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Dr. 윤태호
Health Clinic
Plastic surgery Specialist
성형외과 전문의
연세대학교 의과대학 졸업
신촌세브란스병원 인턴 수료
신촌세브란스병원 성형외과 전문의
카톨릭관동대학교 국제성모병원 성형외과 조교수
신촌세브란스병원 성형외과 외래교수
Academic activity
대한성형외과학회 정회원
대한미용성형외과학회 정회원
대한두개안면성형외과학회 정회원
대한미세수술학회 정회원
대한수부외과학회 정회원
Hospital Info
856, Eonju-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (Sinsa-dong)

In this menu, individual doctor's evaluations or reviews are not allowed as they may be defamatory. If you wish to register as a doctor, please contact us with sungyesacom@gmail.com
mmocca 2024-05-05 (일) 09:08 4개월전 Address
I had nose surgery 3 years ago using nasal septum cartilage and silicone, but they weren't very kind. The price was cheap at the time, so I just had it done. It was a very small and low nose, so I couldn't raise it higher, but it was natural, but there was no aftercare.
HAAA1106 2024-04-15 (월) 00:27 5개월전 Address
I had surgery 2 years ago and it did a good job on my eyes, but it's a shame that my nose is a little crooked. I remember having a hard time coming home to get medicine because I couldn't get directions to the pharmacy on the way after her surgery.
봉봉이22 2024-03-03 (일) 17:11 6개월전 Address
I had a double amputation 5 years ago, and it was nice that there was no overtreatment and the conversation was comfortable. The lines came out neatly, but as I got older, my eyes started to droop, so I decided to get another surgery from Dr. Lee.
정동글 2024-01-15 (월) 03:42 8개월전 Address
The director, who is good at double eyelid surgery, is a plastic surgeon and does it on a case-by-case basis, but he is good at it on a case-by-case basis. The explanation may seem a bit lacking, but your surgical skills seem to be good.

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