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Total Posts 25,282, Recent Posts 9
Dr. crimson rate
Health Clinic
Otorhinolaryngology Specialist
Otolaryngology Specialist Trauma Specialist Graduated from Seoul National University College of Medicine Graduate School of Medicine Seoul National University Graduate School Medical
School Professor Seoul National University College of Medicine Director, Otolaryngology Department, Seoul Boramae Hospital Exchange Professor, Stanford University, Virginia, USA Served as Secretary General of Asian Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Society Served as President of Korea Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Society
Now Dr.Jin ENT Clinic CEODirector
Academic activity
Korea Member of Hallymwon Member, Korean Society of Otolaryngology and Reconstruction President, Korean Society for Facial Plastic and Reconstruction, Member of American Academy of Otolaryngology, Member of American Society for Facial Plastic and Reconstruction, Secretary-General of Asian Society for Facial Plastic and Reconstruction Asian Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Society
, Korean Academy of Otolaryngology and Rhinoscientific Society Academic Award Awarded American Society of Facial Plastic and Reconstruction Best Paper Award
Hospital Info
2nd floor, K-tower, 621, Gangnam-daero, Seocho-gu, Seoul

In this menu, individual doctor's evaluations or reviews are not allowed as they may be defamatory. If you wish to register as a doctor, please contact us with sungyesacom@gmail.com
Nekxnal 2024-11-21 (목) 00:26 10일전 Address
가격이 진짜 비싸긴 한데요 진짜 잘해주십니다. 사후 처리도 확실하구요. 일단 실장 대신 정규 간호사분이 상담보고, 하루에 한 건만 수술하셔요.
코가문제다 2024-08-18 (일) 15:01 3개월전 Address
타병원에서는 부비동염수술할필요없다구하셨는데 여기서는 해야된다구해서 살짝혼선이온상태임 나는 코를 3번수술햇는데, 그이후 비중격만곡증+접형동부비동염이온상태임
비중격만곡증은 비중격제거후 자가늑으로해야되고 축농증은 접형동부비동염 코끝깊숙히 잇다고하셔서 이상태로바로수술하면 안된다구 비중격 왼쪽으로완전히 휘고막혓다구 하심. 실리콘싹다제거후 비중격은 자가늑쓰심
코축농증수술먼저하시고 비중격을하자고하심ㅜㅜ....부비동염수술먼저해서 코를깨끗히해야된다고하심 네비게이션 내시경쓰신다구하심.(축농증수술)
분당배우 2024-06-30 (일) 02:06 4개월전 Address
너무 친절하십니다. 이제 수술을 앞두고 있는데 잘해주실 것으로 믿습니다. 이 시대의 코 전문 권위자라서 신뢰가 갑니다.
비중격수술요망 2024-01-27 (토) 12:22 9개월전 Address
전문성과 오랜 경력이 느껴져요. 너무 과도하고 부작용이 걱정되는 수술보다는 자연스러운 수술을 추구하시는 듯 합니다. 기능 수술/자연스러운 수술 원하시는 분께 좋을 거 같아요
먀먀먐 2023-04-17 (월) 20:30 1년전 Address
He is very professional. Many people are confused with Dr. Jin on YouTube, but he is active on YouTube under the nickname Dr. Jin, and Director Jin Hong-ryul's hospital name is Dr. Jin. Please do not be confused.

본 컨텐츠 영역은 성예사의 추천 또는 보증의 의미를 가지지 않습니다.