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Jawline job

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[Double Jaw]

Western music

맹819 2023-07-17 (월) 03:28 11 Months ago 3339
1100 만원
1800 days
- It has been 5 years since the surgery (done in 2018) - There was no problem with the occlusion, so no correction - Surprisingly, there was no sagging. This seems to be due to innate skin characteristics. I have had a complex with my protruding mouth and long face since I was young. Even though it was a major surgery, the reason why I was more excited, hopeful, and confident than worried was because I was very stressed about my facial shape, but the trust I felt in the hospital through reviews and consultations also played a big part. They caught me on a holiday and weekend alone without telling any of my family or acquaintances. Because it was a holiday , I was the only one in the hospital with the lights on in the hospital room, bathroom, and hallway I was using . Actually, it was more comfortable. I take a lot of comfortable walks while holding the IV stand. The nurse in charge was waiting in the side room and came when it was time to administer medicine and when I rang the bell. Even though it was a holiday, Director Kim Jong-yoon came to disinfect and check the progress. Although I was in pain during my one-day hospitalization, it wasn't difficult at all. Rather, I was as excited as an elementary school student the night before going on a picnic. Just by looking at the mummy's silhouette in the mirror, the petite length of the lower abdomen and perfect side lines make you forget about the pain. People who are conservative in plastic surgery know that they will die if they do plastic surgery, especially double jaw surgery. It is true that double jaw surgery is a major surgery, but if you only see a skilled and responsible doctor, and if there is someone who has suffered from stress and low self-esteem for a long time like me, I recommend doing it. . Actually, I thought it was okay to die while receiving it. Since I was going to live the rest of my life with that face anyway, I thought, why not pay 10 million won for euthanasia in a country where euthanasia is illegal ?
이유구강악안면외과's Community Reviews (Total 83)
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※ 특정 병원을 반복해서 추천하거나 반복해서 비방하는 경우는 아이디가 정지됩니다.

Comment 7
말랑씽 2023-07-19 (수) 00:56 11 Months ago Address
김김킴 2023-07-20 (목) 19:02 11 Months ago Address
우리집고양이야옹 2023-07-20 (목) 19:44 11 Months ago Address
혀정쓰 2023-07-28 (금) 11:47 10 Months ago Address
김무지개 2023-07-28 (금) 15:12 10 Months ago Address
탄피목걸이 2023-07-30 (일) 17:06 10 Months ago Address
바나나롤 2023-09-13 (수) 11:54 9 Months ago Address
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