2024-07-26 (금) 15:15 5개월전 Address
It's been 5 years since I had my rhinoplasty here. In conclusion, I'm satisfied. Since I have thin skin, I had silicone implants at another plastic surgery clinic for my first surgery, but they turned red and were very see-through, so I had the functional costal cartilage + dermis surgery here. I'm satisfied with the shape of my nose, and I haven't had any inflammation or other problems with the bridge of my nose. However, when I mentioned my nostrils being asymmetrical and wanted to correct them, they recommended a deviated septum surgery, so I got the surgery covered by insurance. (For reference, I didn't have rhinitis.) It was severe, but my nostrils are still uneven. So I thought it wasn't a surgery I didn't need.... In the end, I got my nose bridge corrected at another hospital. And the stitches on my nostrils and the nasal septum stick out a little, so I sometimes get inflammation like acne, but I just apply Esroban every now and then and deal with it;;
ㅁㅇㅎㅁㅇㄴ 2024-07-03 (수) 15:59 6개월전 Address
The facilities are comfortable, spacious, and good. I can't tell the shape yet because of the splint and swelling, but I can feel my breathing opening up right away after taking off the cotton.  My nose is clear.
킥뉵 2024-04-08 (월) 00:14 8개월전 Address
The wait wasn't very long, and the director and manager were all friendly. I think it was a meaningful hospital and it was pretty good.
ssyun5 2024-04-03 (수) 19:58 9개월전 Address
I went in the morning and the wait wasn't that long (if I went in the afternoon, the wait seemed to be longer, but there were a lot of people when I came out) . The manager and director both spoke concisely and it was good. The director never told me to add more or do anything, and even if I tried to be greedy, he wouldn't do that haha. Totally . It seems like you're pursuing naturalness + facial harmony. Actually, I didn't know if the hair fit me, so I actually liked it.
Antinitonn… 2024-04-02 (화) 18:36 9개월전 Address
Sjil 2023-12-25 (월) 23:50 1년전 Address
I made a reservation for a rhinoplasty consultation and went, but I had to wait a very long time before I could see him. He seemed to have a lot of experience with rhinoplasty, but I didn't seem to communicate well with the director or other staff before the consultation, so I don't plan on getting a second surgery.
이벨 2023-11-22 (수) 17:54 1년전 Address
コハン側で息アンシュオジは苦痛で解放してくださったありがとうございます 院長~!手術してから5年が過ぎましたが、まだ満足して元気に暮らしています。
다다두 2023-09-15 (금) 12:24 1년전 Address
I had nasal valve surgery a long time ago. I still remember the kind words you spoke about the principles. The director was the reason for my choice, but I was impressed that the director was so kind and came to see the hospital room even after the surgery. Although it is a large hospital, I am grateful to the people who are more humane than a one-person hospital. take care of yourself
딱콩풀 2023-01-06 (금) 23:42 2년전 Address
It was helpful to draw a pretty nose on my face photo and tell me the number of mm so I can roughly know how tall it will be. Also, I didn't mean the total number of mm in the nose, but divided the nose into 4 parts, and I thought that it was detailed in the part that said the specific number of mm. So, I feel sorry for not being able to receive advice from the general public without information (of course, I fully understand that I will not mention it in case there are people who will argue after the surgery saying they don't like it)
siyazu 2022-10-17 (월) 16:34 2년전 Address
At first, I simply went for a functional nose consultation, but it was nice to receive a prescription again after knowing that I was suffering from side effects of antibiotics due to chronic allergies.
앵유니 2022-01-20 (목) 17:24 2년전 Address
Consultation review-> The explanation about the nose was very detailed and good at the professor level. It was a non-valve lecture and it was a useful time. We are looking into functional beauty together, so the asymmetry in the beauty side is serious (I thought it wasnt serious, but its not like celebrities and most ordinary people are asymmetrical...) and the face is wide lol ㅋㅋㅋㅋ The pack width that says that a wide nose is right is correct. came
제이서 2022-01-03 (월) 03:35 3년전 Address
Thank you, manager
바부바부탱이 2021-07-20 (화) 11:14 3년전 Address
비상금 2021-04-08 (목) 03:19 3년전 Address
지우히메맘 2021-02-13 (토) 21:28 3년전 Address

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