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Never Do Noble Cat Surgery

지와민맘 2022-05-20 (금) 13:00 2 Years ago 7105
I went to a consultation for facial contouring zygoma surgery, and was advised to undergo surgery on the cheekbones and Noble Cats front cheekbones saying that the center of the face is depressed. has not been instructed in detail. After the surgery, the face with foreign substances in it was not very pretty, but rather awkward and uncomfortable. Everyone who saw me had a better face before surgery, but when I was told what I had done to my face, I was so stressed out, so I decided to get rid of it.. In the end, I took a CT scan at another hospital 6 months after the operation, and I was shocked when I checked it out. Although it had only been 6 months, there was a lot of bone erosion, and the implants that were covered just above the gums were in a position where the gums could not be damaged later. Wonjang Paik clearly said that there was no bone erosion at Youve, but when I looked it up, there was bone erosion other than me. Had I known that Noble Cat was such an operation, I would never have done it. It is the cost of removal and it is hard work, and I am so upset and angry.. Lee Hospital is a hospital that looks too business-friendly, but Won-Jang Baek consults on YouTube pretending to be patient. If there is a major problem or there is no deformity, please do not perform surgery to insert an implant.
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※ 공익을 목적으로 한 병원명 노출은 폭넓게 허용하지만 성공 후기나 추천 등 병원에 포괄적 홍보 이익이 발생할 수 있는 경우 '병원 및 의사명 노출'은 금지합니다.
※ 특정 병원을 반복해서 추천하거나 반복해서 비방하는 경우는 아이디가 정지됩니다.

성예사지박령 쪽지보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 차단하기 2022-05-22 (일) 21:30 2 Years ago
애초에 보형물을 권장하는게 좀 못미더웠는데 이런 일이 있었네요ㅠ 저도 이 곳 저 곳 다녀보면 다들 턱을 어떻게 하라고 말하는데 이 병원은 턱은 손 댈 필요없다고 중안면부에 보형물을 추천해서 긴가민가했어요.... ㅠ코에 넣는 실리콘도 염려스러운데 본시멘트를 넣는걸 쉽게 얘기하셔서 의아했었어요 하루빨리 마음 편해지시기를 바랍니다
Comment 19
akaha 2022-05-20 (금) 13:14 2 Years ago Address
지와민맘 Writer 2022-05-21 (토) 00:28 2 Years ago Address
akaha 2022-05-21 (토) 01:32 2 Years ago Address
송225 2022-05-22 (일) 14:46 2 Years ago Address
성예사지박령 2022-05-22 (일) 21:30 2 Years ago Address
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