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Review of 1 year since orthodontics

파이리9002 2021-10-24 (일) 17:12 2 Years ago 1116
Hello, I started orthodontic treatment around this time last year. It wasn't a very protruding mouth, but I felt it was protruding enough by my standards. The reason was that when I smiled, the corners of my mouth were unnatural and my mouth stuck out like a bird's beak. I had an accident while riding a mountain bike in my early twenties, and my mouth was hit so hard by the bike that my teeth became misaligned. As time went by, I felt like my teeth were becoming more misaligned, so I decided to get braces. A total of 4 teeth were extracted above and below the 4th tooth, and the upper and lower teeth were straightened for almost a year, but the upper teeth extraction space has not closed yet, and the lower teeth are less straightened than the upper teeth, but the extraction space is closing to some extent. Also, I was worried that my overbite was getting worse, so I asked the doctor, and he told me not to worry too much because it would all be corrected later, so I believe him.. haha. But my mouth feels a little indented, but the space for the upper teeth to be extracted is still too big, so I was worried that it would end up like this. During the consultation, I was told that I could just pull the back molars, so I'll tell you again later when they start pulling in earnest! First of all, my younger brother had non-extraction orthodontic treatment here when he was a teenager, and it went so well that I am working hard even though it is far from home. It seems that other people finish straightening and pulling after a year, but I have the middle of my lower teeth. I haven't attached the brackets to the two teeth yet , so it will likely take a bit longer to straighten them out. Even though my mouth looks a little recessed now, it still feels like the mouth is protruding and the philtrum has become a bit longer, like an orangutan's mouth, so I'm depressed because the off-season for my appearance is so serious. I hope I can pull it in quickly. ㅜㅜ

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※ 특정 병원을 반복해서 추천하거나 반복해서 비방하는 경우는 아이디가 정지됩니다.

Comment 9
코코링구 2021-10-29 (금) 23:32 2 Years ago Address
파이리9002 Writer 2021-12-04 (토) 16:52 2 Years ago Address
영영yyy 2021-10-30 (토) 20:49 2 Years ago Address
파이리9002 Writer 2021-12-04 (토) 16:52 2 Years ago Address
악마준 2021-11-01 (월) 16:43 2 Years ago Address
파이리9002 Writer 2021-12-04 (토) 16:52 2 Years ago Address
뿌뿌빠빠롱이 2021-11-04 (목) 01:01 2 Years ago Address
파이리9002 Writer 2021-12-04 (토) 16:53 2 Years ago Address
60qns 2022-03-05 (토) 00:17 2 Years ago Address
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