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Facial bone job

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규규 2016-07-06 (수) 03:53 8 Years ago 4842

Comment 14
예뻐질래s2 2016-07-06 (수) 22:55 8 Years ago Address
Huh... I have an Indian wrinkle after my cheekbones, so I'm waiting for the swelling to go away as it goes down... Does it get worse as it goes down?
땡땡김 Writer 2016-07-07 (목) 16:37 8 Years ago Address
[@Will you become prettier s2] Hull, do you also have Indian wrinkles under your cheeks? If you push it upward with the palm of your hand while washing your face, the boundary is clear; I can see it well from the day I took the bandage off, but if I crave it hard, it looks really good.
예뻐질래s2 2016-07-07 (목) 16:41 8 Years ago Address
[ @Dangdaenggim] I also get worse when I'm hungry, but the swelling is disappearing as it goes down, so I'm praying it's because of the swelling ㅠㅠ
땡땡김 Writer 2016-07-07 (목) 16:43 8 Years ago Address
[@Will you become prettier s2] Did you make it fixed? I also have a lot of swelling on my cheeks and lower ducts, so I hope those wrinkles will disappear when all of this is gone.
예뻐질래s2 2016-07-07 (목) 16:45 8 Years ago Address
[   @Dangdaenggim] It's fixed ㅠ I think the swelling on the cheeks side has gone down as well, but I'm just waiting for the day the stitches will be removed ㅠ
예뻐질래s2 2016-07-07 (목) 16:50 8 Years ago Address
[@Dangdaenggim]   Then you could have poured more!! You are going to be so pretty!!!!
미오오 2016-07-07 (목) 00:14 8 Years ago Address
Did you do it in chuk jeogoo??
청아쓰 2016-07-09 (토) 15:27 8 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
룰루낸내 2016-07-13 (수) 08:20 8 Years ago Address
헉 왜 비고정으로 하셨어요 고정으로해도 벌어지는경우가 있는데ㅠㅠ
xjidjshaj 2016-07-19 (화) 15:27 8 Years ago Address
혹시 병원어딘지알수있을까요?
다가바아마 2016-07-24 (일) 23:13 8 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
킥키릸ㅎ투 2016-07-29 (금) 17:58 8 Years ago Address
요즘 턱 상담 다니고 있는데.. ㅠㅠ 붓기가 일주일이면 돌아다닐 수있다하더니 그건 아닌가봐요..
미스온 2016-08-01 (월) 10:08 8 Years ago Address
지금은 어떠신가요 저도 볼살 지흡 하려고 하는데 패임이나 쳐짐 올까봐 고민중이네요
쿠키칩 2017-01-27 (금) 20:24 7 Years ago Address
헉 비고정이라니, , , 지금은 괜찮으신가요?
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