hello. I had surgery in 15 years. I write only on the outline side and
then write it again on both jaws. Double
jaw surgery + square jaw + tip of chin + cheekbone surgery.
In the hospital, I am satisfied with the professionalism of Dr. J. Dental High School, mind, management, and the results so far.
Anyway, the surgery went very well and I am doing well with no major side effects.
I had surgery at the dentist where Dr. Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery is located.
My jaw protrudes more than anyone else.... Life itself was uncomfortable and I lived a lot of wounded days, but
after the surgery, all the pain and discomfort are gone and I am living a new life.
Everyone around me said that I had the surgery, but because the purpose of treatment is a cut, everyone around me tells me that the surgery went well. Hehe
I had to make a decision carefully because the surgery I performed was such a big operation
. I hope you find a specialist and do it. Enjoy the rest of your day ^^