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Laminate hurts my teeth

레몬망고링 2022-09-19 (월) 19:43 1 Years ago 1839
These days, it may not hurt as much as I do with minimal tooth preparation, but it's a review of a laminator that has been around for more than 5 years. Apparently, the middle of the upper teeth is wide open, and I am nervous like SpongeBob . In fact, there are three canines and the remaining teeth are gathered together to look good?? At that time, the teacher in charge recommended laminate. But since they are specialized in implants, a doctor who is really famous for Lamy will come and do it for you (I had to run away at this time) I did 4 Lamy + whitening and it was about 320... .. At the time, I was stupid that I knew it and put up with it. Since I was laminated, I became a person who couldn't eat cold and hot things.. Especially after eating ice cream, my gums froze and melted. ㅠㅠㅠㅠ Only the shape of the teeth has become beautiful.. I can't even dream of cutting something with my front teeth.. Those of you who want to make a ramie, please take note ㅠㅠ
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Comment 9
다이님 2022-09-21 (수) 00:46 1 Years ago Address
m큐리 2022-09-22 (목) 15:50 1 Years ago Address
피콕 2022-09-23 (금) 23:07 1 Years ago Address
코대박나고싶다 2022-09-29 (목) 02:32 1 Years ago Address
미영찐 2022-09-29 (목) 06:54 1 Years ago Address
모모장 2022-09-29 (목) 20:32 1 Years ago Address
우쭈쭈님 2022-09-30 (금) 14:47 1 Years ago Address
동동이동동주 2023-01-14 (토) 10:57 1 Years ago Address
우기우기우기 2023-04-05 (수) 21:43 1 Years ago Address
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