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Review after 3 years of orthodontic treatment

조녜되고싶다 2022-02-06 (일) 11:49 2 Years ago 1072
I decided to have orthodontic treatment due to my rabbit front teeth and protruding mouth . At first, I got braces done by Dr. Jihye Jang at Apgujeong ㅇㅇㅇㅇ Dental Clinic . After more than a year, I got braces done by Dr. Hojeong Hong due to giving birth. The cost was 250 from Clippy (I don't think there was a monthly fee). I think I got a 25? or 27? final brace. Of course, I had to pay separately for things like cavities in the middle. This place was reservation-based, so it was convenient but inconvenient haha... I was a college student at the time and had to go up to Seoul from the provinces to get it done... It's a matter of choosing a date. It was more difficult. I had a total of 4 teeth extracted... haha. As for post-orthodontic care... I spent 3 years without braces... hehe. Still, I'm doing well without any crooked teeth. I didn't usually floss, but I've been flossing recently, so that's a good thing. ...better...? Haha, after braces, my smile is definitely better than before braces, and I feel good when people around me hear that I did a good job with braces. Haha, I definitely feel like my teeth have weakened... I think it's right to avoid adult braces as much as possible. I hope you all have successful braces.
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Comment 5
꽃보다졔졔 2022-02-06 (일) 16:33 2 Years ago Address
비열한완두콩 2022-02-06 (일) 22:13 2 Years ago Address
아잉오웅 2022-02-11 (금) 14:17 2 Years ago Address
은하수미리내 2022-02-19 (토) 15:45 2 Years ago Address
소연을말해봐 2022-02-22 (화) 16:47 2 Years ago Address
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