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Jawline job

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[Double Jaw]

This is a review 6 months after surgery!

찹쌀꽈배기는 2024-08-01 (목) 17:09 1 Months ago 1128
12 만원

Hello, it's been 6 months since I had double jaw surgery and contouring surgery 2, so I'm writing a review!! Before the surgery, I had severe malocclusion and a prognathism, so I had orthodontic treatment. However, although it improved a lot with orthodontic treatment, normal occlusion that covers the upper and lower teeth was not possible for me.. So I had double jaw surgery, and I'm really satisfied with itㅎㅎ Now, time seems to heal, and I can work and exercise just like before the surgery! As for the swelling, the swelling has gone down, so the square jaw and chin area are a little less, but it's definitely gone down more than 3 months ago! In fact, I didn't really feel the swelling going down because I see my face every day, but when I saw the progress photos taken by the hospital, I could definitely feel it! And I can eat anything except for food that's too chewy or hard! However, since it's post-orthodontic treatment, there are many inconveniences, such as everything getting stuck every time I eatㅠㅠ But I can endure it and eat it..! The reactions from those around me were that the surgery went so smoothly and naturally that people who see me for the first time don't know that I had the surgery if I don't tell them, and people who already knew me compliment me, saying that I look rounder and younger than beforeㅎ This time, when I went for my 6-month checkup, the director told me that my bones had healed well, and while comparing the pictures, especially the side view! (Happily) said that it seemed to have gone well! Then he asked me if I would have the surgery again, and I told him that I would without a second thought~ Before the surgery, others might not notice my face, but I was always stressed out about things like the asymmetry and flat side of my face!! But these days, I have no worries, and I am so satisfied with the surgery! Waiguang is the best!!ㅎㅎ
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