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Jawline job

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[Double Jaw]

Square Jaw + Double Jaw + Spatial Jaw

유밍치 2022-06-12 (일) 16:31 2 Years ago 2242
2000 만원
4380 days
About 8 years ago, I underwent double jaw + square jaw + double jaw surgery at the hospital. Before the operation, blood was collected, and blood to be used in case of excessive bleeding was prepared separately. I heard that the operation took longer than other people, so I had to receive an additional blood transfusion at another hospital. The results were satisfactory, and there were no side effects after surgery. However, both sides are still too wide, so additional cheek surgery is being considered. The hospital is competent, and its fine. The face has gotten a lot smaller than before, but its not plastic surgery, but Im still not satisfied with the aesthetics, so Im thinking of additional cheekbone surgery.

※ 공익을 목적으로 한 병원명 노출은 폭넓게 허용하지만 성공 후기나 추천 등 병원에 포괄적 홍보 이익이 발생할 수 있는 경우 '병원 및 의사명 노출'은 금지합니다.
※ 특정 병원을 반복해서 추천하거나 반복해서 비방하는 경우는 아이디가 정지됩니다.

Comment 9
그랭용 2022-06-13 (월) 12:39 2 Years ago Address
유밍치 Writer 2022-08-30 (화) 20:18 1 Years ago Address
디에고피 2022-06-14 (화) 01:11 2 Years ago Address
유밍치 Writer 2022-08-30 (화) 20:18 1 Years ago Address
시스템1 2022-06-14 (화) 22:46 2 Years ago Address
유밍치 Writer 2022-08-30 (화) 20:19 1 Years ago Address
제이쿤 2022-06-15 (수) 01:17 2 Years ago Address
유밍치 Writer 2022-08-30 (화) 20:19 1 Years ago Address
쿠허 2022-08-02 (화) 23:03 1 Years ago Address
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