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Late 2nd year of malocclusion mandibular surgery

비키3530 2021-11-19 (금) 22:15 2 Years ago 1558
I had a grade 3 malocclusion, and after the operation, I had to take more of the lower teeth forward because of the arrangement of the teeth. I had surgery at a contouring hospital that was recommended by a dentist in Busan, and after the surgery, I was advised to advance the chin, considering the profile of the nose and lower lip line after surgery. After mandibular surgery, I am very, very satisfied when I see only the symmetry and shape. But now, after over 2 years, I have no problem with the sensation elsewhere, but the lower left lip is a little dull However, I do sometimes regret it. There seems to be a lot of subjective part about how good the tip of the chin is, and I think it would be okay to have a chin that is rather close to the chin. It is emphasized and the airway is narrowed , but if you advance the chin, there are advantages in that part . I made it small so the clown was too prominent lol I'm thinking of a deformed 15-minute clown, I 'm worried because it's non-union and moving, I have to apply for leave to the company, but I'm worried about whether I should just say that I'm getting plastic surgery . You can also do it well. If you look closely at the hospital and find a suitable surgery , your confidence will increase in your daily life .

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Comment 2
디비딥딕 2021-11-21 (일) 23:07 2 Years ago Address
dawnstar 2021-12-10 (금) 00:37 2 Years ago Address
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